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Do you tend to stay home more during winter/flu season?

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I wind up staying home more often when I'm dealing with a kiddo with a cold.


Nope, we don't change our behavior on the basis of "maybe" getting sick.


We go to church, the park, the library, biking, walks, etc.


I actually think we tend to be sicker when we hibernate in the house and don't get enough sunshine and movement.


I'm not one who really minds my kids getting sick though. Sick happens. I personally hate being sick because when I'm sick I don't get a free "stay-in-bed" pass. :lol:

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the flu season. I do the grocery shopping alone while dh watches the kids. This year I've even not scheduled well child checks that fall during flu season. I shop on line to prevent going out among others, we've even cut our library trips back - gasp! It snows here regularly from November through March, so we're outside shoveling, building snow men, or sledding. I stock up on hot tea. We read by the fire and watch the snow fall. And we work ahead in school. It does help that we have a full size basement that is unfinished where the boys can practice their tennis swing along a solid cement wall, roller blade, play hockey, dribble the basketball, little guy can still ride his bike down there, and we have cardio equipment to help them expend energy. Oh, and we have a corner with a pile of wood, nails, hammers, and safety glasses. Lowes often gives away scraps, they even gave them roof shingles last time.


This is us this season. We are on a 60 acre farm - 40 acres is forest behind us. We go on hikes, ride bikes in the yard, etc. However, with a big hit of the flu in our little town, we have cut way back on activities outside the house. Every ps kid I know is sick right now - 2 of them with pneumonia from having H1N1. It is a small town and small town mentality takes over for these people. They take their sick kids out all over the place. It BAFFLES me!


I plan to venture back out when the frenzy of illness dies down, but right now, home is fine with me. I order library books online and run in to pick them up (I have also been known to lysol them! :lol:), I do drive thru at the bank and pharmacy (and hand sanitize after every stop). We don't eat out really - best way to get a virus is to eat it! LOL All ps teens work at our local chain restaurants, so um..no.

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My youngest daughter is an RSV baby, but it doesn't seem to have any lasting effects. My oldest daughter catches viruses/etc. easily, and it takes her a long time to recover. If I keep her out of the grocery store (about the only place we go besides church), I've noticed she gets sick less often. Don't get me started on people bringing their sick kids to church...


My area is heavily hit with the swine flu right now. I'm keeping my kids out of *any* indoor public places until the major wave passes. I'll be the odd duck :)

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Don't get me started on people bringing their sick kids to church...


I am sitting here trying not to stew right now about the number of kids who were at our church this morning and should NOT have been there. And I was made to feel like a nervous nellie when I brought to attention the fact that hand sanitizer should be used before the kids ate a snack in the preschool room. Why don't parents understand that if you have a sick kid ... you should be at HOME???


My next question will be how often and HOW do the surfaces/toys get disinfected in the children's areas ...

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My youngest daughter is an RSV baby, but it doesn't seem to have any lasting effects. My oldest daughter catches viruses/etc. easily, and it takes her a long time to recover. If I keep her out of the grocery store (about the only place we go besides church), I've noticed she gets sick less often. Don't get me started on people bringing their sick kids to church...


My area is heavily hit with the swine flu right now. I'm keeping my kids out of *any* indoor public places until the major wave passes. I'll be the odd duck :)


Would you still take your kids to, say, the park then? I am even afraid to go there since the virus can live on surfaces and kids are notorious for touching their faces with their hands.

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We carry on as usual, but we have tried to be more careful this year (hand sanitizer, etc.). I don't take the kids out if they're sick, though. My girls are sick now. Tomorrow it will be a week since the symptoms first started. The coughing is about to drive me insane! :glare:

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I'd like to stay out of public places more.....but honestly, we are busier now than ever.


DD5 has speech therapy at the public school every Tues and Thurs afternoon. We have homeschool group every Wednesday for four hours. We have church on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. DD5 has science class on Thursday afternoons while DD2 has toddler art class.


The only thing I could really cut out would be the art and science class. Everything else we need to do. So I guess we will not be cutting back....we just use LOTS of hand sanitizer and I stress to them not to touch their face (which is virtually impossible with a 5 and 2 year old).

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My area is heavily hit with the swine flu right now. I'm keeping my kids out of *any* indoor public places until the major wave passes. I'll be the odd duck :)


Same here. This year, anyway. I feel a little like a wierdo, but, oh well.


In years past, no, we did things as usual. But this year, I purposely didn't sign them up for thier theater class or other indoor things. They do go to our group's outdoor gym weekly and ds has football, too. Dd and a group of her friends get together on Sundays at a park, but its been so cold and rainy here, we haven't been able to do that. During the winter months, we used to gather at an indoor public bldg, but we aren't doing that this year.


We do go to the library each week, but only after we have checked online so we can just go in and get what we need instead of spending a lot of time there. We do go to the grocery store and the dept stores (again, only to get what we need), but the stores all supply wipes to wipe down the carts.


Our area has been hit really hard. Several schools are shutting down because nearly 50% of the students and teachers are out sick. Dd's friend said there were only 5 kids in her entire class/grade a few Fridays ago. Dd's friend came home from school that day with a fever and was sick for a week.


As for cabin fever, it hasn't really hit yet. We have a big yard and the kids get out there with the dog, we will go to outdoor places if the weather is permitting, and the kids get to talk on the phone to all thier friends. As for me, well, I'm a homebody anyway.

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Would you still take your kids to, say, the park then? I am even afraid to go there since the virus can live on surfaces and kids are notorious for touching their faces with their hands.


Walking track or open field? Yes. Playground? Probably not. Sick kids at the playground is another one of my pet peeves. We avoid fast food playgrounds at all costs. We quit going to a nearby children's museum because my oldest daughter would get a stomach virus every time we went. It just wasn't worth it anymore.


We plan on going camping this week. If I don't see any kids at the playground (the location isn't a place popular with kids this time of year), I'll let them play. I may even let them play as long as I don't see any sick kids there. Like I mentioned, I'd be shocked if more than a handful of kids are at the campground on any given day.

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no. We are very active and only have one FULL day at home per week. I don't want it that way, but we have two co-ops that we LOVE (one just in the afternoon, the other is a day long event) and won't give either up. We love the classes but I mainly do it for social reasons. DD is on her third year of synchronized swim and it's painful being there 2 nights, 2.5 hours per night. That leaves one day for play dates. Yeah. :sad: I'd definitely prefer more down time at home but also am committed now so my girls can grow up with their friends. I'm thankful that not only do I like the girl's friends, but I like their mothers, too!



I'm glad it's a rainy (mixed with SNOW!!!) day here. Never got dressed today. We're having a movie day. :001_smile: We just watched The Sound of Music. Never knew my 14 yos could sing opera. ;) I've done nothing but lay around. Wait - it's time to go do barn chores. :tongue_smilie:


The only way winter limits us is if WE'RE sick. And that can be for awhile once it gets through all six of us. :glare:

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My son is immune compromised due to 3 years of chemo that will finally end in 2010, so we do tend to stay home a bit more all year. That said the kids are in activities daily, we meet up with friends, and go to stores. We don't go to indoor play places, crowded indoor places, or church at all during the year no matter what is going around because those are where my kids tend to get sick the most which could be dangerous for my immune compromised kid. We are not and do not plan to change our level of activity based on the flu season. It has already hit many of our friends anyway, so those that we are close to are not likely to share with us anymore lol.

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