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Anyone take beta blockers?

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Just got a call about my holter monitor tests. I definitely had skipped heart beats and extra heart beats (and an average of over 100 beats per second), but everything else looked normal. The doc said there is no need for meds, unless the sensations bother me.


The sensations do bother me, as they tend to put me into panic attacks when I feel them.


So, should I be worried about taking them? Side effects?


Oh - I am on a VERY low dose of Paxil. I imagine I can only take one (I wanted to get off of this anyway; I always wondered if that's what is causing the heart stuff).





Edited by lisabees
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Beta blockers were the first class of drugs I tried when I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure, migraines and heart palpitations. I felt *wonderful* for the first couple of weeks, but then the side effects kicked in.

I was so tired I couldn't get myself out of bed in the morning--late morning.

I wasn't able to do anything for a couple of months due to the excessive tiredness.

I changed drugs several times over the course of a couple of years until we found one that works and have minimal side effects. I feel great now.


My sister has had a very different experience. She takes BBs for her high blood pressure and experiences not one side effect.


I hope it works for you, but be sure your doctor is willing to work with you to change your Rx if it doesn't. There are so many different types of drugs that will help you. The trick is finding the one your body likes.

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I've been on Verapamil (generic for Calan) for the past 14 years for moderate hypertension and an irregular heartbeat. I have been doing just fine with it. I had a scary bout of experiences where I nearly fainted as my heart flopped around. It has been fine with very few minor repeats since going on the meds. It is hereditary in my family with my mom and grandmother passing this on.


The only side effect I've noticed is that it is very hard for me to lose weight. I have to really watch what I eat as I get older and my metabolism slows down.




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Beta blockers were the first class of drugs I tried when I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure, migraines and heart palpitations. I felt *wonderful* for the first couple of weeks, but then the side effects kicked in.

I was so tired I couldn't get myself out of bed in the morning--late morning.

I wasn't able to do anything for a couple of months due to the excessive tiredness.

I changed drugs several times over the course of a couple of years until we found one that works and have minimal side effects. I feel great now.


My sister has had a very different experience. She takes BBs for her high blood pressure and experiences not one side effect.


I hope it works for you, but be sure your doctor is willing to work with you to change your Rx if it doesn't. There are so many different types of drugs that will help you. The trick is finding the one your body likes.


do you mind sharing what you use, or pm me? I've tried different ones several times due to fatigue. I'm still tired all the time. I'm tired of it being a way of life.


BTW, NEVER stop beta blockers cold turkey, even if you're on new meds. I had crazy, irregular heartbeats that made me dizzy and nauseous. I went to the dr, mine was out, saw her partner, and was shocked when the doctor got VERY upset when he heard she stopped mine cold turkey. He told me I was VERY lucky I didn't die from her mistake.

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do you mind sharing what you use, or pm me?


I'm on Lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor.

I tried a number of different beta blockers, then switched to calcium channel blockers. The side effects I experienced with the latter were fewer, but my blood pressure remained at something like 160/95 regardless of the dosage.


Once we switched to the lowest dose of Lisinopril, my bp was down to 118/75 in TWO DAYS. It was amazing, the way my body reacted to a different class of medication.

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I take atenolol for SVT. But I also have weird beats. The atenolol helps with both things but didn't make the weird beats completely go away. I finally cut down on coffee. I used to drink 3-4 cups now its down to 1 cup. After I did that, things got *much* better. So if you drink coffee, cutting down could really help.


As for the atenolol, when I first started, and again when I increased the dose, I felt a bit sleepy. But it went away after a few weeks. Now I don't notice anything. Actually, that's not true. I do have a tendency to retain water and I think that is because of the medication.

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I take atenolol for SVT. But I also have weird beats. The atenolol helps with both things but didn't make the weird beats completely go away. I finally cut down on coffee. I used to drink 3-4 cups now its down to 1 cup. After I did that, things got *much* better. So if you drink coffee, cutting down could really help.


As for the atenolol, when I first started, and again when I increased the dose, I felt a bit sleepy. But it went away after a few weeks. Now I don't notice anything. Actually, that's not true. I do have a tendency to retain water and I think that is because of the medication.


I used to take atenolol for SVT with MVP. I don't take that anymore but I cant' remember why. I take Nadolol now. I have bouts of extreme exhaustion but that's the only side effect that I have noticed. I have been on BB's for years and years...since I was 10 I think. I noticed I was always tired. In my 20's I finally asked my doctor about it..he explained I would likely always be tired and need a nap daily b/c of the side effects. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. :lol:



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I used to take atenolol for SVT with MVP. I don't take that anymore but I cant' remember why. I take Nadolol now. I have bouts of extreme exhaustion but that's the only side effect that I have noticed. I have been on BB's for years and years...since I was 10 I think. I noticed I was always tired. In my 20's I finally asked my doctor about it..he explained I would likely always be tired and need a nap daily b/c of the side effects. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. :lol:




Wanted to add that Nadolol is a beta blocker :)



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I take atenolol for SVT. But I also have weird beats. The atenolol helps with both things but didn't make the weird beats completely go away. I finally cut down on coffee. I used to drink 3-4 cups now its down to 1 cup. After I did that, things got *much* better. So if you drink coffee, cutting down could really help.


This was going to be my recommendation as well, Lisa. I was experiencing the same symptoms as you are. I stopped all liquid intake of caffeine. (I do eat a handful of M & Ms every now and then. Love my chocolate.) I also switched some of my allergy meds around and the results of these changes alone were AMAZING. Very significant drop in the symptoms (VT, irregular beats) and therefore, a drop in anxiety and that feeling of being agitated. I ultimately did NOT go on beta blockers. I was told that one of the side affects is a drop in energy level. I'm a very low energy level person anyway, so I did not want to chance that.


I'm kind of hoping for your sake that you are a caffeine person, so that you can back off on intake and see a reduction of symptoms.


All the best to you.

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