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13 year old girls are very........

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I'm trying to think of the right word. She has only been 13 for less than a week. But I am ready for her to go back to being 12.


For eaxmple, we drive to pizza parlor to pick up a pie. She comes out with 2 slices. What????? Goes back inside to pick up pizza pie.


This is her first year homeschooling and things have been going amazingly well. Until today. She is yelling and slamming books around. Her goal is to do as little work as possible.


Her 10 year old brother finishes his work before her. So she figures that she must be finished too. Or not.


Breathe in, breathe out.

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easily exasperated


prone to playing loud show tunes at obnoxious times






We can get overly busy here at our house, so when my daughter was 13 it was crucial for me to pull her along side of me for some one on one time. I always got a good return for that time spent, even if all we did was read our novels next to each other after the littles had been put to bed.

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When ds was 11 and 12, I started saying to him: "I'm warning you now - 13 sucks. There is nothing you can do about it except wait for 14". He'd ask why, and I'd tell him that no one would consider him a kid any longer, but no one would treat him like an adult, either. And puberty would hit him like a freight train.


Kid said to me: "mom - why are you telling me this now?" I replied, "because you're not going to listen to me when you're 13. At all."


Fast forward. Kid will turn 16 soon. A couple of months ago, out of the blue, kid turned to me and said, "you know what, mom? Thirteen really sucked."



I think it is the universal suckage age.




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All of the above, summed up in a word - erratic.


And I am still trying to figure out whether it is a privilege or a curse to, as her mother, absorb the brunt of it.


I get frustrated with her, but when I look at how her body has changed so much in the last 18 months, I must remember that the only thing that changed me that rapidly (post-puberty) was pregnancy. When I remember to consider that, I have much more empathy for those raging hormones.

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