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We have H1N1...

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My 6 yo has a confirmed case of H1N1. He presented with a cough and fever today after playing with a little boy who was sick yesterday at the ballfield (he had a fever yesterday but mom brought him anyway and he played with my kid). Today the mom calls and says it is H1N1 so I knew to look for that in mine. He's got Tamiflu and isn't totally miserable yet.


I'm just watching the other kids now. I'm especially worried about the 16 month old.


I'm not sure exactly what to think. I wasn't really that worried about this but now that he has it I am a bit concerned.


I guess I just wanted to share. I usually shy away from whatever is popular and trendy but here we are with swine flu:tongue_smilie: It just feels weird.



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The symptoms were just a cough and fever. I wouldn't have taken him in if I didn't know that his playmate had it. The cough was very mild (really just during the night) and he just felt a little warm to the touch. He slept all afternoon, though, and that was not normal.


The doc said that the fever comes and goes with this so they may feel warm one minute but not a few minutes later. It seems like the croupy cough is the main symptom. Honestly, I never heard mine cough but he when he got up this morning he said he was coughing so hard that it "made him bend over to get it out".


I didn't think it would be possible to come down with it so quickly after exposure but I read that 1-4 days is normal. I guess that speeds up the amount of time I have to watch for it in the others.


I kept thinking it was nothing to get worked up about- that it was just like the common flu. Now that we have it I am concerned though. I guess I would be worried about my kid if he just had the common flu though.

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My 6 yo has a confirmed case of H1N1. He presented with a cough and fever today after playing with a little boy who was sick yesterday at the ballfield (he had a fever yesterday but mom brought him anyway and he played with my kid). Today the mom calls and says it is H1N1 so I knew to look for that in mine. He's got Tamiflu and isn't totally miserable yet.


I'm just watching the other kids now. I'm especially worried about the 16 month old.


I'm not sure exactly what to think. I wasn't really that worried about this but now that he has it I am a bit concerned.


I guess I just wanted to share. I usually shy away from whatever is popular and trendy but here we are with swine flu:tongue_smilie: It just feels weird.




24 hour incubation! Whoa! :( I hope your son feels better soon. H1N1 is something I have had in the back of my mind for a long time now. I am really starting to get concerned!

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I'm almost jealous! It sounds like this flu is going to get all of us at one point or another. It'd be nice to get it out of the way early! (Trying to look at the bright side!)


:grouphug: and prayers.


A woman at our church yesterday came in to the nursery with her two dds who were hacking like crazy. She then proceeded to tell me that SHE had been sick all week with exactly these symptoms you are describing. I pulled my dd from the nursery very fast!!

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The doc said that the fever comes and goes with this so they may feel warm one minute but not a few minutes later.


Now that's interesting. I was thinking we may all have had this back in late March (before the news broke, but we live in the sort of place likely to have seen it early) ~ but this interests me... the other day, ds10 ran a fever - sort of....off and on...like...he felt warm, checked him, 100.4 (under the arm - he can't take the therm. in his mouth) .. ten minutes later, gone. Perfectly normal. He did this a few times during the day, sneezed maybe three times...coughed twice?... and then .... nothing. All gone, whatever it was. Nobody else seems sick, although dd12 did say her throat was a tad sore yesterday morning - but, she was out playing a game with friends the night before that involved a lot of screaming. (Older brother of a friend was chasing them with a Freddy Kreuger mask)....she says it's fine now.....she's not sick or anything, up and running in & out & playing. (I'm not locking her in the house when she has nothing going on and feels great) .....


eh...who knows. Caught my eye with the fever comment though... ds10 is my kid who never gets sick - when we all had *whatever* for a week in the Spring, he got sick for barely a day.

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Now that's interesting. I was thinking we may all have had this back in late March (before the news broke, but we live in the sort of place likely to have seen it early) ~ but this interests me... the other day, ds10 ran a fever - sort of....off and on...like...he felt warm, checked him, 100.4 (under the arm - he can't take the therm. in his mouth) .. ten minutes later, gone. Perfectly normal. He did this a few times during the day, sneezed maybe three times...coughed twice?... and then .... nothing. All gone, whatever it was. Nobody else seems sick, although dd12 did say her throat was a tad sore yesterday morning - but, she was out playing a game with friends the night before that involved a lot of screaming. (Older brother of a friend was chasing them with a Freddy Kreuger mask)....she says it's fine now.....she's not sick or anything, up and running in & out & playing. (I'm not locking her in the house when she has nothing going on and feels great) .....


eh...who knows. Caught my eye with the fever comment though... ds10 is my kid who never gets sick - when we all had *whatever* for a week in the Spring, he got sick for barely a day.


I have two who may have had it earlier this year. We had just returned from Mexico in January (before it broke in the news). Both these boys were VERY sick though. Like a typical flu - high fevers, coughs, sore throat, etc. So, I don't know!! Never will, I guess.

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I wouldn't necessarily assume there's a 24 hour incubation, unless that's the only person the OPs son has had contact with in the last several days. The germs are everywhere. The other day I was at Walmart (admittedly not always the most germ-free, sanitary or pleasant environment) and I could hear this person hacking away several aisles over. I thought the woman was going to cough up a lung. Even my 2yo said, "Whoa, that person is really sick." That person needs to be home, not infecting the general population. Luckily I didn't need anything in that aisle, and we quickly made our way to a different part of the store.


My point is, unless you live in a bubble, you're going to run into germs. Yes, I think it was irresponsible for that mom to bring her sick kid to the game, especially with all the hype about swine flu. But the OP's child could have gotten the germs from somewhere else. There are lots of irresponsible people out there.

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We all had something very serious back in March as well. My dd tested negative for flu, but I've read that even swine flu only shows up half of the time on the "quick" flu test. She ran 104-105 fever for 3 or 4 days. I had to give her ibuprofen on top of tylenol (I know this isn't good to do) just to get it to go down a couple of degrees. I ended up with pink eye in both eyes before it was over with me. Whatever it was, it was terrible.

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Glad to hear you were able to get your child in right away and get them on Tamiflu. Mine was sick but has the cough and cold. The doctor didn't seem worried at all. She was sick with a fever for 48 hours and the cough cold started at the end. She's otherwise fine, but still has trouble focusing 100% in school.

I think we will all get it sooner or later. Like the other PP said, it might be nice to get it out of the way right away. You hate to say that but it's not fun when you worry about it and tend to dwell on it.

Just keep watching your kids and getting them in right away for the test.

I'll pray for your family!

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Now that's interesting. I was thinking we may all have had this back in late March (before the news broke, but we live in the sort of place likely to have seen it early) ~ but this interests me... the other day, ds10 ran a fever - sort of....off and on...like...he felt warm, checked him, 100.4 (under the arm - he can't take the therm. in his mouth) .. ten minutes later, gone. Perfectly normal. He did this a few times during the day, sneezed maybe three times...coughed twice?... and then .... nothing. All gone, whatever it was. Nobody else seems sick, although dd12 did say her throat was a tad sore yesterday morning - but, she was out playing a game with friends the night before that involved a lot of screaming. (Older brother of a friend was chasing them with a Freddy Kreuger mask)....she says it's fine now.....she's not sick or anything, up and running in & out & playing. (I'm not locking her in the house when she has nothing going on and feels great) .....


eh...who knows. Caught my eye with the fever comment though... ds10 is my kid who never gets sick - when we all had *whatever* for a week in the Spring, he got sick for barely a day.


I have two who may have had it earlier this year. We had just returned from Mexico in January (before it broke in the news). Both these boys were VERY sick though. Like a typical flu - high fevers, coughs, sore throat, etc. So, I don't know!! Never will, I guess.


Yeah ds10 didn't get very sick in march, but dd12 went splat for a week and dh & I for a few days. LOTS of travel to/from Mexico here, (several people dh works with were there for March break) and just general busyness with people coming & going from all over the place for work - fly in, fly out. It was very flu-like, but not as bad as the one time I can remember having the "seasonal flu".

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He's doing really well. He's got 3 doses of Tamiflu in him and is pretty comfortable. He has only needed a couple doses of Tylenol over the past 2 days. He went outside and played today and has been doing great.


The other 5 in the household haven't shown any symptoms. We'll see how tomorrow goes.


Thanks for all the support!



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