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I just need to vent, somewhere. so we have lived with my inlaws for 8 year!!!!!!! i cant take it. i moved in when i was 18 and still here 2 kids later at 26. i just cant take the ignorant comments i have to face. yes, we should be in our house in a month but still!


ds is comming down with something, little pale, little tired. besides trying to figure out whats going on with his skin (extreme case of excema for months now) so anyways, my 29 year old brother in law says "dad doesnt he look pale" and his ignorance comment (in spansih, glad i learned it!) "she probably didnt feed him today. Melissa u feed that baby today" i said of course i did im not a bad mom, i made chicken and shrimp stir fry (i was gloating cause it came out awsome) then he said, yeah right you probably ate it all "



now on a reg basis he tells me im getting fat. or i gained wait. now hes telling me i dont feed my kids and i eat their food. i think he needs love. im 5'5 129 and prefect to my hubby :)


thanks for listening. its just always SOMETHING in this house. i cant wait to wake up, NOT PUT ON A BRA and go drink my coffee in peace :)

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It must be hard, my MIL drives me a little....a lot crazy.


Not to make light of your situation but, it sounds like it may be a little cultural too. I grew up in a Spanish speaking household. My mom , dad and auntie all spoke Spanish as their primary language. They still will say things that sound so crass, but when said in Spanish it really isn't I don't know how to explain it. They obsess about food who is gaining weight, who isn't, who eats what and how much. They always tell me my kids are too skinny, they like the kids chubby and the adults skinny.....I still can't figure it out!:D

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i wish i could joke back. then hell say im disrespectful. arg. yeah its a cultral thing, im sure it is, but its just so uncalled for. like i need to hear that when my kids skin is bleeding, we cant find a cure or cause for the excema, dd is loosing her pigment and its not vitiligo. its just, i got a full plate. i dont need to hear it sometimes. but, i relax and do what my new guide tell me, to pray. i pray for everyone now :)

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been there but only for 1 yr and only w/1 child...others were right...you will LOVE your new house and probably NEVER take it for granted! We lived in a room in the basement of my mil and I only went upstairs when I HAD to.

my fil came to visit from ecuador 2-3x/year and that is the only time I had to deal w/the comments you are speaking of. the most frustrating one was when my dd1 was 2 weeks old and fil wanted to know when i was going to give him a boy?!?! 2 weeks old! and i'm not giving *him* anything! I am all about multicultural stuff but some of the "up in your bidness" stuff is ANNOYING!

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thats nothing!


when ds was born, my FIL first wanted to be there in the room for his first grandson, NO!

then after the birth he came in, unwrapped my cold newborn just to see if his balls were big enough to be one of them!


OMG! When I heard about how my mil (from us) was slapped on the bottom by her fil (ecuadorian) when she lived in ecuador, I told my dh that if anything like that happened I expected him to stick up for me and to expect me to slap them back. Respecting elders is really important to hispanics but not women...soo frustrating!


anyway, I feel for you and I am SOOO happy you will be rid of the situation soon!

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