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Alternatives to glucose testing during pregnancy?? Please help

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I need some help from all you mommas out there. I am 6 months along in my pregnancy, and supposed to have a glucose test done on Tuesday. I am looking for alternatives to the traditional orange drink test. While I have never failed a glucose test, it does make me sick for a week! I'm just about to the point of refusing the test if I cannot find an alternative. I have tried the jelly bean alternative, but could not eat the # of jelley beans in the amount of time given, so I had to take the 3 hour test (Don't want to do that again!). Do any of you know of any alternatives? Organic/natural would be great, but at this point, I'm looking for anything that will work!


Thanks so much for your help,

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My mid-wife did not make me do these tests. Had to with 1st 2 - yuck. Don't they test for sugar in your urine at each visit - not you personally, necessarily, I mean isn't that what the pee stick is for every 2 weeks? Mid-wife had us did our own and match it up on the bottle with 8 different colors. I think there are warning signs for gestational diabetes, aren't there. Couldn't they just do the test if there is a reason for it? (again, not just you OP, but in general?)

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I always failed the test and sometimes couldn't keep the glucola in my stomach.:tongue_smilie: I'm like you, when I did manage to keep the glucola down, I usually ended up with a migraine and felt bad for days!


I would ask for a fasting blood glucose and then a 1 hour post-parandial (1-hour post meal). I found options like this recommended by some health care professionals who were against the unrealistic load that glucola placed on the system.




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Do a google search for "gestational diabetes gentlebirth". The Gentle Birth website has some suggestions on there for alternative testing, including the jelly bean test.


Another option is to ask your care provider to compromise. Get a glucometer and test your sugars at home.


I think there are warning signs for gestational diabetes, aren't there.


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Refusing the test is a perfectly viable option. It's not mandatory...they just try to make it sound like it is. I wouldn't be drinking anything that would make me sick for a week, either!


If you're not high-risk and you're having no issues, it's not an important test. If there's some concern, ask to do the finger-prick tests yourself at home to monitor it for a while.

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My mid-wife did not make me do these tests. Had to with 1st 2 - yuck. Don't they test for sugar in your urine at each visit - not you personally, necessarily, I mean isn't that what the pee stick is for every 2 weeks? Mid-wife had us did our own and match it up on the bottle with 8 different colors. I think there are warning signs for gestational diabetes, aren't there. Couldn't they just do the test if there is a reason for it? (again, not just you OP, but in general?)



The stick piddle tests are not very accurate. I was gestational diabetic and usually showed a normal glucose level. Gestational diabetes doesn't necessarily show warning signs either. Most of the symptoms are usual in pregnancy anyway. Peeing frequently? Yep! Fatigue? Yep! Getting a meter and doing a few finger prick tests at home ought to be fine.



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I down a big glass of orange juice. It's kind of funny because after enduring 5 of those nasty glucose drinks the o.j. thing was suggested to me. Feeling anxious that I was going against doctor orders I went in for my OB appt. wondering what my results would be. They were what the results were with the nasty drink. From then on I used o.j. and simply "forgot" to tell my doctor that I was doing so. ;) I've considered forgoing the test altogether however figured this is the lesser of the many tests suggested to me so I don't have a problem with it, and should the results indicated GD I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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How were the results of your previous tests? Were they good, borderline?


I'm training to be a doula. Let me ask around on the doula boards and see what they have to say.


I have always passed the tests. The only one that was questionable was with my last pregnancy. My Dr. suggested the jelly bean test, but I was unable to eat all the jelly beans in the amount of time allowed. He sent me to have the 3 hour test done at the hospital, and I passed that one just fine, but again, I felt sick.

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My doctor gives his patients 2 options:

You can have either 2 donuts and a can of pop

- or -

bowl of cereal, 2 pieces of toast w/jam, glass of milk, glass of OJ


I chose option 1 for my 2nd child. It felt like a guilt-free way to indulge since it was 'dr's orders!' Except later that morning I had a terrible sugar-crash. For my last child, who's 6-wks old, I did the 2nd choice. I believe you're supposed to eat about 1-hr before the test.

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Thank you all for your advice. I called my Dr.'s office today, and he is suggesting a fasting test. He said that I shouldn't eat anything after midnight the night before my appt. then they will test my blood when I get there. All of the fasting tests I have heard of go kind of like, don't eat for 12 hours, draw blood, eat/drink something, then draw blood 1 hour later. The nurse I talked to said that I wouldnt have to eat or drink anything, though. Is there a fasting test where you just don't eat and get your blood drawn? If it'll work, it sound a whole lot better to me that dringing that NASTY orange stuff!!! I wish I would have researched this out a long time ago!

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Thank you all for your suggestions and help. I ended up fasting from midnight on Monday until my appt. and 10am the next morning. They drew my blood and that was that. My levels came back just great. I wish I would have known about this method of testing several pregnancies ago.


Thanks again :001_smile:

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