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New hsers; Do you feel this way too?

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Hate to say, its not a 'new homeschooler' thought. I've been hsing Diva for almost 3 yrs and still have days, weeks that those opposing thoughts rampage through my head. :lol:


:iagree: I waffle back and forth btwn the thought that hsing is the absolute BEST thing for my kids and the very next second thinking I am ruining them and driving myself insane at the same time. :D In fact, for example, yesterday I was patting myself on the back for a job well done and LOVING hsing. Today? Not so much. :glare: Kids in bad moods, mom exhausted and toddler in to everything...not a good day. Wanted to send them ALL back to ps. :D


My oldest 3 returned to ps this year and some days I want to pull them out and bring them home. Other days I'm sooooo glad they are out of the house for 6 hours each day. Mostly, I miss them. But there are those days...

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Unfortunately, I'm on a crying in the shower, "how could I ever think I could do this" end of the spectrum today. Can listening to CD #1 of Farmer Boy and reading a couple of library books out loud count as kinder HS today? :glare:


Yes, for today it can...just not every day :) from K to graduation! But every now and then...sure.


OP: It took me 3 years to feel confident. There are some days now that I simply don't want to b/c of the hard work or bad attitudes. There were days when a new dc got added to the mix I thought I couldn't handle it....yet somehow, 9.5 years later, we persevere..you will too :grouphug:


Normal feelings...totally normal!

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I waffle back and forth btwn the thought that hsing is the absolute BEST thing for my kids and the very next second thinking I am ruining them and driving myself insane at the same time. :D


This is pretty much how it goes around here.


My favorite quote about hsing comes from Pioneer Woman. She writes:


"Lots of people support our decision to homeschool. Some are quietly guarded. Others think we're mentally ill. I vacillate between all three myself."

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As others have said, this isn't limited to new homeschoolers...we've always homeschooled and I still feel this way! We've been doing our full schedule for 4 weeks now. The first week I spent whining to my dh about the children's attitudes and lack of enthusiasm. But we've really got a good routine going now and everyone is enjoying the weeks. :) Even if your ds never loves it, he'll probably come to appreciate it...

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Unfortunately, I'm on a crying in the shower, "how could I ever think I could do this" end of the spectrum today. Can listening to CD #1 of Farmer Boy and reading a couple of library books out loud count as kinder HS today? :glare:


For kinder? Totally!!!


It actually reminds me of bringing my first child home and being surprised that they let you take a 2 day old child home with you!!!


:lol: DH and I still look at each other and wonder, "Who on earth allowed us to be parents?!"


Lisabees, I have to ditto the others. This is my third year, and just this weekend, I was looking up the curriculum and costs for a relatively new and well-regarded private school nearby (Singapore math, Writing Tales for LA, $9K a year, which is a HUGE bargain around here!). But today we had an awesome day, and I was glowing as I was driving to an appointment thinking about our great morning. I'm pretty sure it doesn't go away with tenure. Maybe it happens less often? (Hopefully?!)

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This is my 14th year homeschooling, and there are still days like that. I have learned to ignore them because I can see the fruit in the ones I have "graduated off."


I took me a few years to feel really confident, and then I hit the high school years and it started all over again . . . :001_smile:

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My ds was never enthusiastic about being homeschooled when I took him out of ps in middle school. He went back for a year in highschool then decided he'd rather be homeschooled because it was better than being locked in from 7:30 am until 2:30 pm everyday with 2000 other kids. Not the most ringing endorsement for homeschool. He even used to tell his friends that he liked homeschooling because he didn't have to do any school work. :001_huh:


Personally, I spent the whole time feeling like I was either giving him the best education ever or ruining his life forever. I am pretty sure that neither of those things happened. I did breathe a HUGE sigh of relief when WE got OUR first college acceptance letter. For some reason, it validated me and proved I didn't ruin his life. If his looser friends can get accepted at state school then so could he. :D Ooops - I didn't really say that about his friends (did i? ), and all of them really didn't get accepted.


I did learn that none of my experience with him in middle and high school prepared me for his sister in elementary school. I still have no idea what I'm doing, but I am better at realizing that as long as I aim at best-education-ever, I will fall somewhere above ruining-her-life-forever.


And here are the Platitudes for you:


You'll get more confidence as you go along. You've raised this child for this long. Keep the coffee pouring in the morning (or something to hold on to so that you can take long drinks to collect your thoughts before you respond to stupid questions and whiny voices). Remember that ds13s are going to be so wonderful when they are big, grown men. A long, quiet walk after school is great for teachers (my neighbor is a ps teacher and has four dogs which she walks individually before and after school. It took me a while but I finally figured out why. When she comes home from her fourth walk after school, she has a nice big smile again). Oh and teenage boys are a lot easier to teach if they have vigorous exercise everyday - its the hormones. Smile. :grouphug:

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Hopeful bunch aren't we? We're only a year into it, but I vacillate too. All ds has to do is hear the bus go by at 7:30am to remember how much HE loves to hs ;)


Hate to say, its not a 'new homeschooler' thought. I've been hsing Diva for almost 3 yrs and still have days, weeks that those opposing thoughts rampage through my head. :lol:


I have a constant feeling of "this is too good to be true?" and "can I really accomplish this?". It actually reminds me of bringing my first child home and being surprised that they let you take a 2 day old child home with you!!!


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