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PSAT-what are you scheduling this last week

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I'm curious as to how everyone is scheduling this last week. We've worked through the Chalkdust SAT math prep, he did Critical Reading/Writing using one of the big books (Barrons?), and today I think we'll try a full length practice test.


He is scheduled to work this afternoon, but due to severe weather, that's been called off which allows me to move up the practice test. I'm thinking that after I check the test I'll know where to spend the last few days of studying - what do you all think?


He's taking 2 college courses and will have to be absent from them on Wednesday. He emailed his profs and they were very supportive and said he could turn in work late - they just wanted him to concentrate on the PSAT (I thought that was very nice of them).


So, does anyone have any words of wisdom at this point? Ds is a junior so this is the one that counts. His score last year indicated he was probably within shooting distance of our state cutoff, but he isn't a competitive kid and doesn't seem to really care if he gets it:confused: With some motivation along with his natural ability, this kid could do just about anything.


Best wishes to all who are counting down the days to PSAT!

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Sounds like you've done all you can do. I have a sophomore taking it and we've just slowly reviewed Math and reading out of the College Board book and she's done a SAT Math 411 workbook.


I didn't even think of the practice test.


We're going to review the tips in Rocket Revolution. Maybe there are some tips online he could review.


Does the Chalkdust review present the math problems as the SAT would (i.e. tricky questions)?

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Sounds like you have a good plan, Cynthia! After doing the full blown test today, you will know whether you want to have him do sections (25 minutes or so) of any parts that gave him trouble.


My dd found it helpful just to know how to manage her time and energy...it's an endurance test as much as anything else! Though if he did the real thing last year, he has that one under his belt.


And if he was within range last year for OK, you're smart to encourage him to do well this year!! I don't know where he's looking, but U of Tulsa is one school that gives a full ride for NMF.

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Dd took the PSAT last year, and is a semifinalist right now. She recommends doing as many practice tests as possible. There are lots of tricky questions, especially in math, and it is nice to have seen all the different types before the test.


If you feel it is important, I would strongly advise having a financial "talk" with your son. Show him how much money several different colleges cost, then show him how much money is awarded by the ones who give free tuition, etc. Explain to him that doing well on the PSAT could be very important to him and to his family.


Just my $0.02, fwiw.



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My son is just a sophomore so it's not as critical for us. I had him take the practice test last week and was pleased with the results except for the writing portion. He missed one in math, three in reading and eleven in writing...


So... he's been reviewing writing rules and doing the practice writing tests from older brother's SAT book (Barrons). He's at least reached the 600's now... which is definitely acceptable for me for this year so I'm laying low and letting him relax between now and Wednesday's test. Knowing him, he'll opt to do a full SAT practice test - minus the essay - prior to Wednesday, but it won't be because I made him. He's extremely self motivated - moreso when he comes up with a 'deficit' in his eyes (as writing was).


He has already done several other practice math/reading tests and his scores are consistent. I'm hoping that will give him confidence on the day of the test. He's taking it as a sophomore mainly to 'get over' (or used to) test anxiety if he gets it.


Then my oldest takes the ACT on the 24th - it's testing month for us I guess. My oldest has already taken the SAT and scored decently - well enough to easily get in everywhere he wants to go. We're just having him do the ACT because I think the science portion will bring him up overall. It's all about the scholarship money right now. In a way that's less stressful. In other ways it's more so... which, I suppose, is where you're at with the PSAT! We'll be there next year.


May all go well with your son!

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We will do the practice test tomorrow morning (testing on Oct 21 as a sophomore) snd that's about it. We are treating this year as a diagnostic, to determine what areas he needs most test prep concentration over the next year.


No doubt I will be back on this topic when test results come in, looking for all your test prep suggestions!

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My son is taking it just so I have an idea how he is going to test, so we haven't done much. So far, we've reviewed algebra (something we do anyway after the summer) and we're doing a few things that I know he hasn't had because of having a foreign math book - a bit of work with probability, absolute value, y=mx+b, and a few other things that don't show up until later in NEM. I will have him take the practice test next week and we'll talk about test-taking strategies. That is about it. I'm hoping his score will give me some idea of how much test prep he needs to do to score well on the SAT. I doubt he's in the running for a scholarship, so I'm not worried about that.


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My dd did the practice test on Monday. She is still watching some of the CHalkdust SAT prep. I will go over her wrong answers tomorrow and have her do more watching of the DVD next week. I am stressing to her that this is not an important test and won't be reported to colleges. She is not a great test taker although she does do better than average and in somethings, much better. However her math is average and she won't be in the running. It is fine since she has a 100% paid scholarship to most colleges anyway so this is just another prep for her for the time she really takes the SAT or ACT.

I feel for you all who need the great test score for the scholarships. We had that with my first and we will need it again with third. Since this one has the anxiety issues and since we don't know this program won't run out of money, we are planning on her to get the money.

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I feel for you all who need the great test score for the scholarships.


Argh! After the practice test he did today, I think maybe we should just count the blessings we already have. How could he score lower than last year? Is this a common phenomenon for a practice test? We'll keep chugging away, but I'm not going to count any chickens yet :-)


My boys are late bloomers (biologically speaking) and these tests come up at the absolute worst time! Both my oldest and this one have been on emotional roller coasters around age 16. And that certainly impacts their testing skills. Oh well, we'll just have to see how it goes.

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Pshew. I was a bit worried there thinking ds was the only one going in cold. He received a prep packet from our school admin's but that's all we're doing. I want to know how he scores.


Quick question, does he have an option of taking a longer or shorter test? I was confused by something I read in this thread. I thought it was one test covering all subjects.

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Pshew. I was a bit worried there thinking ds was the only one going in cold. He received a prep packet from our school admin's but that's all we're doing. I want to know how he scores.


Quick question, does he have an option of taking a longer or shorter test? I was confused by something I read in this thread. I thought it was one test covering all subjects.


Oh was that my post? I meant for practice - he could do short practice tests of just one 25-minute section, when he didn't have time for a full blown PRACTICE test.




I think you've got a good plan to have him go in cold for his soph year, then you know where to focus your studies next year, for the one that counts :)

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My son has completed three practice tests so far. His score has ranged in the 217-218 range. Since we live in CA, that puts him right at the cutoff for the past two years for qualifying for semifinalist.


So, this week, he is reading through his prep book for the sections in which he has been weaker (reading and writing) and going over the questions he missed on his practice tests.


We have two more practice tests here at home so he's planning on doing one tomorrow and one on Monday. We're going to have him test at the same time of the day the real test will be.


He's taking the PSAT on Wednesday. Hopefully, this plan will get him an extra point or two to qualify.

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We used a PSAT prep book over the summer, and watched several of the chalkdust prep videos over the summer, but did not get through them all. Starting Algebra II has actually been a big help because there is a lot of review in it.


I've saved up a bunch of the SAT question of the days, and we are taking this coming weeks afternoons (I work mornings) off to focus strictly on PSAT prep. We will do a few more practice tests, work on questions and watch more Chalkdust math prep. I want them to be focused and in the right frame of mind. At least they all proved they they could be coherent at 7:30 in the morning (I made them get up for a Sat practice test.

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