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Can someone please translate this school request for me?

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My dd's elementary school has something called a Parent Information Folder (PIF) which, in an effort to conserve paper, is now emailed to the parent once a week. On Tuesdays, the teacher sends home a large manila envelope with last week's papers in it. On the front it says, "Tuesday Paper Packet must be signed and returned with your child's PIF."


There is a nifty little form on the front of the envelope with a date and line for signature. I signed by today's date signifying that I have received and reviewed all papers and read the on-line PIF. I have no idea what I am supposed to do with the PIF. Am I supposed to print it out, sign it and return it in the envelope? If so, that doesn't really help much with the conserving paper part does it? If not, then what the heck does that sentence mean? Am I particularly dense? Am I missing something obvious? Please help. What the heck am I supposed to do?


PS - I have a bachelor's degree for goodness sake. It should not be so hard to comply with school requests that I have to ask for help on a internet forum. :glare:

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If there is a signature line on the PIF then...Print, sign, return.


It is to conserve their paper, not yours.


If there is no signature line on the PIF, I would guess that by signing the front, that you are attesting to reading it. The emailed option may have been conceived after the cover letter was drafted.


If you are concerned that it will cause trouble either print it off, and put a sticky note on it asking if you need to print off future copies or call and ask the secretary.

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When my kids were in ps they got "Friday Envelopes" that we had to sign and return on Monday. I think that when that letter was created they refered to the whole envelope system as the PIF and just didn't change it to indicate the online version. I would sign and return the envelope and perhaps add a little sticky note to the envelope asking if that is all that is needed back to confirm.

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I'd print out out and return it. Sounds to me like they're trying to conserve THEIR paper, not yours. Which makes sense from my time teaching in public schools - one year we ran out of our year's supply of paper in October. Our entire year supply. So they're probably asking you all to print it to conserve their paper.

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Just sign and return the envelope. The school already knows what is in the online PIF -- The staff created and mailed the files in the first place ! Don't waste your paper and ink on printing this info. (If you do, at least it will be your only time to do so, because the school staff will flip out to receive such a wad of paper from you and any other parents ! :) )

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