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Ds's current assignment is...

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Ds's current assignment is, right now, at this exact moment in time:

"I will not be sarcastic, rude and disrespectful during schoolwork." In cursive, 50 times.


I remember having to write sentences like this for pages when I was his age. We could chose writing sentences over corporal punishment at my junior high.


I have just so had it with his attitude! It's not all the time, but I've been battling it for the last hour and we are only on problem #3!


Anyway, I just had to vent!

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DS: "Mom, I only did 15, my wrist hurts and I'm really sorry."


I hand the paper back to him.


DS: "You mean you're really going to make me do all 50?!"


ME: "yep"


DS: "You realize I won't be able to do Jiu-Jitsu tonight. You'll be wasting your money."


ME: "Well remember that next time when you receive a warning."


Ds trudges off to complete his horrible, unfair, abusive assignment given by his horrible, unfair, abusive mother/teacher.





Oh well. Someday he'll thank me, right? It will get easier, right? I need to instill respect in him, right?

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DS: Mom, I pretty sure that if you have weak wrists, like I do,(he does not! lol) that writing too much will sprain or even break my wrist.


Me: Well, honey if that happens I promise I will take you to the doctor.


DS: Gee, thanks mom.


I did manage to keep a straight face!


Thanks, everyone for hugs and comments! I know we all have days like this. Must...keep...a...sense...of...humor...




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So he finally finished all 50, with decent handwriting. I asked him if the last hour of his life had been purposeful. When he said yes, I almost gave him 50 more sentences! But, he said he practiced writing with his left hand, strengthened his wrist and thought about his attitude. So, I guess if you look at it that way, then it was purposeful.


I'm just glad it's over. Now we'll see what happens when he gets home from Ji Jitsu and has to finish his math lesson.


Thanks for all the chuckles ladies! Good night!

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Aaah... we have a paper trail like this!!


When writing the sentenced didn't get through to one, he had to look up the dictionary definition for obedience and respect. He thought that after he wrote out the definitions, he was done. Ha ha ha ha ha. Nope. I took the paper, thanked him and asked him to do it all over again. A few times. Haven't had to do anything like that in a while. ;)

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I have a middle school boy (11) who wants to go to ps sooooooo bad! It is all about the "social" aspect and did I mention he really likes girls? I also have a 9yo ds and a 5 yo ds and they are very happy to be at home. My 11 yo is making things very stressful for me, it's as if he's already given up at home and it's not like I was ever really happy with what he was giving in the first place. He actually has me convinced right now that school would be better for him and that he just doesn't work well with me. Although I do worry about his academics, I am more concerned about the person he is becoming and that his heart belongs to the Lord. He would be such a follower in ps and would seek any kind of attention. I keep praying that God will lead us to the right direction but I am so overwhelmed by stress and doubt. Maybe I am not cut out to do this. Maybe he would be better off in school, but isn't that giving up? I don't know how much more stress i can take!



Edited by mamafox
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Guest Virginia Dawn
Ds's current assignment is, right now, at this exact moment in time:

"I will not be sarcastic, rude and disrespectful during schoolwork." In cursive, 50 times.


I remember having to write sentences like this for pages when I was his age. We could chose writing sentences over corporal punishment at my junior high.


I have just so had it with his attitude! It's not all the time, but I've been battling it for the last hour and we are only on problem #3!


Anyway, I just had to vent!


I had to laugh, we did this very thing last week. Hope tomorrow is better for you.

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