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Is there a thread on chores?

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I have decided I am doing my children a great injustice...no assigned chores. I need to reform. I've read Manager of Their Chores and failed to implement it. I laughed and then cried when I happened upon the "life skills" section of the SL IG the other day. I need to let go and give my DC this responsibility. I need baby steps that are realistic for a family of 7, with DD10, twin DD6's, DS 4 and baby. This is my second year HS and I am ready to change...

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Do you still have Managers of their Chores?


We just implemented it today and I'm exhausted. How can giving out chores make MORE work for me? Granted, though, the house is tidy :)


I do like the way they blend normal daily activities (brushing teeth) into the chore cards. This way ds doesn't complain as much as he had when I tried to just make a chore chart. Breaking it down into am, afternoon, and pm helped too.


IOW, I have no good advice :p but I do feel your pain.

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Chores can be so flexible based on what works for each family - I hope you get a lot of ideas from here.


We have morning chores to be completed while I make breakfast:

all: make bed and clean room (dd3 gets assist, and I don't expect beds to be perfect, but I do expect an effort)

dd7: feed and fresh water for cats, sweep two bathrooms OR vacuums 2 flights of steps

ds5 & dd3: empty all inside trash bins into kitchen bag; carry recycling to outside bin


All kids also help with mealtime, be it setting the table (primarily dd3, ds5), or cleaning up (primarily dd9). All kids help to scrape their plates and load dishwasher. Kids may be required to help sweep the floor, wipe down table and chairs, as needed. (They love using the Swiffer.)


During the day, everyone helps clean up, and they also help switch the laundry (one of their favorite jobs) and they are also in charge of "sock scramble" - all clean socks in a basket, they sort and put away. (I don't like to pair socks.) They also love to wash windows (certainly not perfectly), and my oldest has asked to add ironing to her weekly chores. I figured she can iron the napkins if she really wants to. Who am I to say no? :D


My dh is really great about encouraging "many hands make light work."

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I think chores are definitely good for children. My two are only 5 and 2, but I have my 5 year old help me out. I dont have her do too much at this young age (mostly because I dont want to have to worry about re-doing it myself LOL) but I do have her to some things.


She is responsible for cleaning up her toys. I try to make her two year old sister help her, but my 2 year old is not too good at cleaning up. She is also responsible for checking the two bathroom trash cans each night to see if they need emptying. If they do, she brings them and dumps them into the big trash can and replaces the bags. She also feeds and waters the dog, as well as her African Dwarf frogs. She clears her trash/dishes from the table and puts them beside the sink. And when I need her to, I have her load the washer (I do the detergent though) and have her switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer and clean the lint trap (we have front loaders). Plus bring me dirty clothes from hampers in each room.


Not sure when I'll be able to hand over actual deep cleaning jobs LOL.

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We distinguish between personal care--make bed, brush teeth, get dressed, pick up toys--and household chores. I see the personal care as good habits to instill, things we all have to do every day. The household chores are a part of pitching in to keep our home clean.


Each child has a morning chore. I went around the house and made a list of all of the little things about which I was always saying, "I should do that as soon as I have time." Things like wiping the light switches and door handles, wiping the bathroom counters between cleaning, wiping down the kitchen cabinets and the front of the refrigerator.....Then I divvied the tasks up between the children. We have a daily chore chart for these chores.


Ds 8's chores, for example:

Monday: Wipe dining chairs

Tuesday: Sweep garage, porch and basement steps

Wednesday: Clean pantry doors and kitchen cabinets

Thursday: Pick up room and tidy toys

Friday: Sweep steps again


We all have tasks related to cleaning after the evening meal. Ds 8 helps dh clean and sweeps the kitchen. Ds 6 clears the table with me and sweeps under the table. Ds 4 helps clear and takes dish towels to the washer.


And Saturday is Cleaning Day. We all pitch in. They help wash windows, empty trash cans, clean the floors. I asked, "Who wants to vacuum? Who wants to mop?" and got "Me! Me! Me!" from all three boys, lol. Cracked me up. I'm sure it will wear off eventually, but by then it'll be too late. <evil cackle>


Once my 6 y.o. complained, "How come YOU don't have to do chores?????" :lol: I told him I'd trade laundry and making breakfast and lunch and cleaning and teaching for wiping the bathroom counter. His little face just fell. "Oh."



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