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What to do with a 3yr old escape artist?

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My ds is 3 and has successfully mastered getting himself out of his carseat seatbelt - while I'm driving! For the most part the only time he unlocks all three buckles is when stop the car or we turn down our road. But that is too much.


What can I do? I have tried and tried and tried explaining the need of the seatbelt to him. He seems to completely understand this, but it is fun and exciting to get out of his seat and jump into the other one while I'm going for his door. I can't tell him that he won't be allowed to drive with me because the fact is that I cannot leave him home.


Any ideas?

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I can't tell him that he won't be allowed to drive with me because the fact is that I cannot leave him home.



You're right, you can't leave him home. But you can certainly plan a really fun outing for him and tell him that its occurrence depends on his NOT unbuckling himself for the several days prior to the fun.


I would also, every time he unbuckles, make him sit on a chair for 15 minutes as soon as you get in the house.



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My ds is 3 and has successfully mastered getting himself out of his carseat seatbelt - while I'm driving! For the most part the only time he unlocks all three buckles is when stop the car or we turn down our road. But that is too much.


What can I do? I have tried and tried and tried explaining the need of the seatbelt to him. He seems to completely understand this, but it is fun and exciting to get out of his seat and jump into the other one while I'm going for his door. I can't tell him that he won't be allowed to drive with me because the fact is that I cannot leave him home.


Any ideas?


My son also did this when he moved to a booster. My solution was to move him back to the 'baby' seat until I could trust him not to unbuckle himself. It didn't take long.


I'm gathering though that your 3 year old is still in the harness type seat?

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My ds is 3 and has successfully mastered getting himself out of his carseat seatbelt - while I'm driving! For the most part the only time he unlocks all three buckles is when stop the car or we turn down our road. But that is too much.


What can I do? I have tried and tried and tried explaining the need of the seatbelt to him. He seems to completely understand this, but it is fun and exciting to get out of his seat and jump into the other one while I'm going for his door. I can't tell him that he won't be allowed to drive with me because the fact is that I cannot leave him home.


Any ideas?


Oh and my escape artist was barely four and leaving the house during the night and the yard during the day. It was a nightmare.

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Do you have a bigger child that you can place in the seat next to your escape artist that can rebuckle and gently remind him to stay buckled?

I do this with my almost 3 yr old who is in a booster seat. He thought it was really funny when we changed vehicles and he could do the seatbelt in this vehicle. That lasted a day. We pulled over every time and he got in trouble every time. I did threaten to buy a harness car seat.

The novelty wore off as he was punished each time.

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I know this is not going to be popular and I don't want to start a debate...just ignore if you want to...This is unacceptable. You know how people say "we don't spank" or "we only spank if it is a life-threatening situation like running out into the street"? Well, that's not me, but if that is you, don't you think you would consider this a life-threatening situation?


3yos are not much for reasoning...they are not to the logic stage yet. Your 3yo needs to obey you and needs to understand the seriousness of doing so. I would pull over and spank every time but that's just me...I can tell by your question, that's not you but just think about the seriousness of the situation and don't be helpless...take control, for your son's sake.

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You may be able to turn the buckles around so that they are more difficult to unbuckle (not twisted around, but physically assembled inside out). I had to buy new buckles for my little escape artist years back. I think I put a stronger Graco buckle on a diff. brand seat.


ETA: He once even made his way into our LOCKED bedroom at a most inconvient time... so now we have a double lock... ;)

Edited by babysparkler
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I know this is not going to be popular and I don't want to start a debate...just ignore if you want to...This is unacceptable. You know how people say "we don't spank" or "we only spank if it is a life-threatening situation like running out into the street"? Well, that's not me, but if that is you, don't you think you would consider this a life-threatening situation?


3yos are not much for reasoning...they are not to the logic stage yet. Your 3yo needs to obey you and needs to understand the seriousness of doing so. I would pull over and spank every time but that's just me...I can tell by your question, that's not you but just think about the seriousness of the situation and don't be helpless...take control, for your son's sake.

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I agree with those who say it is time to train the child: stop the car. Our 3 year old has tried this once or twice, but the new thing is kicking the driver's seat. Either way, it's dangerous enough to be life threatening (yes: including distracting the driver by repeatedly kicking the seat).


So... I pull over at the nearest safe place (even if I have to get off a highway at the very next exit) and ds3 sits on the curb/sidewalk. I stand outside the vehicle, but give him no attention. After 3 minutes we have a *brief* discussion of what happened, he apologizes and agrees that he firmly intends not to do it again. I've never had it happen again in the same trip, but it has occasionally happened during other drives. Testing... you know!


Anyway, I've used this approach with all three kids and it's the absolute BEST and most efficient cure. (We do this with fighting in the car, too... anything that can distract the driver can be fatal.)


I wouldn't hesitate to act immediately for unbuckling. That's WAY serious.


Good luck!

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