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Why would an adult, housebroken dog start "going" in the house?

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We have 2 terriers, sisters, who are about 3 years old, house dogs, and very smart girls. About a week ago, one of them has started peeing in the house in the evenings, usually around 8pm. Sometimes it's on the stairs, but last night she hopped right up on my bed, with me sitting there, squatted and peed right in front of me! Why would she do that?? She had just been taken out about 30 minutes prior to that. We take them out 5 or even 6 times a day. Any ideas? This is getting old!!!

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We've had that happen before. Maybe you'll end up having to let them out another time around 8pm... Is there something unusual going on - like are you guys gone most of the day when usually you're at home? We had a dog trainer say family being out of the house spurs on some strange behavoirs in dogs because they are worried about where the "rest of the pack" is.

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Our last case of a well potty trained dog leaving puddles at night was due do a food sensitivity/allergy. Once we switched him to a new food with no gluten (wheat or corn) he stopped his accidents! He had been on the other 'premium' brand for almost 2 years without problems... I recently found out that that brand had 'modified' its recipe (cheapened the product!!).... argggg


With a previous female dog the puddle troubles always meant a UTI.


We even had a female cat go through the 'potty in front of you' thing and sure enough she had a UTI.


Hope your furry baby gets better soon!

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