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Guest 4boys

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I would like to read my boys more poetry but I need suggestions of some good poetry books for kids. They hate poems unless they are funny. I have read Now We are Six by A. A. Milne to them and they found it funny but beyond that, I don't know what else to get. We tried A Child's Garden of Verses but they didn't like it.


Help please? :D

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I would like to read my boys more poetry but I need suggestions of some good poetry books for kids. They hate poems unless they are funny. I have read Now We are Six by A. A. Milne to them and they found it funny but beyond that, I don't know what else to get. We tried A Child's Garden of Verses but they didn't like it.


Help please? :D


We love poetry too! DS6's favorite funny poetry book is Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face by Jack Prelutsky. He's a good author for the funny stuff but this is one particularly good one for early elementary boys, in my opinion. Also, it has a GREAT cd. The whole family likes to listen to it. Have you checked out Shel Silverstein? He's got great classics. Edward Lear is another favorite here. Try Poetry for Young People: Edward Lear. He's a hoot! Nonsense!, illustrated by Valorie Fisher is a favorite, all limericks. Who doesn't love a limerick?


I would also encourage you to buy a really good anthology with a mix of funny and serious poems, as you could draw them in with funny and get them to love poetry in all its forms. Here are some of our favorites.


The Random House Book of Poetry for Children


The 20th Century Children's Poetry Treasury


The Golden Books Family Treasury of Poetry


This last one is our favorite, even though there are no pictures, a great read for tea time... Favorite Poems Old and New


ETA: OK, now I'm just entertaining myself going through our poetry collection. We also have Prelutsky's haiku collection, If Not for the Cat.


If not for the cat,

and the scarcity of cheese,

I could be content.


...written by a mouse, of course. What's better than that? :)

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Shel Silverstein


From the Amazon review:


Silly, silly Shel Silverstein. For more than 25 years, he has taken children exactly where they want to go with poetry: into the world of nonsense and wordplay. Take "Instructions," for example:

If you should ever choose

To bathe an armadillo,

Use one bar of soap

And a whole lot of hope

And seventy-two pads of Brillo.

Is there a moral? A higher meaning? A lesson? Most certainly not--except perhaps in bathing armadillos. The late poet's collection of verse and pen-and-ink drawings, Where the Sidewalk Ends, is the bestselling children's poetry book of all time. Now, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of this literary marvel, a special new edition is available, complete with a CD featuring 10 of his nuttiest poems. The compilation, "recited, sung, and shouted" by Silverstein himself, features highlights from his Grammy Award-winning album, including "Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too," "With His Mouth Full of Food," "Crocodile's Toothache," and "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out." No child--or grownup, for that matter--should be without this collection, or its companion, A Light in the Attic. (Ages 5 and older) --Emilie Coulter

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Two more anthologies you might enjoy are:


Poem Stew (out of print now, but still available in most libraries), 'cause it has lots of (mostly funny) poems about one of little boys' favorite topics: food!


Poetry Speaks to Children isn't all "funny" poems, though many of them are. It's a great collection of children's favorites though, and some of the readings are just phenomenal.

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Karla Kuskin and Dennis Lee are our favourite contemporary children's poets. See if your library has Kuskin's Moon, Have You Met My Mother, an unfortunately OOP collection of her best poems.

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We LOVE Jack Pretlusky in our house. We started with him by listening to a CD of A Pizza the Size of the Sun. What FUN!!! Now we have a few of his books - highly recommend for fun, funny poems!!


What a coincidence!


We read "The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders" this evening, and "In Aunt Giraffe's Green Garden" earlier in the week :001_smile:



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There is a poet, who happens to be a homeschooler, who has written some very good books.


I swear I can't believe I forgot his name, and I don't feel like going upstairs for it....


But his book of poems about the human body "The Blood-Hungry Spleen" is a hoot.


He also wrote "Immersed in Verse" and a version of Lewis and Clark's journey.

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