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Any ideas for soot?

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Remarkably enough, my daughter wants to be a chimney sweep for halloween (just finished Water Babies). When I was a kid, if blackening of faces (the hobo look) we used black shoe polish (the cream kind). I don't know about that . . . my daughter's has pretty sensitive skin and it seems like it would make more mess than it would be worth . . . to me, not her, of course.


Flour would work okay but somewhat of the wrong color.:tongue_smilie:


Black flour?


What ideas do you have for soot?


C'mon! I know you can do it!

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You could make some real soot...burn some candles and when the wicks have cooled get some of the blackening off the tips. Or you could burn a small bit of newspaper, (if you have a place you can do that) and use the soot from the ashes. We used real ashes for my son's mad scientist costume. Didn't cause any problems. After all it's "Just good clean soot".


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I know! I know! Pick me!!!!


I loved being a hobo practically every Halloween...weird I know.


My mom kept a burnt cork for that "needs a shave" look. Burn the end of a cork and rub on the face (when cool of course). You can save the cork for future costumes. (of course do a test spot first, but I have fairly sensitive skin and it never bothered me) HTH

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