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It's raining acorns!!

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Anyone else live where acorns are falling all around you in a rapid fashion? We have the windows open to enjoy this wonderful fall weather (65 degrees) and I am hearing acorns plinking and plunking - on the house, the cars, the driveway - continually.


I guess that's what happens when you live in a grove of oak trees.:D

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yes, we are enjoying it, too. It's SO beautiful up here in NH with all the vibrant colors! And I LOVE getting out the jeans and sweaters/sweatshirts!


My potbellies love this time of year, too. They gain weight this time every year and then I'm forced to put them on a diet over the winter. :001_smile:


It can be dangerous, though. When DS was a toddler he was standing beneath a tree with a Tonka hard hat. An acorn fell, bonked off his hat, and the hat BROKE! He just stood there looking confused. :D

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Ohhhh yes. I like it at night when it's windy and the sound reminds me of rain. I *don't* like the ding marks in our vehicles, the extra yard work or getting pegged in the head. LOL It's a tradition at our house that the kids get a dollar if they get bonked in the head by an acorn.

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It is raining acorns in my neck of the woods in Minnesota also! We went with some friends to an outdoors art event over the weekend and acorns were falling everywhere! Our friend unfortunately got hit square on the head by one and her head hurt for the rest of the day! Ds was busy collecting as many as his pockets would hold---even though we have our own at home...:w00t: I am hoping the wind would die down--I don't want the leaves blowing off quite yet-they are just starting to look beautiful with the array of colors!!

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It is raining acorns in my neck of the woods in Minnesota also! We went with some friends to an outdoors art event over the weekend and acorns were falling everywhere! Our friend unfortunately got hit square on the head by one and her head hurt for the rest of the day! Ds was busy collecting as many as his pockets would hold---even though we have our own at home...:w00t: I am hoping the wind would die down--I don't want the leaves blowing off quite yet-they are just starting to look beautiful with the array of colors!!


Dd10 fills bags and bags with them and wants to bring them in the house. Um...no! I told her to put them up in her "treehouse" (a wooden platform on 4x4 posts) so the squirrels can come get them to store for the winter.:D

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I'm looking for the ones that are a good 3/4 of an inch to one inch in diameter...or, the "tall ones"...or, the fuzzy "burr acorn caps.










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I wish! So many of our oak trees became sick and died. There are a few, of course, but not nearly as many as there were when I was younger. I can even remember the smell of the big old oak tree in our back yard in fall being blissfully different from the other ones!


We have a horse chestnut tree and that guy rains down gigantic nuts - does that count?

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