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Deoderant recommendation? (sensitive smell)

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I'm just really sensitive to smells. Deoderant drives me crazy - it is hard to find a scent that doesn't give me a sore throat/headache while wearing it. A long time ago, there was a mild scent (I think it was sweet pea? or freeshia?) that I loved, but then they stopped making it, and then they started making a new rendition that was wayyy too strong! I switched to powder scent because that seems to be the only scent I can tolerate. Well, the other day, I suddenly discovered that the powder scent smells really nasty and I can't stand it any more. So now I'm looking for another really mild deoderant that will make me smell nice without making me sick. Any suggestions? (BTW, I have this reaction with anything perfume-y or floral typically. Fruit smells are usually OK, but I'm not sure if there is a fruit scented deoderant out there, LOL - and should my underarms smell like pineapple? I used to like a mild vanilla scent, but vanilla nowadays smells really strong and perfumey - I think scent trends must have changed and have gotten stronger or something).

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I've seen berry ones, but I think they're too strong. I'm sensitive to smells too. I can't even wear perfume, it gives me major headaches!


Here's another question to go with this one: I can't seem to find a plain deoderant. They all have anti-persperant in them as well. Where do you find just deoderant? I used to have one I liked, but I can't seem to find it anymore.

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Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? I wear a plain deodorant (no anti-persperant) that has no scent at all. It's really cheap!!
For us the nearest one is a 45 minute drive away---not worth it for me! :) But I will have to remember this.


Tom's of Maine. Dd and I both like the apricot. I think they have a lavender and a fragrance free.
Where do you get this?
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I use something I bought at Whole Foods called, "Naturally Fresh Deoderant Crystal". It is scent free and really works. It's kind of pricey(maybe $6 or $8?) but it's lasts a looooong time(like years!). I rarely go to Whole Foods, but I had a friend who loved this stuff and convinced me to try it.


There are a lot of people that think the aluminum in anti-perspirant causes breast cancer, dementia, etc. I have no idea if it's true, but it's something to think about.

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There are a lot of people that think the aluminum in anti-perspirant causes breast cancer, dementia, etc. I have no idea if it's true, but it's something to think about.
I've heard that too, that's why I want just a deoderant.


Anyone know any studies/results on this???

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you can use plain zinc oxide......a generous pea size rubbed under your arms after a shower about once a week will do it. some need to apply it more often, some less often.


you can get zinc oxide cream from the pharmacy.....sometimes the pharmacist has to order it. you want at least 20% zinc in the preparation.



since it's thick and hard to rub in, I recommend doing it at night.


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I'm like this too and I really like Dove fresh or unscented. Neither are strong. :001_smile:


I second this. You practically have to put your nose right on the stick to even smell it (and I'm one who must walk very quickly down the soap aisle at the store). The fresh is slightly fruity and the original clean scent smells like soap. Oh, and it works well which is nice. :001_smile:

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