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Urgent Prayer Request

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DD's best friend's father has been in the hospital for a week, after his appendix ruptured a few days previous. The family did not know the signs of appendicitis and thought he had pulled a muscle as he was working 13 hour days installing windows. The doctor said he has a very high threshold for pain, too.


He had an appendectomy a week ago and has been in the hospital since then. Something is badly wrong, and his wife is waiting for CAT scan results so they can find out what it is.


He is not recovering, he cannot eat, and his heart rate is back up to 45 today, from 32 yesterday.


Please pray for Rod in Massachusetts. His wife said she would be extremely grateful if you all would do that for her. They were on vacation to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary when this happened. So, Rod is at a hospital in the sticks (not in Boston). To add to it, his wife has to go back home to go to work tomorrow, unless her company will pay her (she's already used up her sick leave and vacation time). The kids are being taken care of by relatives, but the wife doesn't know if they can continue to do that going into this coming week.


Thank you very much,


Edited by RoughCollie
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Thank you all so much for praying for Rod and his family.


The latest is that the CAT scan results showed that he does not have to have another surgery.


He is far from being out of the woods, though. His intestines are still paralyzed a week after being under general anesthesia. I did some research on this, and it isn't that unusual, given that he had abdominal surgery, he still has the infection from the ruptured appendix, and he's taking narcotics for pain, along with heavy duty antibiotics.


I haven't heard how he is doing today because his wife did go back home and she went to work today. I was all set to call her just now and I realized she's at a doctor's appointment with her DD.


After that, she'll go back to the hospital.


Thank you all very, very much for your prayers!



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