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FLEAS.... a couple of questions.....

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Let me start by saying that I've never, EVER had a flea issue on my dogs/cats. Really--- I know it sounds implausible, but yeah. Never. Now my animals have them, but I've never seen one on the carpet, kid, anything. So I really don't think it's a BAAAD house infestation, is it?


Dh bought some K-9 Advantage stuff at Petco on Sunday-- the same kind the vet sells. $68 for the dog package, $100 (!!!) for the cat package. I nearly died. So we applied it according to pkg directions-- now it's Wednesday and they are STILL scratching! They STILL have fleas! Now, I still have to vacuum the house and their bedding, (been working like crazy, and with election coming up, i"m having to do lots of office hours in the Registrar's office) so that's happening today.


But shouldn't things have slowed down a bit? For $200????


Second, does that Borax/Salt route for the carpeting really work?


Seriously, I"m leaving work this afternoon to go home and rip the house apart to get rid of these suckahs! I am positively OUT OF MY MIND about this!!!


anyone have a magic wand??



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Just because they're still scratching doesn't mean they still have fleas. Fleas bite, and the bites itch.


The top spot stuff should definitely break the cycle, but it does take more than a couple of days to get all un-itchy and for all the adults and eggs to die.


We rarely have a flea issue, either, but "somebody" is getting a bath with stinky shampoo today because I think she has vermin. Shhh. ;)

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Just because they're still scratching doesn't mean they still have fleas. Fleas bite, and the bites itch.


The top spot stuff should definitely break the cycle, but it does take more than a couple of days to get all un-itchy and for all the adults and eggs to die.


We rarely have a flea issue, either, but "somebody" is getting a bath with stinky shampoo today because I think she has vermin. Shhh. ;)


Nope, I"ve SEEN them. Last night I did another inspection and there those little creeps were.....not a care in the world, especially not the FREAKING FORTUNE'S WORTH OF NEUROTOXINS I DOUSED THE DOGS AND CATS WITH ON SUNDAY!!!


And really, I HATE to use those chemicals. I really do....but I cannot STAND fleas. I sucked up the cost because I thought, hey, I had to bring out the big guns. So far, they have NOT worked!


I tried to find Soph the Vet's social group and ask her about the efficacy of Advantage, but for some reason a search turns up no hits.


so does the borax treatment work?



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Hmmm... we used something similar on our cat when we had tried all kinds of other things. She was so infested that she was severely sick. It worked like a charm. The flees were falling off of her.


The first thing I would do is find my receipt and the packages and call the company that distributes/manufactures it. They will most likely do something for you. If you don't have the packages, then get new packages and read them the numbers from those (you don't have to buy them, you just need the numbers. shhhh!)

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Ooooh, well then, you either have a) new fleas that are hatching / hopping on that the neurotoxins will kill off or b) the scary fleas a friend of mine had on her chihuahua that seemed impervious to EVERYTHING. She did find that neem oil helped but I think she was bathing that poor creature a couple times a day. Another friend has had to have their house bombed professionally. Twice.


The fleas this season - at least here in the mid-Atlantic - have been something out of a Hitchcock movie.


No idea about the borax/salt for carpets. We don't have any. (Carpet, that is... we do have borax.)

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My X's cats had fleas and he did nothing to treat them. So my kids bought home fleas after visiting him (despite opening up their bags outside, washing everything in hot water).


Our dog got fleas. I got flea medicine from the vet (you apply directly to their skin) and took him for a flea bath. Cleaned the house like a crazy person and never had a problem again.

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This is my first year dealing with fleas also. Never had fleas before.


What you bought will break the cycle, but its not instant. You have fleas in your home--In the larva stage. The larva can stick around for up to 9 months. They lay in wait for a warm body to walk by. Then they hop on board. You want them to hop onto your animals because the treatment will poison them and keep them from making more fleas. Sorry, but I would expect to be dealing with it for about 30 days. Anything that can be dried---put in the dryer on high for more than 90 minutes. :glare:


Sorry, you're dealing with this. The vet here said that its been the worst flea season he's ever seen. Just keep vaccuumming, drying things. We also bought a fly bath that we had to use on our cats twice. After about 30 days, we were flea free.

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I'm battling fleas too. *sigh* Baby powder works well, gets into their exoskeleton and suffocates them, or something like that! Douse the pet and carpet with it and vacuum everyday. I put flea powder on both dogs and there bedding, but you're only supposed to use it once a week. I seem to have it under control with this method. Like someone else said, don't use scratching as an indicator because the bite could itch for days.

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Same problem here, except that our dog has been on the good stuff regularly for years. Vet says it is all the rain and he is having the same problem. We treated the yard but refuse to spray the house with chemicals. We vacuum like crazy and we never see fleas in the house, but I am sure they are here. Itching got so bad on our poor dog it caused an allergic reaction and hot spots. Looking forward to cold weather...:glare:

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ok not sure if you can bath then with the meds on them but honestly Dawn works like a miracle. the fleas will actually be dead in the bottom of the tub. It's not toxic but dont overuse or it will dry out their skin. we also spray ours down every few days with a water vinegar mixture. The smell goes away as soon as it dries and it keeps their coats shiny and repells the fleas. I also was told you can add a small amount of vinegar to their water and it will work over a long period. Haven't used that one.

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I feel your pain! We've never had fleas before either, but, while we were in the US for a visit our housesitter let the dogs play with the outside dogs and now we have fleas. (I was SO adamant about not letting our dogs play with the outside dog, but, he did it anyway)


We've done it all. I was told washing them in Dawn worked, and it did, but, then their skin is dry and flaky so they itch like crazy because of it. I used Advantage, it did nothing. I used flea bath. Nothing. I'm now using the flea/oatmeal bath because I feel so bad for them with their skin being so dry. Just yesterday our little schnauzer had more fleas. It's been a month and a half.


I've washed clothes, furniture, carpet, nothing helps. I'm about to make them coffee and call it good. I think they're here to stay.

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We raise Shetland Sheepdogs, here is the regimine I use, it works to a T for us, and not too difficult. We have a large number of dogs going in and out of the house and all over the backyard, and 0 fleas. :)


This one does take a few $$ to get started, but very inexpensive subsequently.


1. 2 Yard spray products- 'Conquer' and 'ARcher'




Remove kids and animals from any outdoor areas used by the animals.


You might find these under other names also, but make sure you

have the exact ingredients. Mix into a typical yard sprayer (like for

weeds) and spray the entire area occupied by your animals. Get in the

cracks and behind/under objects. Keep kids and animals off- I believe

it is 24 hrs, can check the label.

One of these kills the adult bugs, the other stops the larvae. These



2. Happy Jack flea dip


On the same day you spray the yard, dip all dogs in this mixture. Mix

according to label. Even with our large number of dogs, a bottle lasts us

2 seperate dippings. I only do this twice a year, at the start of warm

weather and August/September time frame.



The 2 spray products are a bit pricey, but you only spray the yard twice a year, same time frame as the dip. And the bottles last a long, long time.

MUCH more cost effective that the spot-on treatments, and IMO much safer all around. It is insecticide, but is not going in the bodily systems of the animal.

We have also found the spot-on treatments to start be becoming ineffective, no matter where purchased (vet, pet store,).


Just our method and it works perfect for us. :001_smile:

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Jazzyfizzle, My dogs are Shelties too. They are the best dogs I've ever owned. I'll never have another breed!


My dog(s) got the fleas after spending a week with a Sheltie Breeder while we were on vaca. I gave them the pet store drops on the neck before taking them, I think it was Hertz brand. It's seems to have worked for one dog and not the other. I saw another flea today on the one. Think I'll bath him again, ugh, washing all that hair isn't fun! His skin dry's out pretty easy, so I think I'll skip the Dawn. I'll have to check the pet store for something milder.

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Hi Astrid,


I think I would, as this has a residual action that will last you until next spring, I believe one bottle says 6 months. I could possibly mail you the amount for an application, if we could figure a way to seal them tight so no leaking.

The Happy Jack dip- http://www.gundogsupply.com/-1325-.html (just to show you the bottle- I have found it at Ace Hardware and our local hunting supply store) will kill any fleas on the animal. We use one of those large bushel type plastic buckets and sit the dogs down in- it is best if you can get the dog to lie down up the neck, and then gently sponge the rest, be sure to get the backs of the ears, under the jaw, ect, of course making sure not to get any in the eyes, nose, ears or mouth at all.

I keep them in the dip for a couple minutes.



Hi Tam, great to hear that, I just love shelties too, they are my lifetime passion! :D It is so difficult with all the fur we have to deal with.

If you try the dip, you will likely be happy with it, be sure to move the coat around down in the dip, so it is all being exposed to the dip solution. That sheltie hair has a way of being water repellent as you know.

I am sorry to hear your breeder is having trouble, I am happy with my routine, we have never found a flea since using it.




All the best

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Let me start by saying that I've never, EVER had a flea issue on my dogs/cats. Really--- I know it sounds implausible, but yeah. Never. Now my animals have them, but I've never seen one on the carpet, kid, anything. So I really don't think it's a BAAAD house infestation, is it?


Dh bought some K-9 Advantage stuff at Petco on Sunday-- the same kind the vet sells. $68 for the dog package, $100 (!!!) for the cat package. I nearly died. So we applied it according to pkg directions-- now it's Wednesday and they are STILL scratching! They STILL have fleas! Now, I still have to vacuum the house and their bedding, (been working like crazy, and with election coming up, i"m having to do lots of office hours in the Registrar's office) so that's happening today.


But shouldn't things have slowed down a bit? For $200????


Second, does that Borax/Salt route for the carpeting really work?


Seriously, I"m leaving work this afternoon to go home and rip the house apart to get rid of these suckahs! I am positively OUT OF MY MIND about this!!!


anyone have a magic wand??




Magic wand: Take the packages back to Petco and demand refund. Hopefully you'll get it.


Next step, get thee to vet and buy proper products from vet. Same stuff is usually cheaper or same price at the vet than at PetCo, etc. (Vets don't spend huge $$ on advertising tricking you like PetCo, Pet Med Express, etc do!)


Ask the vet for Comfortis for the dog. Miracle, miracle. Best thing since sliced bread. Ask for vet's recc for the cat. Promeris works super and is a new "novel" molecule, so resistant populations aren't around yet.


Ask YOUR vet for advice and buy from them. Hopefully, your PetCo will refund your $$ on the junk your dh bought.


FWIW, lots of flea pop'ns are now resistant to older products. Also, there are plenty of fraudulent products out there -- looks JUST THE SAME on the outside. . . The vet gets theirs drop-shipped straight from the manufacturer. Non-vet sources CANNOT get it this way, according to the manufacturers, as they swear up and down they only sell to vets. . . Anyway, you can google this issue and come up with plenty of info. Google the name of the product plus "fraudulent" "illegal" "resistant" "re-importation", etc. You'll find plenty to read.

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Vacuum. Vacuum. Vacuum.



There are lots of reasons "why yes, vacuuming is my hobby" and this is just one. :001_smile:


I'd capstar the animals because I think it's safer than topical or dipping but that's just m.o.



Then I'd vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. Daily for the next month. Use the crevice tool all around the perimeter of each room.


Before vacuuming, take up all the dog beds carefully, take to nearest window/door & shake. If you're having frosts, the nasties will die outside. You don't need to spray outside if you're having frosts. Wash bedding every few days, or throw in dryer daily.


Use the crevice tool esp around the dogs' beds.


If you decide to go topical with a spot-on treatment, go to the local vet clinic & buy from them. You can do it without an appt but you'll get the benefit of knowing what they're recommending. There are local areas of resistance so geographically what's working for us here might not work for you. Capstar afaik is working everywhere - but it only works on the fleas that are on the dog. It's a good first line to get them off the dog.


Smaller animals like cats & small dogs I have "combed & squished". You just need a cup of water, some paper towels, and some good re-runs on tv - things you can watch with just a bit of attention. It's kind of therapeutic :lol: Not so fun on a malamute or your guys though....


& yes, I agree about returning the product for a refund.

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