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Story Books that teach Numbers


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is there anything like that out there? i have a ds who just turned 5 about 3 months ago and he's having a hard time recognizing numbers. we've been doing flashcards and copying numbers, but he quickly gets annoyed with it. i need some help figuring out what to do. what do you do to teach number recognition? he has the leapfrog number dvd, i bought it because he learned all his letters and sounds with the letter factory and i thought it would work for math too. i'm wondering if there are any books out there that tell number stories. please, i need some help:)

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Personally I'd go for games over story books, because many books will have the numbers in text (e.g. "Five bunnies hopped across the river bank....").


I like Hi-Ho Cherry-O a lot; the spinner has numbers 1-4 on it, and you have to add and subtract your fruits, and learn to take turns. Obviously that only has the recognition of 1-4 on it, but the other skills are good. Chutes and Ladders also has a spinner, 1-6, and you move your character across a board with spots marked 1-100.

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My kids learned numbers from books like 10 Little Lady Bugs and Elmo's Counting Book. In your situation I would take a little time and check out the kids websites. I wouldn't be surprise if PDSkids or Lego.com or Nick.com wouldn't have something that would do the trick and be lots of fun.

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We have lots of number books. One of our favorites is:




It has magnets with numbers on them and you can place them on the correct page and count the items on the page. My girls love it. I think I got it at TJMaxx or one of those off price stores.

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CBC has fun games for children too. I like most of their games better than those on the PBS kids website; they also seem more accessible for kids with less refined motor skills (either due to age or physical ability) as well as those with vision problems. For example there is a game with DJ of Arthur where she tries to cross the room without making noise (Don't wake the baby, or something) and you can set it to talk to you, making seeing the game well not required to play it.



Blooming Bubbles (one of their new games) has a number theme. Not sure how well it would work if one didn't know any numbers at all, though.

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CBC has fun games for children too. I like most of their games better than those on the PBS kids website; they also seem more accessible for kids with less refined motor skills (either due to age or physical ability) as well as those with vision problems. For example there is a game with DJ of Arthur where she tries to cross the room without making noise (Don't wake the baby, or something) and you can set it to talk to you, making seeing the game well not required to play it.



Blooming Bubbles (one of their new games) has a number theme. Not sure how well it would work if one didn't know any numbers at all, though.


Thank you, i will check this out later:)

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We've enjoyed "Counting Cows" which counts backwards from 10 to 0, "Hippos Go Berserk," "How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten," and my Mom uses "Anno's Counting Book" in her classroom, and loves it. It's on my "most-wanted" list. You might ask your local librarian about this. I'll bet they've got a list of counting books, just like do for ABC books.

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Oh - we also play UNO and Hi-Ho Cherry-O. We did UNO before Monkey really knew how to do his numbers. He lays them out on the table so we can see & help, and he's more and more independent all the time. Hi-Ho is a little more intense, but we did the counting in a chorus (he likes Daddy to play too), and now he can (mostly) do it on his own. Plus, what little kid doesn't love a spinner!

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