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Fall TV shows

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House!!! I loooove House... The season premiere made me both laugh and cry! I love his sense of humor...


That's the only show I really watch besides stuff on TLC and HGTV. I love TLC... lol.


Guess everyone's different. I love House but have hated the first two episodes. I just didn't like the mental ward one and felt last week all it was about was the two doctors's cooky relationship.


It's becoming very boring to me lately. Feels like they are pushing more agenda than entertainment lately.

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We really liked Modern Family


Other shows that we keep up with are:


Law and Order SVU


Simpsons and Family Guy - sad, but true


We DVR everything and watch it once DD is in bed.


Did anyone see Mercy? I recorded the first two, but havent' had a chance to watch them.

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V is on again? When, on what channel, I LOVED that one!!


Premieres Tuesday November 3rd on ABC according to abc.com. Doesn't look campy or cheesy. More realistic and scary. Has a few recognizable actors in it: the blonde Dr. from Lost (who fell down the well and detonated the bomb for Jack) and another guy that I know I have seen but just can't place.

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I don't always watch all of those. I do watch The Big Bang faithfully though.


I see my son in Sheldon so many times. Love it!


I also watch Glee and So You Think You Can Dance. I've watched The Good Wife, but I'm not sure I'll keep watching that one. (waiting for Lost to come back on as well)

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It might have potential, and looks like it's based on "It takes a Thief' with Robert Wagner (I'm showing my age, here!)


LOVE LOVE LOVE Flashforward


Stargate Universe has potential...will have to wait and see.


I haven't seen a comedy worth watching for years, but I'll check out "Jake" because Kelsey Grammar could make it a winner. It all depends on the writers, though.


As for shows returning:

Waiting for "Chuck" to start up again. This was just a lot of fun!

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I don't even normally watch TV and here is the list of shows I am interested in checking out:


Flashforward Already watching, loving and hooked

Dollhouse This is second season for us and we are BIG Joss fans so this is a favorite

Lie to Me Haven't checked out yet but will.

Fringe I saw the first season of this on DVD and it looked interesting so I might get it on DVD

Vampire Diaries Brother recommended this so I will at least check it out.

Tru Blood Will check on on DVD sometime.

Torchwood Same as above.


We are currently watching season 3 of Bones on DVD and really like. I don't know what I will do at the end of this season, either look for season 4 on-line or wait for it to come out on DVD.


We will also watch the Tudors and LOST when they start again in Jan.


This is crazy as it is more tv than I have watched in most of my life but I am finding that the older I get and the more stressful my life becomes the more mindless entertainment I need. It also works as wonderful procrastination to prevent me from getting off my butt and getting all the things that I need done, done.

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Shows that we enjoy, but are off-season right now:


Eleventh Hour


Warehouse 13

Royal Pains

Burn Notice


I watched Royal Pains and Burn Notice this summer and I just finished catching up with Warehouse 13 on Hulu. The other shows on your list look interesting as well. I'll have to try to watch a few episodes when I get a chance.

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I may be in the same boat with Impish :D. Now that Hockey (yes, with a capital "H") season has started I have to watch all my shows on Hulu or Fancast. It is hockey, hockey all the time. That being said we enjoy:


Lie to Me

Mentalist (Simon Baker, yummy)


Fringe (Walter cracks me up)

Gray's Anatomy (am I the only person who thinks Kevin McKidd should be cast as Jamie Fraser if there is ever an Outlander movie?)


Vampire Diaries


We dropped our regular cable over the Summer and only picked up the sports package for the start of hockey season. Everything else we watch online.


Amber in SJ

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