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Ds's comments on PSAT

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DS took the PSAT today at our local high school. The school is very helpful and the high school counselor treats the home school kids well. The usual venue for the PSAT (a local church auditorium) was unavailable so the students had to use the high school library (if you could even call it that - so sad, but that's a whole 'nuther thread).


Through the day, ds has thrown out a few things that he noticed. He wondered what that really annoying buzzer/alarm thing was that kept ringing - the speaker was right over his head :D And why did they need to keep ringing it - was it a drill or something?:lol:


He said that the counselor kept coming over to his table during breaks and talking with him. He mentioned to ds that all the homeschoolers he worked with outperformed his public school students :001_smile: and offered any help he could give to ds regarding college choice, forms, etc.


He did mention that there was one rather cute girl there testing :lol: I think he's kinda picky:tongue_smilie:

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My dd17 took it with a local homeschool cover school -


Her comment? "That was kinda fun, Mom!"


This from the girls who's taken 1 other standardized test. In her life.


Remember my thread from the other day, when I panicked? Never mind. She said she finished every section early, and had time to check her work. I hope that was a good sign. . . . .


On another note - when are scores reported?

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You should get your scores in December.


My daughter took it at a local private Christian school. She said it went well and also had time to go back over her test (all parts).


The only weird thing is that she said the proctor left the room for the last 2 minutes of one part of the test. So the kids were in there alone? I didn't think that was allowed. Maybe there was someone else in the room that A didn't notice.



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My 9th grader said that she was able to finish all the sections on time except she skipped a few particularly in the math section that she didn't know how to do. I was bummed we have to wait until December for results but I guess I will just forget about it and be happy when it comes in the mail. She thought she did fairly well.


She said there were very strict guidelines during the test. No talking (which I would expect) and you could not leave the room at any point during the test or breaks. Nothing could be on the desk except a calculator if it was necessary to the section.

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Son: "The test booklet was waaaayyy harder than the actual test."


Mother: "Oh, and what about your friend who scared the life out of you and almost kept you from taking the test?"


Son: "He's a wuss. That test was not as hard as he made it out to be."


Mother: "So who are you going to listen to from now on???"


Son: "What's for lunch?"




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I asked one of my son's public schooled academic peers what he thought of the test. He said 'hard.'


I asked my son what he thought of the test. He said 'easy.'


I think I'll stick with homeschooling. :)


My son didn't have time to finish one math problem - but he said he checked the others as he went along to be sure they were right. I've got to drill it into him for next year to do them all first, then go back and check.


He had no problem finishing any of the other sections and checking them.


Like the rest - we'll wait till December now...

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My dd thought the test was much easier than the booklet and she didn't find it hard. SHe took it at the local PS high school she would be attending. It was in the library. She knew one girl who was on the swim/dive team with her. She left blank 5 questions which was much better than she had been doing on the practice exams. They were all left blank because she didn't have a clue to the answer, not because she ran out of time.

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My daughter came home in tears after the test. She had scored 98% in her sophomore year. They had no clock so she missed three questions. The vocabulary was unknown to her.


But then her temp went up to 104 degrees and she tested positive for influenza.



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My daughter came home in tears after the test. She had scored 98% in her sophomore year. They had no clock so she missed three questions. The vocabulary was unknown to her.


But then her temp went up to 104 degrees and she tested positive for influenza.




That's tough. Poor thing.


My dd had a hard time with some of the vocabulary as well which surprised me a lot.

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My daughter came home in tears after the test. She had scored 98% in her sophomore year. They had no clock so she missed three questions. The vocabulary was unknown to her.


But then her temp went up to 104 degrees and she tested positive for influenza.





He had swine flu. Sigh! Guess we'll start taking SATs and ACTs this year to get ready for next years PSAT (which is the one that counts). Oh well, so much for Plan A.


Hope your dd is better now!!!

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