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S/O If you don't want to mummify a chicken


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The National Geographic Channel is running the show 'Race to Bury Tut'. They mummify a sheep and go through the whole process as the egyptians would have. They even show you x-rays of Tut. My DD6's and my DD9 loved it so much my DD6 keeps asking to watch it again, and again, and again...:)


More info in later post, FYI, what's shown.

Edited by melmichigan
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It would depend on your 6 year old. Mine watched it and as mentioned one keeps wanting to watch it over and over. It is a classic National Geographic and is rated PG because they take the organs (except the heart) out of the sheep just as the egyptians did and wrap them to be placed in seperate sarcophagus. It isn't bloody by any means but some 6 year olds might not do well with that. My science oriented DC loved it. You might want to watch it yourself first if you aren't sure. I tend to vet all of the NG and History Channel programs before my 6 year olds see them. I don't for my 9 year old.

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For those who want to make a mummy but don't want to use a chicken, there's a "vegan mummy" alternative that my ds and I found on another classical homeschooler's blog a couple of years ago:




I took large baking potatoes, peeled them and carved them into rough human figures and mummified those. Caveat: either use non-iodized salt or be prepared for really dark purple-black mummies when you first uncover them. The iodine reacts with the starch in the potato to change the color (which is a pretty cool effect, but startling). Worked well for us.

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The neatest thing about it was that they talked a lot about the cartouches and my kids just made theirs yesterday. They kept pointing out all of the heiroglyphs that were familiar.


My dd and I were grossed out by the sheep, but my boys were cheering and saying, "That's awesome!" Just goes to show how different they are. :)

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