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Hurricanes stink!

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Like everyone, we are in desperate need of a vacation. Dh's job rules our entire lives. After a crazy summer where plans were over turned one after another we have been looking so forward to a week at a rented cottage on the beach. We should be there tomorrow.


No, dh's company has now cancelled all vacations as a result of the impending hurricane. I called the owner of the cottage and he is understanding. He can give it to us later in Sept. but that is the week that we were supposed to finally meet up with some other homeschoolers in our area and ds has his first ever karate class. Also the water likely won't be warm enough to swim in and all of the other children will have left the area. The kids have a great time playing on the beach with new found friends.


I know in the grand scheme of life this is just a minor inconvenience. But it still stinks! The kids look forward to this all year and now we likely won't have a vacation at all :( I was good last night, but today I'm just in a funk.

Edited by mamapjama
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Like everyone, we are in desperate need of a vacation. Dh's job rules our entire lives. After a crazy summer where plans were over turned one after another we have been looking so forward to a week at a rented cottage on the beach. We should be there tomorrow.


No, dh's company has now cancelled all vacations as a result of the impending hurricane. I called the owner of the cottage and he is understanding. He can give it to us later in Sept. but that is the week that we were supposed to finally meet up with some other homeschoolers in our area and ds has his first ever karate class. Also the water likely won't be warm enough to swim in and all of the other children will have left the area. The kids have a great time playing on the beach with new found friends.


I know in the grand scheme of life this is just a minor inconvenience. But it still stinks! The kids look forward to this all year and now we likely won't have a vacation at all :( I was good last night, but today I'm just in a funk.


:grouphug: :grouphug: I feel your pain. :( And yes, they stink. :thumbdown:

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We were on vacation at the beach when a hurricane hit Florida. Then 3 weeks later another hurricane hit Florida and then 3 weeks after that...you guessed it ANOTHER hurricane! We have 3 within 6 weeks of each other! I was never so happy for hurricane season to be over as I was that year. I was pregnant and had a one year old and being without air in 90 degree weather was no fun!

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We were on vacation at the beach when a hurricane hit Florida. Then 3 weeks later another hurricane hit Florida and then 3 weeks after that...you guessed it ANOTHER hurricane! We have 3 within 6 weeks of each other! I was never so happy for hurricane season to be over as I was that year. I was pregnant and had a one year old and being without air in 90 degree weather was no fun!



That must have been in 2004, no?? That was a fun season. After being locked in the house for 5 days with hurricane Frances I decided that rum was most definitely a necessary hurricane supply! :rolleyes:

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You guessed it!



That was the year that they coined the term "hurricane fatigue". There were 9 hurricanes that year and most of them hit Florida. :glare: The following year was even worse! We had 28 storms that year!! They ran out of letters of the alphabet for the names and had to switch to the Greek alphabet. Unreal!

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Like everyone, we are in desperate need of a vacation. Dh's job rules our entire lives. After a crazy summer where plans were over turned one after another we have been looking so forward to a week at a rented cottage on the beach. We should be there tomorrow.


No, dh's company has now cancelled all vacations as a result of the impending hurricane. I called the owner of the cottage and he is understanding. He can give it to us later in Sept. but that is the week that we were supposed to finally meet up with some other homeschoolers in our area and ds has his first ever karate class. Also the water likely won't be warm enough to swim in and all of the other children will have left the area. The kids have a great time playing on the beach with new found friends.


I know in the grand scheme of life this is just a minor inconvenience. But it still stinks! The kids look forward to this all year and now we likely won't have a vacation at all :( I was good last night, but today I'm just in a funk.


I hear ya. We'll be prepping tomorrow (oh, and BTW, dh just came home and now says the van will not start. So much for going out to stock up some fruit tomorrow!!!!!). Our anniversary lunch date will likely not happen if it hits here hard on Sunday. And can you believe that people probably will go out to Lawrencetown Beach to "watch the waves????"

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I decided that rum was most definitely a necessary hurricane supply! :rolleyes:

:iagree:We spent Frances cooped up at Mom's with 3 bored guys who wanted to DO something, 3 bored kids that the guys did NOT want to DO something with, and 3 dogs who OUT. Mom and I decided that next time, either get the rum, or go on a girls vacation. LOL

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:iagree:We spent Frances cooped up at Mom's with 3 bored guys who wanted to DO something, 3 bored kids that the guys did NOT want to DO something with, and 3 dogs who OUT. Mom and I decided that next time, either get the rum, or go on a girls vacation. LOL


LOL We only had a skinny bottle of wine in the house during Frances. We killed that off on the first day! hehehehe You know how animals get nervous when a big storm is coming? Well people do too, and it's nice to have something to chill the jitters. When Hurricane Wilma hit us, it came diagonally so we were lucky enough to get the eye wall 3 times where I live!!! We sat in the category 3 winds surrounding the eye for hours!! I'll tell you, that rum and coke at 7am really helped! She gave us quite a shellacking!

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That was my first hurricane season in Florida! We then went thru the groundhog day tornado, give me a hurricane ANY day please instead of that......



Yes tornadoes are SCARY!! Hurricanes are bad because they are so massive, but at least you know when they are coming, but tornadoes!! They come so suddenly and are so powerful! I thank God I've never been in one! :svengo:

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You know how animals get nervous when a big storm is coming? Well people do too


Oh yeah, that's what I've been all day yesterday and now this morning!! Although, it's currently forecasted to pass a little farther south of NS....so, hoping it won't pack such a punch!!! Ever since Juan in 2003, we in the Maritime provinces are MUCH more on alert - many of us just didn't "get it" about hurricanes until we got smashed by Juan. I think it was a Cat 2 when it hit, and that was one scary night for me. Dh and I were completely unprepared. Not this time. We've got a prep list and we're working our way through it today. He's also trying to get our van fixed so I can get out and get some supplies. On a Saturday. When everyone else will be hounding the stores, too.


we were lucky enough to get the eye wall 3 times where I live!!! We sat in the category 3 winds surrounding the eye for hours!!



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Oh yeah, that's what I've been all day yesterday and now this morning!! Although, it's currently forecasted to pass a little farther south of NS....so, hoping it won't pack such a punch!!! Ever since Juan in 2003, we in the Maritime provinces are MUCH more on alert - many of us just didn't "get it" about hurricanes until we got smashed by Juan. I think it was a Cat 2 when it hit, and that was one scary night for me. Dh and I were completely unprepared. Not this time. We've got a prep list and we're working our way through it today. He's also trying to get our van fixed so I can get out and get some supplies. On a Saturday. When everyone else will be hounding the stores, too.



It's true! A lot of people think I'm joking when I say that rum is a hurricane supply but I'm not. hehehe I'm not a drinker by any means, but when those suckers come a'callin', a little rum makes it easier to deal with while you sit and watch your glass doors rippling wondering if they'll hold. :eek:

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Yes tornadoes are SCARY!! Hurricanes are bad because they are so massive, but at least you know when they are coming, but tornadoes!! They come so suddenly and are so powerful! I thank God I've never been in one! :svengo:


The noise..... oh my, the noise.


So i've now been in: earthquakes (CA native here), hurricanes, tornado. I'm so NOT doing a blizzard or tsunami if i can help it! LOL!!


Tornado is by far the lowest of the low..... and i'm instantly up watching TV with any storm of that intensity. Yesterday up this was pretty darn nasty... the worst i think since that Tornado.


ANYWAY..... yup, hurricanes suck - but not enough to get me to move! LOL!!

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Since we were getting ready for vacation, I do have a nice supply of wine ;)


My dh is one of the guys who climbs the poles and restores power. That's why they cancelled his vacation. It sounds like we are going to get more rain than anything now but I guess we won't know for sure until tomorrow. I'm tempted to take the kids to the cottage anyway, just the three of us. But I'm worried about my chickens here at home. :lol:


Hope you can get your van fixed Colleen and you weather this out without any major problems. :grouphug:

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a little rum makes it easier to deal with while you sit and watch your glass doors rippling wondering if they'll hold. :eek:


:lol::lol: about the glass! I was sitting in the kitchen a little while ago, scoping out where trees could possibly fall on the house...and started mentally making plans to move the kids into the hallway in the night instead of bedrooms, if the wind starts up tonight.


The noise..... oh my, the noise.


What's it like?


I'm so NOT doing a blizzard


Blizzards are a piece of cake compared to a hurricane!! Kinda like one-inch spiders are a piece of cake to Floridians. :D:D


My dh is one of the guys who climbs the poles and restores power. That's why they cancelled his vacation.


Hope you can get your van fixed Colleen and you weather this out without any major problems. :grouphug:


Ah, yes, now I remember him telling dh that he did that for a living. Well, now he's our hero!! Tell him thank you from us - to you, too - I know it's a pain in the neck, but we sure appreciate the NSP people during times like this.


Van got fixed, and I got my supplies. Wal-Mart wasn't as mobbed as I thought it would be.


Off to check the forecast again...


Thanks for the moral support, everyone!

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What's it like?

It's really really loud!! There is so much banging and crashing of trees going down and the wind is so violent and strong it screams through the trees and it's SO LOUD!! It's unlike anything!


Blizzards are a piece of cake compared to a hurricane!! Kinda like one-inch spiders are a piece of cake to Floridians. :D:D

lol Our bugs are a little on the big side. :)


Van got fixed, and I got my supplies. Wal-Mart wasn't as mobbed as I thought it would be.


Off to check the forecast again...


Thanks for the moral support, everyone!


Glad to hear it. :)

Edited by Ibbygirl
messed up the quotey thingy
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That must have been in 2004, no?? That was a fun season. After being locked in the house for 5 days with hurricane Frances I decided that rum was most definitely a necessary hurricane supply! :rolleyes:


That was a memorable year for us. My youngest was born in the middle of Charlie. Very stressful for us to have the kids riding out tornado warnings in our laundry room with dh and I stuck at the hospital. That was also Friday the 13th. The child has so far lived up to her wild beginnings. God save us when we hit the teen years with her.


Then there was Francis, which looked like it was going to be a monster, but stalled and weakened. That was the easiest on us. Last was Jeane. That was the definitely the hardest on our house. Our friends stayed with us because their house was still damaged from Charlie. They got stuck at our house for days. We had some scary moments with Jeane and a decent amount of water intrusion.


I love California for the weather. I haven't watched tge weather channel in over a year!

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:grouphug: :sad:


That does stink! Hopefully the week you can go will be fun too. Maybe it will be unusually warm for Sept.


I hope everyone who is getting ready will be ok. Down here was usually get the evacuees, but the worst of it does not come up this far. The tornadoes...well that is a different matter lol.

Edited by dwkilburn1
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That was a memorable year for us. My youngest was born in the middle of Charlie. Very stressful for us to have the kids riding out tornado warnings in our laundry room with dh and I stuck at the hospital. That was also Friday the 13th. The child has so far lived up to her wild beginnings. God save us when we hit the teen years with her.


Then there was Francis, which looked like it was going to be a monster, but stalled and weakened. That was the easiest on us. Last was Jeane. That was the definitely the hardest on our house. Our friends stayed with us because their house was still damaged from Charlie. They got stuck at our house for days. We had some scary moments with Jeane and a decent amount of water intrusion.


I love California for the weather. I haven't watched tge weather channel in over a year!


Wow! You went through a lot. At first when you said your dd was born in the middle of Charlie I thought she was born in the house. :eek: I'm glad you were in the hospital. Yeah, that was a memorable two years we had. My neighbor's wife died during Francis and he had to stay with her in the house for a couple of days until the storm was over! :eek: Crazy times!

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