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Hive advice regarding headache

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HI there,

Uggh...I never complain about the small stuff, but this is getting to be a big pain in my neck!


For the past week, I've had a nagging, painful "headache" that's really localized on my head, in, say, the south-west corner, if you were looking down on the top of my head. Kind of behind and a little above my left ear. Excedrine Migraine won't kick it. A good night's sleep, hydration, eating regular meals, NOTHING seems to clear it the heck outta my head! I go to bed with it and I wake up with it. I dont' think I"m under any stress/tension that's abnormal for me----at least I don't feel especially stressed or tense.


Any ideas? Should I worry? I"m really getting tired of it!


Thanks for any advice!


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My dh had persistent headaches. The doctor put him on high blood pressure medication even though he didn't have high blood pressure. It turns out his heart doesn't relax enough to allow enough blood into the heart. He was getting headaches because his brain wasn't getting enough blood. I'd say that if you keep having headaches that there is most likely an underlying reason. It could be a simple pinched nerve that a chiropractor could fix.

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My dh has headaches and it turns out it's a muscle problem--they're all contracted and tensed up. He's going to PT to help.


After watching my dh suffer for weeks with a headache, I'd tell you to make a dr's apt for them to assess what's going on.

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Thanks for the replies! I'll have to get my bp checked. I've never had it, but I suppose it's a possibility. I've got a very busy life with three jobs, homeschooling, dog club responsibilities, and caring for an elderly parent, so yeah..I guess my plate is a little full. <weak laugh>


One question though....would a headache that's caused by high blood pressure be characterized by such localized pain? The pain I feel is pretty sharp, not dull, and it's really just in one area kind of behind and slightly above my left ear. Is that a common place for a tension headache? When I get tense, I generally feel it in my shoulders, neck and the back of my head. Weird.


Anyway, thanks for any more thoughts you might have!



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Have your blood pressure checked.

They say there are no symptoms with HBP, but that isn't true for everyone.

A nagging headache is always a sure sign that my blood pressure is up.


Yes, the conventional wisdom is that hypertension doesn't have any signs. That's not true. Ask me how I know. Get your BP checked and talk to your health care provider. He or she will help you figure out where the headaches are coming from and the best way to deal with them. It could be something as simple as tension or hormonal issues.


Also, there is one quick fix for getting rid of a headache. Ladies, cover your eyes.


{{{ have sex }}} Yeah, I know you've got a headache! :) But it really works.

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I think I get a headache in the same place that you describe. Is it right on that circular round bone above your neck? There's one on each side....I think it may be a pressure point? For me, it feels like a headache, but I think it is really a neck ache. I'm thinking that when I have those, I may be sleeping wrong on my neck. Motrin will pretty much take mine away, but not all the way.

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There is a virus going around our area that has a persistent headache for over a week and exhaustion along with it. Then it disappears as quick as it starts. It is hitting adults and children and doesn't seem to have any other symptoms.



A few things to think about:


Allergies (mold/mildew are common this time of year)

Food reactions (wine/chocolate/cheese/MSG/nitrates are all common culprits)


Stopping caffeine

Blood pressure


Lack of sleep

Bad sleep position/pillow

Muscle tension (get a massage)

Muscular/Skeletal issue (go to chiro)

Seasonally changes/barometric changes.

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