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My mother is diabetic and has swine flu...

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I'm trying to get her to go to the Dr., but she is VERY reluctant- she doesn't want to pay the copay (they really don't have the $, we don't either or I'd give it to her) and she is already having insurance issues because of an ER trip that her Dr. did NOT approve for referral (WTH? It was a life or death situation, during a weekend and he had no reason to NOT approve the trip)

and she doesn't want to go anywhere and spread the virus. (especially not a Dr.'s waiting room where eldery people and babies go).


She feels awful, has chest congest (which worries me) and I suspect she's dehydrated because she's like me and can't handle water when she's sick. It just feels like rocks in our tummies.


She can't consume artificial sweeteners, because they make her very sick. (nauseous, dizzy, headache, weak, etc.).

WHAT can she drink? She's supposed to limit sugar and salt intake.

Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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If she has chest congestion and she's dehydrated, I would say go to the ER. It takes a short time for someone like that to go downhill fast and get secondary infections. The secondary infections are what kill compromised-immune people who have the flu; the flu itself doesn't kill you. At the ER, they can put IV fluids and IV antibiotics in her immediately. My mother gets pneumonia from every flu (had spleen taken out many years ago and hence is immune compromised) and by the time I get her to the doctor's office, they say she has to go to the ER.



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She has the symptoms of swine flu, and Dr.'s in our area and hers are all saying that the only strain of flu going around right now is swine flu, because regular flu season hasn't started yet. Lots of kids have been missing school where she lives, and she has been around my cousin who's in high school and who has been sick (and her school has had LOTS of absences due to swine flu). It's just everywhere right now.


She takes oral medications (I don't know what) for the diabetes, she was only recently diagnosed (during her medical emergency).


I'm really concerned because she said the fever got better for a day or so and now it's back. That is NOT good news, and since she already has medical issues she really REALLY needs to see a Dr. She is so stubborn though. If I lived there I would just take her myself.

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Please keep an eye on her. Please keep an eye on her blood sugar levels, and make sure she continues to take her mediciine. I say this because my husband got sick a few years back with the flu, didn't eat properly, or take his insulin, and ended up in the icu. Oscillo is good for the flu, it is a homeopathic remedy. Everyone on this board has wonderful tips, so I will not give tips. Just please please watch her sugar levels.

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Coconut water (or juice) is a natural electrolyte solution. Runners use it, I keep it on hand instead of pedialyte for my kiddos. It might be a good choice for your mother (I don't know anything about what to look for on the can for diabetics?) Here is a link to the company that produced what I've bought.

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Would she drink a flavored water? I like to drink water with a small amount of cranberry juice (unsweetened) or lemon juice, but that's when I feel well. Haven't tried it while I have the flu. Can she tolerate broth and soups? Non caffeinated tea would be a good choice. Roibos (red) tea is a nice one. Celestial Seasonings calls it "Madagascar Vanilla Red".

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Thanks so much for all of the suggestions. She says her temp right now is 99.9, and she has times when she feels better but then she just gets tired again. I told her to get some Mucinex and to check out the herbal teas and coconut water. If she's not doing better tomorrow I will tell my dad to take her in to be checked out.


I was really sick with it this weekend, and I am still very tired. I feel like I did when I was recovering from pneumonia last year.

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I'm trying to get her to go to the Dr., but she is VERY reluctant- she doesn't want to pay the copay (they really don't have the $, we don't either or I'd give it to her) and she is already having insurance issues because of an ER trip that her Dr. did NOT approve for referral (WTH? It was a life or death situation, during a weekend and he had no reason to NOT approve the trip)

and she doesn't want to go anywhere and spread the virus. (especially not a Dr.'s waiting room where eldery people and babies go).


She feels awful, has chest congest (which worries me) and I suspect she's dehydrated because she's like me and can't handle water when she's sick. It just feels like rocks in our tummies.


She can't consume artificial sweeteners, because they make her very sick. (nauseous, dizzy, headache, weak, etc.).

WHAT can she drink? She's supposed to limit sugar and salt intake.

Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks for reading.

a cold peach - very refreshing and 1 a day shouldn't overly upset the diabetes

warm tea with lemon (add a pinch of salt for the dehydration)

hot water with lemon juice


That's what I'm doing here.

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Contact her doctor and let them know her symptoms....they may be willing to take her into an exam room as soon as she arrives to avoid being in the waiting room with other people. I have a friend with a immune suppressed child who does this each time they visit the doctor....the wait is the same length, but it's away from those who could infect him....your situation is just the reverse.


Chest congestion is NOT something to play around with.....it can go very quickly to life threatening. Since money is an issue it's better to get into her regular doctor than to find that calling an ambulance and an ER visit is suddenly required.


Talk with the doctor about her inability to pay the co-pay right now.....perhaps they are willing to take payments on it. If not, I know it's hard, but I'd find a way to pay for it.....hate to be brutal and blunt, but it's better than paying for her funeral. Elderly, chest congestion and diabetes is three strikes against her. I would not wait.


Another thought....how about a public health clinic? Again, inform them of her possible infectious condition and they may isolate her, and the cost would be based on her ability to pay. The waits tend to be much longer, but it's cheaper. My concern would be her underlying conditions and the clinic not having her history, but perhaps you or someone else could go along to help ensure she remembers to tell them her history.

Edited by ConnieB
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