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Why doesn't TWTM recommend R&S math?

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I have been making my own mathematics curriculum up until now. I feel now is the right time for us to start using a curriculum since our dd is starting 5th grade math. I am torn between R&S and Saxon. Right now, I am leaning towards R&S, but I want to know why TWTM does not recommend it.:confused: Does anyone out there know why?


Thank you,


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the best math program (or any program) is the one that works for your child. I stressed myself out this year b/c this program or that wasn't recommended by TWTM or a Cathy Duffy top choice or whatever. You KWIM. I started with Saxon b/c it was recommended by TWTM and so many of my friends who hs. Well...it was a hit with dd11 and ds8. Ds9 is coming around but it bombed big time with ds6. Whatever works. I can see the plus in a program that goes through high school b/c your child is "accustomed" to the way the program teaches the concepts, etc. I also see the plus in NOT switching curriculums frequently (esp. for math). Sorry I can't answer your question but thought I'd throw my .02 in re: curriculum choices. :)

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That may have been an article or post about R&S grammar. I don't recall ever seeing SWB talk about R&S math. I could be wrong though...


I really like R&S math. We started out with Saxon math. It was a good fit for my oldest son, but my middle son struggled with it. I decided to change everyone to R&S (my oldest son does well in math regardless of the program), and it has worked very well. I'm looking over R&S 8 for my soon-to-be 7th grader. I like what I see, and I'm glad I didn't move him ahead to Algebra I. He's ready academically, but he needs another year of maturity before he gets to the higher level math. I think R&S 8 is going to work very well for this transition year. It will even be challenging in some areas; I'm surprised at the amount of geometry I'm seeing.

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I'm attempting to do this since we can't afford to buy a math curriculum right now. How did you do this? My dc are in first and second grade.



Although I didn't make up my own curriculum. I used Scott Foresman Exploring Mathematics (1994) for K and 1 with *great* success both are workbooks and I didn't need the TM (there is also a Yahoo group ). I bought them used through http://www.academicbookservices.com . They were $11 and $13.75 respectively. I have purchased several things through this company and have never had a negative experiance. Another option is http://oldfashionededucation.com/arithmetic_math.htm this is a "free" online curriculum (although I have not personally used it).


Good luck finding what you need.

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As a base, I used School Zone Math Basic by grade and their Time, Money and Fraction workbooks. I also used EnchantedLearning.com, Learningpage.com, mathslice.com, superkids.com, kidzone.ws and homeschooling.about.com websites to create a better program. All of the websites listed above are free except for Enchanted Learning. You may use it for free with adds or add free for $20 a year. I felt it was well worth every penny when my children were in first and second grade.


I had the workbooks and the girls and I mantained a notebook. We divided the notebook into sections using card stock: General Math, Time, Fractions, Money, and Shapes. This year we added two more sections: Graphs, and Measurement.


I hope this was helpful.


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They talk about several (Saxon, Singapore, etc.), but they stop just short of actually recommending a curriculum, I think mainly because math tends to be the one subject everyone feels passionately about, and even in a family, each child could need a different math curriculum.


Fwiw, I've tried Saxon, Singapore, Ray's Arithmetic, A Beka, and Rod & Staff. We ultimately ended up back at Saxon, mainly because my oldest child is 10, and I needed a curriculum that would take her all the way through high school. I like Saxon beginning at 5/4, but I don't like K-3, so I will probably use R&S for the early elementary grades, and then switch my kids over to Saxon in 4th grade from now on.

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I'm attempting to do this since we can't afford to buy a math curriculum right now. How did you do this? My dc are in first and second grade.


One of the moms here doesn't do a formal math program with her kids until after they know all of their facts. I think after that she starts them in Saxon 5/4. I see a lot of merit in this approach. I first and second grader would be fine focusing only on facts. There are lots of free site that have facts worksheet generators and free facts cards. You wouldn't have to really buy anything to do this.

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It's very similar in many ways to R&S and Saxon, but it has workbooks all the way up (10 per year). They've recently revised the Grade 1-8 programs, and are working their way up with at least one grader per year.


I've been very pleased with it, and it's nice that you don't have to buy the whole program at once.

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They've recently revised the Grade 1-8 programs, and are working their way up with at least one grader per year.


Working their way up one grade per year.......do you mean that CLE is creating Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II courses and so forth, at the rate of completing one course for sale per year??? If so, I might have a look at this, because we'll use R&S through book 8, and don't know yet what to choose for high school.

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Working their way up one grade per year.......do you mean that CLE is creating Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II courses and so forth, at the rate of completing one course for sale per year??? If so, I might have a look at this, because we'll use R&S through book 8, and don't know yet what to choose for high school.


They currently do go all the way up to just before calculus, but it's their old format which is based on the Alpha Omega books. They have redone 1-8th, and are redoing Algebra I now. Last I heard, Algebra I is due sometime in 2009.

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I was wondering this exact same thing last week. I have tried just about everything out there for math but have settled on R&S. It works.

Where can I see math samples of CLE? What is the difference between it and R&S?

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I'm attempting to do this since we can't afford to buy a math curriculum right now. How did you do this? My dc are in first and second grade.


You know there are alot of very affordable options for 1st and 2nd grade math that would make it easier for you to feel comfortable that you are covering the needed information. This is especially true in these early years where you really don't need a TM because the math isn't complicated.


R&S math workbooks are $6.75 each - 2 per year for 1st grade and 21.95 for the entire year for 2nd grade - that is spread over 5 workbooks so you could really spread out the cost since they average about $4 a piece.


Horizons are $11.50 each - 2 per year


Singapore workbooks and textbooks are $8.50 each.


You can even go to Walmart or Target and get books for 3 or 4 dollars.


Any of these options are very adequate for very low prices. Remember, just because they sell it as an expensive package doesn't mean you need to buy it all.

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I tried it this year and there were SO MANY mistakes!!! I stopped trusting it!


I turned to R&S Math and we really like it. It is clear, thorough, and visually appealing as well.


My dds like it better than Calvert, MUS and Singapore. This is not against MUS and Singapore which are both very good, but have to fit your child.


But, this post is definitely against Calvert Math and for R&S Math.

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We used MUS last year, and half of this year, but my DD 2nd grade just wasn't getting it. I switched her to 2nd grade R&S, and just started her back at the beginning. There is so much more work and drill, which she really really needed. She's gotten much faster, and is learning her facts finally. I love R&S, and I love that they are inexpensive as well. I like that they use the mastery approach, like MUS, but with more drill and less confusion.

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Can you elaborate on why you like R&S 2nd better than MUS? Only because I am debating between those exact two for my ds for next year. He definitely is not grounded in the facts yet...hence R&S, but i also want him to understand the number relations as well....hence...MUS. I dont want to drill and kill him either. I am basically torn...so any light you could shed would be awesome. THanks:-)

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Can you elaborate on why you like R&S 2nd better than MUS? Only because I am debating between those exact two for my ds for next year. He definitely is not grounded in the facts yet...hence R&S, but i also want him to understand the number relations as well....hence...MUS. I dont want to drill and kill him either. I am basically torn...so any light you could shed would be awesome. THanks:-)


I don't know anything about MUS, but am using R&S. We are in R&S 5 and I can say that R&S seems to go deeper into the math concepts each year. It started off with just memorizing facts and processes (like how to carry and borrow), but I find each year, there is another layer of explanation of the "whys," as kids mature and can understand them. I'm glad my kids memorized the facts and processes first while memorizing was easy for them - it makes the higher levels easier to understand.

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