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Homeschooling can be hard. But some days are harder than others.

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I've decided to be "bad cop" for halloween. That way I won't need a costume. :glare:


I will hold fast.


I will insist on neat work.


I will use the red pen.


I will make them think harder.


I will encourage, but not bail them out.


I will not be the favorite parent if necessary.


I will not remember these days one day.



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It would be so much easier if all we had to do was homeschool. You know, do school, then go back to bed and let someone else worry about the house, dinner, groceries, the bills, etc. I think I could do this hsing much better then.:D


Hang in there, girl. There's a whole legion of us bad cops out here!

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You go girl!!!!!



I'm in good company! Yesterday I came down on the kids because they had a history project due (knew about it 2 weeks ago and reminded a lot since) and they weren't ready. "I thought it was due in the afternoon!" dd13 said. What????? You had 2 weeks! It's not my fault that you spent then entire afternoon the day before playing games when you should have been finishing your project!!!!!! Anyway, it's just good to see that I'm not alone.

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It would be so much easier if all we had to do was homeschool. You know, do school, then go back to bed and let someone else worry about the house, dinner, groceries, the bills, etc. I think I could do this hsing much better then.:D


Hang in there, girl. There's a whole legion of us bad cops out here!


:iagree: Thanks for 'normalizing' my life! We are faced with particular challenges as we are living in a Marriott Residence Inn while our home is put back together.


My goal this week is to prepare FIVE dinners (Monay-Friday) in our teeny weeny little kitchen and not darken the door of any restaurants....baby steps!


and for me.....I am letting the housekeeping staff in every day to 'do their thing.' The past two weeks, I would smile and just take clean towels and tell them I 'would take care of it' and send them on their way.........not this week!

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Hang in there. My last 2 weeks have been unbearable. Halloween and an All Saint's Day party are on the line here. I WILL be strong!





Yes, I have been threatening for two weeks not to go to the Halloween party or a birthday party tomorrow, if we don't all work hard this week. Meanwhile, I'm feeling a bit sick and not planning on starting school till later today. Not a very bad cop, huh? I'll be tough later.:001_smile:

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Some days really are hard. The worst ones are when you want to throw them all on the big yellow bus then run away to a deserted island with a good book. Or hide in the closet and eat an entire bag of chocolate.


Not that I would know anything about that. :glare:



I'm supposed to hide in the closet while I eat my chocolate?? I just tell them they can't have any because they've been bugging me so much and now I NEED it to feel better.:D


And yes, I have had more than a few of those days when I have seen the bus going past EARLY and I think, they could be on that. NOW.



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We've had 3 bad weeks straight. Yesterday I said enough and became the bad cop. I am now the hated parent. The kids wrote notes to Dad saying that they love him and their little brother and will miss them but they have to leave.


Honestly, I wasn't that hard on them.


Now Dad is also the hated parent. He took away a bunch of toys this morning after telling the kids to clean their room. Nearly an hour later and there were still toys all over the floor. Dad went in with a box and collected everything still on the floor. (I would have collected everything not in the right place too).


Now I'm left to spend the day with grumpy children.

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It would be so much easier if all we had to do was homeschool. You know, do school, then go back to bed and let someone else worry about the house, dinner, groceries, the bills, etc. I think I could do this hsing much better then.:D


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