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Afterschooling History....suggestions?

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I want something that is quick and painless for my dc (4th, 6th and 8th). None of them will get anymore World History until High School. :glare: And then it is a whirlwind, one year study in 9th or 10th I think. Dd12 has been Amer. Historied out and will study it again this year (through WW1). I would like her to have "some" world History before starting high school. We did some Ancients last year but not much. I have Diana Waring's What in the World is Going on Here CD's for Ancients and thought I could just have them listen to those once in a while. We also have the Drive Through History DVD's. Any other suggestions for something quick and painless...they would really complain if it was too much more "work", kwim? Thanks!

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We also read and listen to SOTW and refer to the Kingfisher and Usborne history encyclopedias. If I want to emphasize an event, person, or era I'll check out a short, easy-to-read book or video as well.


My son has the same history teacher for sixth through eighth. He also teaches literature and ties that in with what he's teaching in history. We're incredibly fortunate.

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Read aloud or listen to audio versions of Story of the World or EH Grombrich's A Little History of the World. Listening to these should provide the right hooks to make for in depth high school study to stick. You don't even need to set aside time daily for this, although that would be nice. I frequently use these on car trips.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest wendyroseville


I agree with the others - I've been using Story of the World to afterschool my third grade daughter in history and it has worked really well. We read one chapter of the text on Monday night of the week at bedtime and we read other supporting books/literature the other nights. It's really been quite painless. We did the ancients in a year and a half and we're doing the middle ages now (will probably spend a year and a half as well, although it would be easy to do it in a year.)



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We also did Story of the World -- we did it as audiotapes before bed and it was great for all of us. We tried some other things like Little History on tape but just couldn't get into it so far.


We like history here, so we've gotten other audios -- our library has Teaching Company, but they're too "hard" for my kids right now. My kids have loved Jim Weiss and he has some history tapes geared for older kids. Our library has tons of historical fiction on audio so that's been good too.


We tried History at Our House and really liked it, but it has been hard for afterschooling and would require some dedication, so not painless like the audiotapes.


There are also some Teaching Company history videos for highschoolers. My kids couldn't get into them but maybe I'll try again for my 11 year old.


Vision Forum has a history of the world on DVD but I haven't seen it.


There are lots of good documentaries and cable shows on topics in ancient history. We watch a lot of those together.

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Of course, SOTW cds.... at night:-) or whenever. It may not be the thing my child loves, but when on restriction... it's the only thing my child was allowed to listen to last year... and she almost memorized the SOTW 3:-)

Also, check out Weiss' other cds.... Really great!! I purchased all the ones that were in the SOTW I time period... YAY, and next year... I'll purchase the next period...



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Reading out loud, audio books in the car, good movies, library trips each week, and keep an eye out for local plays at high schools and local community theaters. We recently saw that a Jr high was doing The Diary of Anne Frank, fi. The local community theater also has weekend matinees on various topics at reduced rates for kids. We recently saw a college production on Darwin that was free.

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If you go onto Librivox.org you will find plenty of free audio history resources that could fit your needs. Have your kids run through the Famous Men of.... Series by John Haaren? There's 4 of them: Famous Men of Greece, Famous Men of Rome, Famous Men of the Middle Ages and Famous Men of Modern Times. I highly recommend them and I think they would be a good place to start for your kids' ages. My dc enjoy listening to them and we're able to squeak them in either during meals or in the car now that I've put them on my iPod. :) If SOTW audio discs are not for you, what about Our Island Story or The Story of the Middle Ages by Samuel B. Harding instead of SOTW2- they're available on Librivox. I'm no help for the other time periods, sorry. :tongue_smilie: I did see this on RR and thought it might fit your needs, but I have no experience with it personally. Maybe somebody else on this board might.


I hope you find something that will work for you and your dc. :)

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In addition to the ones Jane listed from Librivox there is also:


Story of the Middle Ages

Our Island Story

This Country of Ours

50 Famous Stories, Retold




we have not listened to this one yet, but plan to:


The Story of Mankind



There are other good things there too, if you spend time searching.

Edited by Snickerdoodle
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hi - we are loving history at our house, so we are delving deep, but i think it would work as a "listening in the car" item if you had printed out the maps and pictures and that they would get a lot out of it. if they really loved some aspect, they could dig as deep as they had time for, and you could choose whether or not to test.....




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