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How much time do you spend with your junior high student(s)?

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I have 6 in school this year and spend very little time with my jr. high dc. I'm curious how independent others' dc are? FYI, mine have no learning disabilities of any kind, so I realize that kinda gives me leeway that others may not have.


We have family history, bible, PE daily; and Latin, Music, Art/Drawing once weekly together. We meet with meet for math only if they need me and once per week we have a "meeting." I grade their work daily to make sure they're on task, otherwise, I don't see them :)


It's a good thing, too, b/c my 6, 7, and 9 yo take up most of my day!


Just curious...

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Not a whole lot. She has a desk/computer/media center set-up in the basement, and her schoolbooks are all arranged on shelves with the latest assignments written out for each subject. Here's what I help with:


Math: Almost no help. She reads the lesson and does the assignment. I check her work.


History: I sit with her during history because I enjoy the computer lessons and the textbook material. She does the workbook material herself and then brings it to me to be checked.


Art History: We either draw together or watch a history documentary together.


English: She does her R&S English assignment and brings it to me to check.


Science: I sit with her while the DVD is playing. Her video teacher "checks" the work with her the next lesson. I sit with her during tests and grade her work. I have the experiment materials ready; she does the experiments while I watch.


Literature and writing: She has an outsourced teacher for these; however, I read the literature material to her while she crochets and check her work when she finishes it.


Latin: No actual teaching (she has an online teacher), but I constantly reinforce the material with her and make sure she does the workbook.


Mostly I'm available to keep her moving from subject to subject. If I weren't constantly moving her along, she'd daydream the day away. Then after school I need to be available to drive her from activity to activity. So really, I'm more a coach or a "minder" than a teacher.

Edited by Rebecca VA
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I have 2 jr high girls this year. =)


We do math first thing in the morning. One is very independent and is flying through her math books. The other needs me to teach the lesson and at least stay near by while she does her assignment.


I also help with some of their Latin assignments.


The rest of their day they work together or independently. The have lit, Greek, history, science, piano, writing (IEW), typing, and logic.

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Each week, in addition to helping out here and there, and suggesting corrections that need to be made to marked work, I have the following time with Calvin:


About 15 minutes of maths explanation

Two hours or so of reading/discussing Merchant of Venice

Around half an hour of Latin

Half an hour of RE

Around an hour of French

Twenty minutes discussing science

Two hours of Mandarin - time shared with his brother

Half an hour each of memorisation and music theory - time shared with his brother


He actually can work pretty independently, but I think that discussion time is valuable, and I think of language teaching as interactive.



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Mine is very bright and needs very little from me. So, I just check in with him daily to see what he is working on and weekly to make sure he is on target with our schedule. I correct his work on Fridays, give him weekend homework if he is off track in any way. All in all, that takes up 2-3 hours each week.


IF he needs help in any way and I know he is capable of finding out the answer, I point him in the direction he needs to go. "You should look that up on-line, I know you can find that out easily." If he does not understand something in algebra, I ask him to re-read and let me know if I need to work through it with him. He knows that it will take me a lot longer because I am not brushed up on algebra at the current time... So, he is motivated to figure it out... But, I am willing.

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My 7th graders work increased a great deal this year so I am finding that he needs a lot of my time right now. He started debate this year, so we are learning google, word processing, research skills, etc. These are all new to him so it requires a lot of my time.


I think that once we get through this period of learning to use the computer and do research, he will be much more independent.



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