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What to do about these fleas? Anyone!?!?

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While we were in the US for a visit, the people who were watching our dogs let them play with the other dogs in the area and now they are loaded with fleas! UGH:glare:


We have flea bathed them twice, taken them to the groomers to be bathed and given them Frontline. They are still dealing with them--poor things. What else can we do? I just feel so bad for them.

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While we were in the US for a visit, the people who were watching our dogs let them play with the other dogs in the area and now they are loaded with fleas! UGH:glare:


We have flea bathed them twice, taken them to the groomers to be bathed and given them Frontline. They are still dealing with them--poor things. What else can we do? I just feel so bad for them.


The Frontline will eventually work. It may take more than one application.


Are they inside dogs? You can catch fleas naturally without pesticides by putting out a white plate with water and a little dish soap in it, on the floor, next to a light at night. They are attracted by the light and jump in the water and drown.

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Vacuum...every.single.day...at least once and dispose of the bags quickly. Also, try shaking borax onto the carpets and letting it sit for a while before vacuuming. The borax treatment can be repeated in 2 weeks if fleas are still an issue.


Sound like the dogs themselves have gotten all the right measures, but now the house needs to be treated top to bottom...everything fabric washed in hot water or dusted with borax and then vacuumed. Then just keep up the vacuuming for 2-3 weeks until all the eggs have hatched. It will work. We had an infestation so bad that the fleas were jumping all over our legs when we walked on the carpet. This did it and we've never had a problem again. Just keep the dogs away from the borax.

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Thanks so much!


We aren't having an infestation in our house yet. I think we've avoided that! We don't have carpet, only ceramic tiles throughout because of where we live, carpet would be moldy real fast!


I'm just more concerned about the dogs. They just seem so miserable! I'm a little frustrated because we made it abundantly clear that we didn't want them playing with the other dogs, but, it happened anyway. What can you do?

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My son's dog just had fleas, and he was able to get a natural ingredient shampoo from a dog groomer that cleared them right out. I want to say it was an orange oil shampoo, but not for certain and it's too late to call him tonight. Anyone else know if that sounds right?


Amazingly we've never dealt with fleas on our dog, but I sure always hear about the borax.

That was very interesting on the garlic; makes sense to me!

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Our cat picked up some fleas (I hear the neighbours are fighting with fleas). I did the same thing I did with cousin's cat. Bathe with shampoo. Then melt coconut oil with just a few drops of tea tree oil (I was going to use lavender oil, but didn't have it). I rubbed that onto their coat right after their bath and towel patting, but not fully dry. Then I wrapped my cat in a towel for 40min (he was shivering and up on my lap). The fleas literally just dropped dead into the towel. I don't rebathe them for 24hrs. No problems since.

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Our vet said fleas have been terrible this year, lots of people complaining and almost impossible to be rid of. Anyway, Frontline didn't seem to be working as well as it normally did for us, so I added Brewers Yeast tablets to our dog's food. I just drop 4-6 tablets in their food, they eat along with the rest of the food, and that really seems to help. You can buy Brewers Yeast tablets at most Pet food stores, relatively cheap. Apparently something in Brewers Yeast that fleas don't like.

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In addition to the frontline the vet can give a one time pill that kills any living fleas. It won't kill the eggs (hence you need the frontline) but it will take care of the initial discomfort the dogs are experiencing. I think ours was called Capstar. The fleas literally fell off dead.

You will want to clean the floors and dog beds and the like because the eggs may have fallen off and will mature. However, frontline will eventually take care of that problem too in my experience. But if you clean you are less likely to see many live ones in the future. Fleas carry worms too...

Edited by sbgrace
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Our cat picked up some fleas (I hear the neighbours are fighting with fleas). I did the same thing I did with cousin's cat. Bathe with shampoo. Then melt coconut oil with just a few drops of tea tree oil (I was going to use lavender oil, but didn't have it).


Just a head's up...I'd be very careful with Essential Oils on cats, especially Tea Tree---they can be toxic.


The best defense against fleas is a strong immune system...might want to supplement with an omega 3 source like Salmon Oil.


This was a bad year for fleas...:ack2:

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We brought home our puppy who was covered in fleas... A bath with some good ol Dawn dishsoap... The sink was full of dead fleas and I never had a problem with them after that...


Just be sure to rinse really really well.


Hey, they use it to help clean oil off of wildlife, right?

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Just a head's up...I'd be very careful with Essential Oils on cats, especially Tea Tree---they can be toxic.


The best defense against fleas is a strong immune system...might want to supplement with an omega 3 source like Salmon Oil.


This was a bad year for fleas...:ack2:


Yes, too much can make a cat sick. VERY LITTLE (as in 2 or 3 drops) mixed in with a lot of coconut oil. Just as the chemicals can make a cat sick if too much is used...this is why it's portioned ;)

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From what I remember when researching this, Dawn dish detergent was the most recommended. the flea shampoos are really toxic and work as well (nor not even as well) as Dawn. Bathe daily and make sure to immerse the dogs (the fleas will drown and crawl to their heads (dry land) so make sure you get good immersion). Frontline only works on fleas that bite the dog. I really think daily baths are the best way to go and put the kids to work on picking the fleas off the dogs.

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