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Why do you visit these forums?

What is your main reason for visiting these forums?  

  1. 1. What is your main reason for visiting these forums?

    • I'm interested in classical homeschooling.
    • I'm interested in classical education in general.
    • I'm interested in homeschooling in general, but receive good ideas from visiting these forums.
    • I primarily visit the high school or college forum
    • I primarily visit the K-8 curriculum board.
    • I primarily visit one of the other forums.
    • I visit primarily because I have an area of knowledge that I can share with this community.
    • I visit primarily for social networking purposes.
    • I visit primarily to discuss politics or other socio-economic and/or religious issues.

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Yabbut like it or not, the person who created these forums has allowed them to morph, so waxing nostalgic serves no real purpose, imo. And hey, here's a crazy thought. If there are people whose opinions about education (as opposed to politics) you'd truly like to hear, why not speak directly and ask them?:)


discussions taking place over and over again. Some people may enjoy the constant bantering back and forth about politics; I don't. It serves no purpose, and doesn't serve the original purpose of these boards.


Yes, the boards have morphed, but I'm hoping that they'll morph back again. And, for those who have no real interest in discussion education at all, I honestly wish they'd find another forum where they can discuss politics.


Obviously some will differ with this opinion, but I think the forums are better when they stay more focused on their original purpose. There are plenty of other places available in which to discuss politics.


And, FWIW, I am asking some what they think about education right here on the General Boards, because I see them on this forum most often; plus, there are a fair amount of people that I'd have to contact directly. What's wrong with creating a thread as a general reminder that, IMO, the original purposes of these forums is to discuss homeschooling and classical education? I've had great, meaningful discussions from people who differ from me in political and religious persuasion about homeschooling and education and raising children in general. I see those things as a unifying factor, and I get tired of the strife regarding politics, economics, etc.

Edited by Michelle in MO
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Yes, the boards have morphed, but I'm hoping that they'll morph back again.



Michelle, I understand what you're saying, but I really think there is no going back now. Once a community, online or otherwise, has changed to this degree, it will not go back to the way it was. Especially when there is apparently only a small, fairly quiet minority who wish that it would go back to the way it was. I wonder if SWB would consider opening a new section on this site that is meant for general homeschooling information, like the K-8 board used to be, and this one could just serve as the water cooler area. It's true that we have the Curriculum board, but that was always meant for specific questions about specific programs, which was different from the general board's original purpose. I don't think we have a section on this site anymore that is for general discussion of homeschooling.

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discussions taking place over and over again. Some people may enjoy the constant bantering back and forth about politics; I don't. It serves no purpose, and doesn't serve the original purpose of these boards.


To the point that I have begun to wonder if people are being paid to insert the same opinions here, in an effort to "sell" their political philosophy, or something.


It's as if, after the election, people have turned into wolves with nothing to do all day but howl.

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I voted for 'general homeschooling', since we're not classical ~ but I'd also have to say that I just enjoy conversations...so many diff topics get discussed here...it's fun. :)


{I couldn't care less about the political chatter ~ I barely follow the politics of my own country, never mind someone else's :tongue_smilie: ...there's plenty other threads to read! :D }

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This is my support group where I can hang with my "imaginary" friends, answer questions and help on things where I have btdt, and both learn and help others learn.

It is my refuge, my support system, my place to find laughter and share tears with some like minded folk.

I ignore threads I know will upset me and stay out of politics and rants.

(Unless they are remudamoms because she is just stinking hysterical, like Ree was when she was here. :)


I came and I stay for the wonderful shoulders of some wonderful people like Doran, Abbeyej, Karenciavo, Strider, Battlemaiden, our dear sister flaming sword and SWB herself from the old days and newer folks like Remundamom, Plaiddad and momto2legomaniacs. I treasure the times when I have met some of you IRL but it is the daily check in of these boards that gets me through the tough times.

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It's true that we have the Curriculum board, but that was always meant for specific questions about specific programs, which was different from the general board's original purpose. I don't think we have a section on this site anymore that is for general discussion of homeschooling.


Good point. That would make a nice addition. When I had dial-up ages ago, I only went to the K-8 board because the GB moved too fast and was too much to weed through. Now it just feels like too much to weed through with less time. I like your watercooler idea as a way to keep that community available and still have some dedicated homeschool space that isn't purely for curriculum.


To the point that I have begun to wonder if people are being paid to insert the same opinions here, in an effort to "sell" their political philosophy, or something.


It's as if, after the election, people have turned into wolves with nothing to do all day but howl.


Some days, you have to wonder.



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Really, I do enjoy other's POVs. They make me think. Mostly they make me think "What the hell???"......but at least I'm thinking.


Ha! I think the same, but I can't say I enjoy the other POVs. I feel like it is good for me. Like taking castor oil, or like running would be good for me.

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I'm only here to hit and run.


Really, I do enjoy other's POVs. They make me think. Mostly they make me think "What the hell???"......but at least I'm thinking.



I completely agree.

I've only once gotten sucked into a pointless discussion on these forums and it won't happen again~

I'm too big of a girl to argue with an imaginary person! ;)

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discussions taking place over and over again. Some people may enjoy the constant bantering back and forth about politics; I don't. It serves no purpose, and doesn't serve the original purpose of these boards.


Yes, the boards have morphed, but I'm hoping that they'll morph back again. And, for those who have no real interest in discussion education at all, I honestly wish they'd find another forum where they can discuss politics.


Obviously some will differ with this opinion, but I think the forums are better when they stay more focused on their original purpose. There are plenty of other places available in which to discuss politics.


And, FWIW, I am asking some what they think about education right here on the General Boards, because I see them on this forum most often; plus, there are a fair amount of people that I'd have to contact directly. What's wrong with creating a thread as a general reminder that, IMO, the original purposes of these forums is to discuss homeschooling and classical education? I've had great, meaningful discussions from people who differ from me in political and religious persuasion about homeschooling and education and raising children in general. I see those things as a unifying factor, and I get tired of the strife regarding politics, economics, etc.

So skip those threads. Nobody (I assume) has a gun to your head, forcing you to read them. I'm always confused when someone complains about threads on a board...heaven knows there are lots of others to read! Just because you don't enjoy them doesn't mean they should be prohibited to all.

I'm only here to hit and run.


Really, I do enjoy other's POVs. They make me think. Mostly they make me think "What the hell???"......but at least I'm thinking.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I came and I stay for the wonderful shoulders of some wonderful people like Doran, Abbeyej, Karenciavo, Strider, Battlemaiden, our dear sister flaming sword and SWB herself from the old days and newer folks like Remundamom, Plaiddad and momto2legomaniacs. I treasure the times when I have met some of you IRL but it is the daily check in of these boards that gets me through the tough times.



Ayup. Support group. Full of amazing minds and caring hearts. Hugs, Lizzie!

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