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How are you using your Singapore CWP as nonconsumables?


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I have 1 copy of each CWP (1-6) but I have 3 kids. My oldest won't need level 1 or 2 but I would still need to use those with 2 kids and then levels 3-6 with 3 kids.


How are you all that are in the same boat as me doing it? Are you having them copy the problems onto paper? Are you copying them onto the board and having them work them there? Are you putting them in sheet protectors?


I'd love to hear how everyones handling this. I looked at the Frank Schaffer ones (70 word problems...) and I'm not impressed.


Thanks in advance.

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I'm having my 9 yos work the problems in a composition notebook.


For each day's CWP work, they label the notebook page with today's date, the CWP page number, the problem number. They do not have to copy the problem, just show all the work for the problem. Then they circle their answer. We only do 1 to 3 CWP problems a day & we correct them together that day.



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I just have them do it on another sheet of paper. I don't make them copy the problem.


:iagree: This is what we do also. One thing I have had to start doing is putting a pencil mark next to the ones we have done. We were surprised a couple of time already to start doing one only to realize later that we had already done that one - we skip around among the sections so that we mix the material instead of working straight through.

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My kids work the problems out on looseleaf notebook paper. They label the paper CWP __ (fill in the blank with the book number). Date goes in the left margin. They number each problem, show their work and then put a box around the answer. The looseleaf paper then goes in their main school binder behind the "CWP" tab.


We also put a little sticky tab at the top of the page where they are working. I am seriously addicted to those sticky tabs and use them in EVERY book we use/read. How have I been homeschooling for 6 years and just started using them this year?!?!

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I bought enough copies of CWP so that each child would have a workbook to use. It never crossed my mind to only buy one set and use it as non consumable as it is a consumable product. The inside cover says that no part may be reproduced, isn't there a fine line with using this as a non consumable product with all of your children? Does the copyright change when a program such as this goes out of print? Do you plan to have the youngest write in it? Am I misunderstanding this thread?


Trust me if I could find additional copies I'd get them, but so far I've only been able to find 1 copy of CWP 5 to purchase. That still leaves me needing 2 copies of CWP 3,4, and 6 and 1 copy of CWP 1,2, and 5, which is pretty unlikely.


I was reading on the singapore forums that they are working on something for the new standards addition that would be like IP and have word problems like CWP. If they do then I'll just get those, but for now I need to figure something out.

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The inside cover says that no part may be reproduced, isn't there a fine line with using this as a non consumable product with all of your children? Does the copyright change when a program such as this goes out of print? Do you plan to have the youngest write in it? Am I misunderstanding this thread?


No, the copyright does not expire early when a publication goes out of print.


The issue of reusing consummable workbooks has been discussed before on this forum: link. SWB contributed to that thread and gave her understanding of the issue. She has confirmed that as long as no part of a workbook is mechanically copied (ie. by a Xerox machine, scanner, etc.), it does not violate copyright to work on a separate piece of paper or use sheet protectors over the page.

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No, the copyright does not expire early when a publication goes out of print.


The issue of reusing consummable workbooks has been discussed before on this forum: link. SWB contributed to that thread and gave her understanding of the issue. She has confirmed that as long as no part of a workbook is mechanically copied (ie. by a Xerox machine, scanner, etc.), it does not violate copyright to work on a separate piece of paper or use sheet protectors over the page.


Thank you. I was following the other thread a little, but missed SWB's perspective.

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Trust me if I could find additional copies I'd get them, but so far I've only been able to find 1 copy of CWP 5 to purchase. That still leaves me needing 2 copies of CWP 3,4, and 6 and 1 copy of CWP 1,2, and 5, which is pretty unlikely.


I was reading on the singapore forums that they are working on something for the new standards addition that would be like IP and have word problems like CWP. If they do then I'll just get those, but for now I need to figure something out.


I'm in the same bind. Thanks for asking the question.

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