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My Psyche Is Damaged

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It is. And its all my kids' fault. And there isn't a parenting manual in the world that deals with what my kids put me through on a regular basis. :svengo::lol:


If you want all the details, please see the Not A Stepford Wife blog (not the home schooling one) in my sig line.


Hugs, prayers, and booze are welcome. :lol:

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Hugs, prayers, and booze are welcome. :lol:



I haven't read it yet and I'm off to do that, but just to say, I'll supply your umbrella drink!:cheers2:


Edited to add....Ha! I read it. Funny! but the umbrella drink is definitely needed!

Edited by alilac
I read it....
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ROFLMAO! You have a way with words. So when dd asks for a thong at 21, are you going to show her how to knit a wool one?


Oh, and I can sympathize. My psyche was damaged by a boy who, at age 5, would draw mating animals and show them to whomever would look, and another with tantrum issues (like 45 minute long screaming banshee ones - several of them - before noon - daily) and a daughter who announced to company that I pooped in my pants when actually Aunt Flo visited unexpectedly.

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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ROFLMAO! You have a way with words. So when dd asks for a thong at 21, are you going to show her how to knit a wool one?


Oh, and I can sympathize. My psyche was damaged by a boy who, at age 5, would draw mating animals and show them to whomever would look, and another with tantrum issues (like 45 minute long screaming banshee ones - several of them - before noon - daily) and a daughter who announced to company that I pooped in my pants when actually Aunt Flo visited unexpectedly.


Holy moly! I bet they keep you on your toes, especially the daughter who told everyone you pooped your pants. I could see myself plotting revenge for that one. :lol:

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Oh, and I can sympathize. My psyche was damaged by a boy who, at age 5, would draw mating animals and show them to whomever would look, and another with tantrum issues (like 45 minute long screaming banshee ones - several of them - before noon - daily) and a daughter who announced to company that I pooped in my pants when actually Aunt Flo visited unexpectedly.


You win! :D


I have a daughter who screams for 45 minutes at a time when she doesn't get her way. Everybody in my life - everybody - thinks I am much too lenient with her. Except that if it were a parenting issue, wouldn't the other three have a similar problem? Nope, this is just how she is. Unfortunately! :tongue_smilie:

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ROFLMAO! You have a way with words. So when dd asks for a thong at 21, are you going to show her how to knit a wool one?


Oh, and I can sympathize. My psyche was damaged by a boy who, at age 5, would draw mating animals and show them to whomever would look, and another with tantrum issues (like 45 minute long screaming banshee ones - several of them - before noon - daily) and a daughter who announced to company that I pooped in my pants when actually Aunt Flo visited unexpectedly.





:lol:I think you should win an award!


Impish--I feel for you girl! Especially about dh's and the personal attention part.

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That is hilarious. Well I've been sitting here at the computer only to look over and see a little naked butt stuck up in the air demanding to be wiped before, so I feel for you. My ds almost 6 still refuses to wipe himself. It drives me insane. Also my newly turned 3 yr old potty trained himself, but refuses to poop in the toilet. He brings me a diaper to put on when he wants to poop. I keep wondering when he'll finally decide to quit doing that. I'm hoping that when we run out of diapers then he move on to the potty. My oldest was forever running around naked too. My youngest wear's sweats and jackets in the summer when it is 100 degrees outside, but during the winter I find him outside naked. My friends say to make my oldest eat his dinner all I have to do is keep serving him the same thing for breakfast lunch and dinner until he is so starving that he eats it. All that ends up happening is that I have a 5 yr old vomiting up all the water that he drank to make himself feel full and still refusing to eat what was served for dinner the night before:lol: Oh and currently he has a cold and he insists that the only way he can breathe is by holding a tissue over his nose and no amount of logic and reasoning can convince him otherwise.

Edited by LadyAberlin
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