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How long have you been a SAHM or sahd

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I quit my full time job to go and work with my self-employed hubby. Got pregnant :001_huh: and quit when I would whine to dh about feeling crappy. Maybe I got fired, IDK? 10 years later, love being a SAHM. My family is categorized as "high maintenance" and I consider them my full time job.


I've started doing some writing and would like continue that after ds graduates.

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I've been home 7 1/2 years. I spent 15 years in my career and was just taking a "six month break" when my best friend could no longer watch my dd. From birth to 18 months, my dh and I worked flexible hours and had a dear friend watch my dd during the other hours. I couldn't bear the thought of putting my dd in day care, so I was going to take a break until we found another option. Then I decided that I would go back to work when dd went to kindergarten. Then I found out that God wanted us to homeschool. That was not even on my radar! Now I don't plan to go back to work until dd is done being schooled. I don't want to go back into the same field. I'd love to own my own business and do part-time mission work. But I know better than to make my own plans! :001_unsure:

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which is, um, almost 34 years now.


I went to work for about 3 years when my older dd got married and the baby was 18; I enjoyed it for about 2 and a half years; those last 6 months were dreadful. I quit almost 10 years ago, and I still get up in the mornings now and go, "I'm home! I'm home!"


I did teach in my little one-room school, also for three years, and I would have continued but [insert long boring story]. That didn't seem like work at all. In fact, I only paid myself a couple of times.


Unless something really wonderful comes up, or unless things get rilly, rilly bad, I don't intend to go to work again.

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I am grateful to be home with my kids, but there is a *big* part of me that would love to go back to work. I miss what I did, miss working with people, miss the paycheck, miss the sense of purpose. I keep my "foot in the door" by teaching community ed. classes and volunteering in places where I can teach environmental ed. classes.


I have really struggled being at home, but I feel it's more important for my kids to have a parent around. And I do enjoy a great deal about being with them and homeschooling them.


I also feel bad about not earning anything for retirement. That really bothers me.

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When did you go back to work part/full time. Would you choose career over staying home if you had ideal childcare i.e. grandparent, dad, close friend that would do the hsing you desire for your children?
I was a sahm mom for 22 years. Just went back to work about 1 1/2 years ago when our youngest son went away to college. The reason I was a sahm was that I could not both work and be a good wife and mother. So I chose the more important job.


I think there are mothers who can do both well, and my hat is off to them. I just wasn't one of them.

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