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2nd grade science help!


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We have been following the TWTM ideas on science. We choose the topics, then read about them in encylopedias, books, etc. We just never seem to get around to it! It is the one thing that gets skipped. This is our first year following TWTM and I have such mixed feelings about sticking with it.


For example, this weeks topic was monkeys. We read a couple library books on Tuesday. Tonight I felt guilty that we haven't done more so we all sat down to draw a picture of a monkey with markers and crayons. :001_huh:


On the one hand I think it will be wonderful and fun to learn "information" on animals, the body, and plants. On the other hand, shoudln't we be doing experiments and learning about more "scientific" things?


I feel like I would be more likely to stick with it and actually do science if it were a lesson from a curriculum. Any ideas?

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If you want science the WTM way planned out for you, check out my program Elemental Science. It schedules all the fun informational readings with relevant experiments and projects. Plus the notebooking pages include pictures for you to use, so you don't have to draw them yourself (unless you want to ;)). My dd loved the program and learned a ton from it. Take a look, I think that you might really like Biology for the Grammar Stage. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :).

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Do you have an encyclopedia for them to start with? Last year I had my 2 first graders go through an Usborne Illustrated (I'm not sure how it was worded, but it had everything from mosses to primate in it) We would do a couple pages a week. I read it to them and we talked a little about it. Say 20 mins on Tues then when I did read aloud with them I picked a book that was about the same thing. We usually had at least 2 around. After that I had them draw/copy a picture or life cycle whatever and dictate a sentence to me. Maybe total 45 mins on Thurs. The most important thing you want to remember is this is a time for exposure not mastery. You want them to enjoy it. KWIM? HTH.

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We used the Kingfisher encyclopedias and books and videos last year for life science, per TWTM. My ds did love it, and he seems to have learned a lot of information about animals - he can talk about vertebrates/ invertebrates, mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibeans, etc. I did have some concerns about not being more active and doing experiments, so this year for earth/space we are using REAL Science Odyssey.

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I started out doing TWTM method for science, and my son was enjoying it, and we were actually doing it, but I missed the experiments too. When I heard about Elemental Science, mentioned above, I decided to give it a try. We just started it this year, but my son is really enjoying it, and he is thrilled that it has experiments that are at his level. In the past he would sit in on the older two's experiments, and wanted to do everything, but he didn't really get it.

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We're doing Sonlight's science 1 this year, which is general science and not just biology. I was thisclose to buying R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Life Science, which is designed to follow WTM, though. Sonlight won because it included everything we needed in the kit.

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We did 1st grade WTM last year too. I too was dissapointed in our animal study. Yes, my kids learned about classification, invertebrates, mammals, etc. etc. But I did not think it was a very exciting study. For one thing we had done a lot of animal study in K. dd's notebook on animals was pretty lacking too although we read lots of books.


Once we switched to human body study after Christmas the tone of our science changed. We used the Usborne 1st Encyclopedia of Human Body and did a spread at a time, and I found tons of library books on each body system. Most had experiments or activities to do. Then we did the online games, and I printed a picture for them to label for their notebooks. All of a sudden the science got exciting. Just wanted to let you know, it can get better. Maybe because it was new material or maybe it was having the right spine and the added activities. We made plastic lungs, we made our fingerprints, we played games experimenting w/our senses of sound and touch, etc. For plants, we used chapters from Rod and Staff's Patterns of Nature, and started a garden, and notebooked from library books again. I couldn't find an encyclopedia I liked.


We are doing Earth Science right now, and have the Usborne encyclopedia plus a great Earth Science Experiment book from the library. So far so good. Hope it picks up for you guys.

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I am so glad that I came across this forum to get feedback from others and I don't have to feel so helplessly alone and wondering if we are doing the "right" thing! I like your ideas, thanks so much!


I really want my kids to have an appreciation for all the wonderful things in the world, such as plants, animals, and the body. I am going to make it work, even when it doesn't seem so exciting...... We have the video Gorillas in the Mist waiting for us on interlibrary loan. Maybe we will go pick it up today and things will get a bit more exciting!

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I am on week 2 of first grade WTM science. I really like it! I do the encyclopedia, tell me something interesting they heard, write it down, and then give them a coloring page I printed from the internet on day 1. I get my 7 yo, 5 yo and almost 3 yo involved in coloring! On the 2nd day of science for the week we read a library book and talk about the highlights. Done. I also have a plants and animal experiment box I will get out soon for the animal part. I have done no animal studies with them yet. My son did take a 1 year aquarium class last year. So far I like it. I also start with it at the beginning of the day, because it's fun and interesting!

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