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How does everyone store their posters?


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We have tons of posters and limited wall space. I'm trying to set up a system where I can hang up the poster we need, but where do I store them when not in use? I'd like a system where I can see them easily or at least separate them by subject. Any ideas? Thanks!

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our posters need to be UP to be of any use. We also have limited wall space, so we use the fronts and back of doors, the hallway, inside and outside of closets, etc. I have told my husband our next move is the ceiling (which, by the way, already has a solar system, and will soon be getting some star systems). I figure my kids spend a lot of time on the floor anyways (they are all still young), why not put stuff on the ceiling for them!

Hope you find a solution!

Hot Lava Mama

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I bought a poster storage box at a teacher's supply store. It is cardboard and needs requires tucking and folding to assemble, but it does the trick. I paid about $12 for it.


We have limited wall space becaue our schoolroom is a loft and one "wall" is actually a rail that looks down into the livingroom. I use business quality tri-fold display boards for some of my posters. I can stand them up in the schoolroom most of the time, but I can also put them away when we have company or during the summer.




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I put several in each frame making it easier to rotate them and they stay unblemished. The frames we use came with a thick piece of cardboard which we used for another project so there is plenty of room to stack.



A favorite place to put several frames with posters is the bathroom....usually the kind that require some memorizing (sign language, multiplication table, latin roots, poetry). Lots of time to sit and stare, lol.


We have the smaller posters on the kitchen cabinets. And each of the kids has one poster (no frame) on the ceiling above their beds.....another good place for inspirational or memorizing types, as they lay there and stare.

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