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What grade to register son for...

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Hi There,


I live in Oregon, and next year must send in my letter about homeschooling my son. He will be 7. I'm wondering if there are reasons that I shouldn't register him as a first grader. For us, that means he'd test a year later.... (SO, I'm considering registering him a grade lower than his actual age would allow him to be)


Down the road, are there reasons that I should consider keeping him in the grade his age schoolmates would be?


I'm not worried about him ever going to Public school... so other reasons:-)


Also, I don't consider it an ethical issue... I'm just looking at practical.




Edited by NayfiesMama
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If he is going to be doing any testing through the school system, like achievement tests, I would register him as the grade his would be age wise. Most of those tests base scoring/percentile ranks on comparison with grade peers, from what I understand. So if you register him as being a higher grade level he would be compared with kids older than him, which affects other potential opportunities. You can register him as the appropriate grade age-wise, then do whatever level of work fits his needs.


I don't know if I expained that well :glare:

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I don't know Oregon law. The only reason I'd hold a child back in first grade would be that they were WAY behind and testing was a concern because the law made it where they could insist they put a poorly performing child in public school.


But for most children? a 7yo, at the beginning of a school year, is in 2nd grade and that is where I'd place him.

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I go with age, it just seems to simplify things, especially where graduation/college is concerned. I have a very bright daughter who is 9 in October that is doing 4th grade (or higher) work, but she's 3rd grade by age, so that's what we go with.


My only exception is my 6yo DD, whose b-day is August 26. Maturity-wise, Kindergarten is a better fit for her than 1st, and since she's only 6 days off we go with K.

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