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I'm pregnant again, scared, excited...

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Well...we're expecting again, in June 2010. I felt so overwhelmed when the test came back positive, I almost cried. BUT I know that this baby was meant to be now, I have felt God's Hand in this! But as I have found out, doing the right thing isn't always easy. I am excited, and overjoyed to be adding to our little family. But the anxiety kicks in too! We will have 3 under 3!?!?! (Oldest will be 3 a month after the birth) We haven't told anyone yet, it's too soon, so I thought I could unload/get advice here. Thanks!

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:grouphug: I know exactly how you feel! When I got that positive test for #3, my dd's were 2 and 6 months. When my ds was born, we had 3 under 3. In fact, it was kinda funny, when I was in labor, one of the nurses came in my room to check on me and stopped short. She looked at me, then said "weren't you just here?!". I had to laugh. Anyway.......congratulations!!!

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He-he...our screen names our so similar. I love it!


I did cry when I first found I was pregnant with number 3. (keep in mind, it was the 2nd pregnancy I had while I was on birth control pills) I had a 3 year old and a 1 year old at the time. Not quite as close yours will be. We knew we were heading into unemployment, but had no idea how hard hit we would be. It really was such a huge blessing though.


When he was born, our oldest was still 3 years old, two weeks from his 4th birthday. It felt crazy at the time, but it was God's perfect timing. I've enjoyed having them so close together. They play together and enjoy a lot of the same things.


Enjoy your time!

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How exciting for you! 3 under 3. :001_smile: My ds #1 was 31 months, and ds #2 was 18 months when dd was born. A lady, who had 4 back to back, told me that the first years are difficult but after that it's a blast. She was mostly right. The first few years were difficult but wonderful, and it's all been a blast. :D



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Congratulations! My first 3 were born in 3 years and it was a blast. Instant family! They all grew up always having each other around and not knowing any different. They were close enough that everyone could do stuff together, share friends and be friends with each other.


Just a warning about the other end - they all leave at once! :glare: I am not liking that part of it ;)


My advice - sleep every chance you get! Have fun!

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I'm a little on outside of this with littles that got a tad bit older. But when I was in my reproducing heyday, I had a 2.5 y.o, 16 month old, and newborn. I had three kids in 30 months, it was very fast. In fact, I had two kids before my second wedding anniversary rolled around. Now I only have a 2 y.o to contend with as far as littles go, and he loves his brothers and sister. Now my kids are 8, 7 and 6. There is a 4 year gap between the 6 and 2 y.o, we had a miscarriage between.


You won't regret having them close together at all. Whoever complains of built-in playmates?


God be with you and congrats on the baby!

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Mine weren't so quick, I had 4 sons in 5 years, and my first two are 18 months apart. The last three are all 2 years apart. It is hard, but so worth it. It was so much fun when they were all 5 and under, and we could do the same activities together and have a blast. Now the older kids help with the younger kids, and it is a big character builder.


I myself have three younger sisters, and we were all born within 5 years. We grew up sharing friends and activities, we today we are still such good friends. It is crazy when they are so little, and you will be sleep deprived, but you and your husband have a blessing that most people today never get to experience, and therefore don't know what they are missing. So at the end of the day it is totally worth it.


One word of caution, you will probably hear from random strangers everywhere you go, "You have your hands full!" Some people say it with a smile, others with a look of disbelief, but I hear it at least four times a week!

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Up until the Littles, all my kids were 6-7 yrs apart. Then Princess came along when Tazzie was 19 mths, 7 days old. I was freaked. I didn't know how I'd manage two so close together.


Now, I want another (Princess is 3) but Wolf says no. I'm leaving it to God...if He decides we're having another, we will be :lol:


Both my girls defeated birth control too!

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One word of caution, you will probably hear from random strangers everywhere you go, "You have your hands full!" Some people say it with a smile, others with a look of disbelief, but I hear it at least four times a week!


Oh, I HATE THAT! Yes AT LEAST 4 times a week. We use babycarriers a ton and so I always have to quip back (with jazz hands) "Nope. Not really." :tongue_smilie:

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Congratulations!! I know several families who (at one time or another) have had 3 under 3. It is tough, I will not lie, but they have been so blessed. What beautiful families they are! They have 3 children who are so close and connected...and PLAY together. Eventually, it became more helpful than difficult because they were so close. Blessings to all of you!!!

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Congratulations! I just want to encourage you that I had my third when my oldest was 3 yrs. 4 mos. old. I can honestly say that it was easier with the three of them than it was when my oldest was a baby. The third spent a lot of time being entertained by the older two. If your oldest hasn't learned how to strap him/herself into a car seat yet, it might be a good skill to teach before June. Running errands (getting three kids strapped in and out at each stop) was time consuming and tiring. Same thing with shoes. Slip on shoes or velcro for the oldest helped me a lot.

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