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Those of you self-educating Latin...

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Which program are you using, and why? Also, if the program you chose has different levels (I'm not familiar with all of them) please tell me which level you chose to begin with. Currently I'm learning along with the dc using LCI but I can certainly see the benefits of working on a higher level than they are. Is this a good idea? FWIW, I do not know what we will do after LCI. I'm not thrilled with it but have not had a chance to research other programs. We're going to stick it out for this year, but I can see us choosing something else. I'm definitely open to suggestions.

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Which program are you using, and why? Also, if the program you chose has different levels (I'm not familiar with all of them) please tell me which level you chose to begin with. Currently I'm learning along with the dc using LCI but I can certainly see the benefits of working on a higher level than they are. Is this a good idea? FWIW, I do not know what we will do after LCI. I'm not thrilled with it but have not had a chance to research other programs. We're going to stick it out for this year, but I can see us choosing something else. I'm definitely open to suggestions.


I am not using it yet, but I really like the looks of Latin for Children. I am currently using Song School Latin by the same publisher and like it a lot. I really, really want to invest in this program. It is a DVD course that teaches you how to teach Latin to elementary students (using the Latin for Children materials).

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I am not using it yet, but I really like the looks of Latin for Children. I am currently using Song School Latin by the same publisher and like it a lot. I really, really want to invest in this program. It is a DVD course that teaches you how to teach Latin to elementary students (using the Latin for Children materials).


Well, that was just evil of you to share with the rest of us, wasn't it? :lol::lol:


ETA: Forgot to add this guy in: :drool5:

Edited by plain jane
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It is easy enough to use for self-teaching and is a high school text--not a college or elementary, which made it hard enough to teach all the grammar but not push too hard for a mama with other activities going on. There is a Yahoo! group where you can get all your questions answered. Testing materials and answer keys and many other materials are available.


Henle does not have as high a vocabulary as some programs--which imo, is good. I have enough struggle getting through the grammar and there is plenty of vocab in book 1 to keep me busy. After a person is done with book 1, she can expand her grammar through reading.


A link to an earlier discussion:





P.S. Latina Christiana uses the same vocab as Henle.

Edited by Jean in Wisc
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The Memoria Press guide is good to get you started on how to break down the chapters, what kind of flash cards to make, etc. I haven't looked at the Laura Berquist guide, but I believe that it does the same thing.


I've tried various other books, but Henle is precise and has no errors to my knowledge :D. Some of the others I tried did, although they may be corrected by now.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I'm using Latin Alive.


How do you like it? I would love to hear some pros and cons. Rainbow Resource says there will be two more levels of Latin Alive, which I was happy to hear because I was leaning toward Latin for Children for the kids and would love to be able to continue on with the same company/style.

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How do you like it? I would love to hear some pros and cons. Rainbow Resource says there will be two more levels of Latin Alive, which I was happy to hear because I was leaning toward Latin for Children for the kids and would love to be able to continue on with the same company/style.


I like it. We are using LFC B with my ds this year and CAP products work well for us. The author has recently created a yahoo group and is available for questions, which is a big plus. I am not using the DVDs for myself, but plan to get them for next year when ds will go through the program.



The teachers book is a copy of the student book with answers, a must for me.

Author available to answer questions via yahoo group

Similar layout as LfC, just more info in a week

More levels forthcoming

Could use with a middle school student who has had no Latin




Some of the exercise answers were not in the teacher's book. They have been added as files on the yahoo group.

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