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anyone else dragging/dreading getting another week started?

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I figure the longer my cup of coffee stays full the longer I can put off the inevitable of having to get up and teach another week of school.


I'm so tired. I have a cold for two weeks and this cough is really starting to get annoying. I can't take my enbrel until it's over so the "tide is rising."

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I am right there with you. :cheers2:


In late August we discovered a massive asbestos problem in our basement. It had to be addressed, immediately, as it was crumbly and dusty. :eek: It consumed our lives, and still isn't done because the concrete guys did not pour the new floor correctly. The contents of my basement are STILL in the living room and dining room and patio. I estimate another two weeks before it's all back to normal.


In addition, I got sick . . . really sick. It's been more than a month, though I think I am almost well. Two weeks were just sorta sick, and I ignored it and kept working hard. Then I was flat-on-my-back miserable for a week, felt better for a week, then was in bed again for a week! When I finally started feeling better I stopped sleeping. I got 3 hours of sleep a night for several nights, and then after that several nights of 3 hours of sleep + 3 hours of light, nightmarish, fitful sleep per night. I have been inattentive, unfocused, exhausted, and miserable! Last night I finally got 5 good hours of sleep in a row, and am praying that I have really turned the corner and can get well soon.


Poor dd has been feverish all weekend, so that's been a hardship too. She's not really ready to jump all the way back in to school today, which is also discouraging.


Yes, I'm dreading getting started. It feels as though the house will always be a freakin' mess and the kids will never get on a good routine. We have been calling ourselves the Uneducated Hillbillies HomeSchool. :tongue_smilie:

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The last 2 or 3 Mondays have been terrible. I was dreading Monday on Sunday night. Today however, I feel good. I think it is because of the cold weather. I feel warm and thankful.


The house is a wreck, so I know it is not a clean house making me feel better.

I'm letting the kids sleep in while I enjoy coffee and chatting and feeling cozy.


I'll evenutally wake them up and get them started with some lessons. I do hate dreading school. I used to love it so much!

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Add me to the list. I leave for my working vacation to AL on Friday, and am just now making a to do list (ok, so I am here instead of making the list- will do it this morning, though, I promise!) of stuff that has to be done before I go. There is too much to possibly get it all done. I am also starting to worry about how the family will do with me gone for 2.5 weeks........... will they remember to fill my Mom's pill box? Will they do laundry this time? Will school work get done, cat litter changed, etc. if I am not here to force them to do it?


I am feeling definite pressure, lol. I know it will all be ok, and I will relax so much once I get there, and I know my family will fend for themselves (after all, if they don't do the cat litter, the cats will start going on their beds, ya' know?), but right now, it all seems overwhelming.


Thank goodness Jean in Newcastle offered to take my kids today- the stress of making sure they did their work today would most likely put me over the edge of the ledge on which I feel like my sanity is standing precariously.


Ok, off to make that long list, and hopefully check a bunch off it today.

Keep on keeping on, ladies.

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:grouphug: Hugs to all of you. :grouphug:


Monday...Monday... I'll be singing that song in my head all day; while I try to get the house ready for a visitor.


I'm going in for a cup of reinforcement aka really strong coffee and then I'll buzz around on my coffee high for a while.:tongue_smilie: (It goes without saying that my teen will lecture me on the dangers of too much caffeine.)

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