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Anyone else get Monday attitude?


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Last week was the first week I attempted a 4 day week, and we took Friday off. Boy did I get attitude this morning when we tried to settle back into our regular routine! I'm thinking at least for now I might not be able to take 3 days off in a row over the weekend, because I certainly don't get that much resistance everyday once we get into a groove. Anyone else have the same problem? Do you do a lighter 5th day or something to keep it fresh?

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We do a light day on Fridays. We've had it completely off in the past, with Monday issues. I just attributed it to Monday..period. Right now we are dealing with schedule changes within the entire house, so we are moving toward very light Fridays, perhaps even to no-school Fridays.


I *have* started planning something fun for Mondays to keep them 'together'. I have started giving them an art project or fun activity to look forward to and get them over that new week bump, as opposed to assigning it later in the week 'when we have more time' (that's my excuse). I think it's helping.


Other than it's been raining for.ev.er here LOL

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Great idea to make Monday fun (instead of Friday!). We always tried to have a Friday Fun Day, unless we had work to catch up on. Mondays are always tough around here. Attitudes, low energy, lack of attention, dawdling, staring into space, lack of focus, etc. Today, I tried to do some more "fun" stuff just to try to get some focus back. Worked, a little. I think instead of doing Friday Fun Days we will start doing some Monday Fun Days to "ease" into the week. Hmmm...great idea!

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Mondays are pretty bad around here. I thought I was the only one.




This was the first I heard that others had the same problem... I actually feel better knowing it might just be a Monday thing.. come to think of it, going to work on Monday was always an adventure as well. Looks like I'll be lightening up on Monday and add more on Friday.

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I plan for doing at least a little bit of schoolwork every day. We only take the day off if, like last Friday, I desperately need sleep and can't stay awake to do school, or, like yesterday, I decide something else is more important, such as cleaning DD's room.


Only on holidays or when one of us is sick does DD really get time off. So we don't really have a "Monday". Actual Mondays, she goes to her enrichment program so it's the one day a week when I ship her off to someone else all day to learn something.

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I had one daughter complain she had a stomach ache just before her spelling test, and spent the entire morning looking at books in bed. I'm still not sure if she wasn't feeling well or if she was trying to get out of school work. She perked right up in the afternoon when the neighborhood kids were outside playing. Too bad for her, she couldn't go out to play because she "might be contagious". :001_smile:


I thought my oldest would have breezed through her school work with having my full attention but noooo....she daydreamed and dawdled until 2:30! Good grief!


I like the idea of planning something fun on Mondays to get them excited. Great idea ladies!

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