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Update on my life

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for those who are interested, here's the crazy-fast timeline of my first labor! I was evidently in early labor all day. I felt some contractions, but there was absolutely no pain, so I figured they were still just Braxton-Hicks. I went to bed at 10:30 pm, then:


12:10 Water broke

12:15 Woke husband & called hospital

12:32 Left home

12:41 Checked in at hospital

12:45 Dilated to 4 cm

3:17 Epidural in

3:30 Fully dilated

3:45 “Practice pushingâ€

4:00 Waited for Dr. so nurse didn't have to deliver

4:25 Dr. arrived

4:42 Keaton arrived!


Dh is an engineer, and keeps a little notebook in his cargo pockets, so he kept this detailed record for me!:D


I was amazed at how well the whole birthing went. Had I known how quickly he would come, I'm sure I could have done without the epidural. A few hours after the epidural wore off, I was saying, "I could do this again!"


I was discharged after 24 hrs., but Keaton had an unspecified infection that required nearly 7 days in the hospital to clear up. Fortunately, he was completely symptomless and happy throughout. Getting his temperature checked in his armpit was more traumatic for him than being stuck with needles repeatedly for IVs and blood tests! Living in a small town has its perks, such as getting to stay in the hospital free with Keaton! We stayed in our same rooming-in room, they still brought me linens, food, etc. The only differences were I was free to come and go from the hospital, and our sleep was interuppted half as much, as they didn't have to check my vitals anymore.



We've been home for almost 7 days now, and things are going well. He is a vigorous eater and nearly drove me crazy with his 24 hr. sucking urge at first. However, I'm now over the soreness, he will take a "Soothie" pacifier, and his sucking need is not as constant. Now if we can only convince him that he should sleep for more than 1 hr. at a time at night!


Dh was given an extra 80 hrs. of free leave to deal with the complications, so he's home now and is an awesome help. Probably the best thing he did was take me to get decaf Starbucks and and a haircut when I had a meltdown. I had very long hair, which he loves and I keep long for him, but he didn't bat an eye when I told him I wanted to cut it to shoulder length.

My mom was kept in the hospital overnight, but is doing great. Basically it was exhaustion and low blood sugar that caused her collapse. The doctors were worried about elevated numbers that could indicate a blood clot, but it turns out her recent liver biopsy caused that reading. She's been sewing up a storm for me--currently she's working on the crib skirt, as I never learned to gather so I left it for her.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!



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Oh wow! We are like sisters or something: I felt a lot like you when my sweetie pie was born: Thinking, "I could do this again!" And then the 7 days in the hospital with baby. And then the cutting of the long hair!


I used to sit there and relive the wonder of giving birth for hours at a time while I looked at my little baby. Are you that way, too?


I love that picture with him all snuggled in his soft little outfit.

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Such a sweetie! I was chuckling over getting your haircut. After my twins were born, I had a bit of a meltdown and got my very long hair cut. I went to the doctor for a checkup and the first thing the nurse said was "you did the mommy chop!" She said she sees it all the time with new moms!


Enjoy your baby and your new haircut!

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He's darling and I'm glad everyone is doing well! My 2nd baby was born at home with just dh...since we assumed it would take about half the time as the first baby, and it only took 1/4. I'm sure your dh would do just fine, too...although he might have to leave out the notetaking! :D

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