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Does anyone else babysit an infant


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and homeschool? I retired from babysitting a couple of years ago. The lady that I used to sit for had another baby and she is on a waiting list for the daycare that she will be attending. She cannot get in until Dec. She called me in May and begged me to keep her. I have had her all summer and it has been good. She is very cute! It is however getting somewhat difficult because she is at the point where she cannot keep herself entertained. She is 5 months old and wants to be held alot! We are starting school on Monday and I am ready and organized this year, but I am not sure that I am going to be able to handle the baby and school. It seems like I am always tending to the baby. If you do this, do you have any tips? Please Help!!!!

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I'll be watching your thread. I watched an infant, starting when she was 9-months old, while I homeschooled my son. It went just fine. I held her a lot. She listened in when we read. My son has always been fairly independent, so I really don't remember any problems.


Now my son is starting 5th grade and moving up to all things Logic Stage, and my daughter is starting kindergarten. The infant has grown into a sweet 3-year-old. Now she has a new baby sister. I also have a baby nephew. I watch the 3-year-old and both babies a couple days a week and do not yet know if the two days will overlap with all three extra kids or not. This is the second week of watching the two babies (2 months and almost 7 months) and the 3-year-old, and it has worked just fine.


We start school on Monday. I have no clue how it is going to go. I'm as uber-organized as possible, and I'm hoping for the best. I figure that, worst-case-scenerio, we can fit kindergarten in after the babies go home. Luckily, my son is still very self-sufficient in the school department. My daughter...

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I run and in home childcare and began homeschooling my five year old son last week. I keep an 11 month old, a 17 month old, and a 3 year old in addition to having my son. I will also be filling another spot soon, probably with an infant.


I keep all my children on a great routine each day. They are pretty much on the same schedule as far as naps, eating, playtime, etc... The two youngest go down for morning nap at 9:30 which is great. We begin school at 9am, the babies play till 9:30 and then while I have my son busy with something, I put them down for nap.


Both of them simply lie down and go to sleep in their pack n play's. They are great! I have had both of them since they were about two month's old and I have never had to hold them all the time just to keep them happy.


That has always been a rule of mine... that I can't walk around with a baby in my arms all day long. I would get nothing done! I make sure they are fed, changed, loved on, have plenty to play with and feeling well. They play wonderfully, and they know all their boundaries even at their young age.


The older three year old likes to listen in or play independently when I teach. I teach for an hour and a half in the morning and thirty minutes in the afternoon from around 3pm till 3:30.


I have just gotten everything well organized with the homeschool, and also with my business of childcare. I am truly blessed with such a good group of kids. They are each so happy and sweet! : ) It has really been wonderful and not a problem at all.


I wish you all the best with your schooling and watching the little one. : )

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I keep a seven month old and have had her since she was 7 weeks.

It was ridiculously easy to fold her into our schedule although that may change as she seems ready to start crawling. I will definitely be doing playpen time with her.

My girls love to hold her, so there is no shortage of arms, but we have a sweet little exersaucer type of thing (different brand) that the baby loves to play in also.

We also have started putting her in a portable high chair and keeping her in the schoolroom with us, which she enjoys since she still gets a lot of attention from us. Sometimes I'll put a little water in the tray and let her splash around, I just put a towel around the foot of it so it's not a huge mess.

Having her sit on my lap is not a big deal; she will try and reach for the books the dc are reading or grab papers, but we just move it out of her reach and give her something to play with or hold and she's fine.

She takes nice long naps so we get a lot done when she's sleeping, too.

I have a big family, and I guess we're just used to having a baby in the house because she has not been a problem to our schedule at all.

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Invest in a decent baby carrier or two and you can hold her and keep doing the rest of your tasks at the same time. Ergo is a great one. If you have questions, http://www.thebabywearer.com has a wealth of info for how to wear a baby comfortably. There are lots of carriers available online that are more comfy than most that available at regular stores.

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I run a daycare in my home and hs my ds 13 8th grade. The children are 5 months, 11 months, 15 months, and 3 years old. I am open from 7 am to 5:30 pm. The day goes as follows:

8 am Breakfast & Meet with Noah

8:30 am Noah Math

9-11 am Littles Nap

9:15 am Noah Hist/Geo with Toddler

10:00 am Noah Sci with Toddler

11 am Daycare outside and Noah Grammar/Vocabulary

11:30 am Noah Fun Workbox

11:45 am Daycare music time & I cook

12 pm Lunch and Noah Literature

1:00 pm Daycare Free Play and Noah Latin

2-4 pm Daycare Nap

2:00 pm Noah Writing/Logic

2:30 pm Noah Life skills/Electives Rotation

3:45 pm Meet with Noah go over day

4 pm Daycare Snack and Noah Corrections &/or Homework

4:30-5:30 pm Daycare free play until parents come


For the summer I have only been doing half a day of hs so we shall see how well this works out starting Mon. 8/24!!!:D


I forgot to say that I would not hold that baby all of the time. She is old enough to do floor play, be in the exersaucer, etc. The more you hold her the worse it will be. Just set her on the floor next to where you are so she can see you and give her plenty of toys to play with (make sure some of them sing, talk, or make some type of noise). I would also get the parents to work with you on this.



Mother to Noah Age 13

Edited by jibaker103
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I watch a 4yr and 5 month old they are sisters and very good kids. I have had them since they were a few wks old. I am doing summer school until the first wk in Sept. Usually the infant is napping (around 9:00) if not, she sits in my lap and likes to play with what ever I have in front of her. I just tryed the eco-saucer with her yesterday and it went well. I have been preparing all summer my lessons, so it will hopeful go smooth when we start a regular schedule. When she starts to crawl I hope to be able to keep her in a play pen or on the floor in the classroom.

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My boy sits in his booster seat (like a high chair but straps onto any chair) for good long stretches with the timer. He's right beside me and I funnel him toys. We started at 15 minutes and are now at 40 minutes, no problem. He happens to be an extremely wiggley, active boy, so I'm thankful it works. Basically my 10 yo causes more delays to our homeschooling than the baby, lol.


As for wanting to be held, well then why not hold him? Sorry, that's just my philosophy. I held him through all his naps, when he was awake, basically all the time, for how many months (longer than dd even). He's SO independent, strong, and content now. I figure babies have banks and you fill them up. Nope, no problem needing to be entertained here. Caught, yes. Entertained, no. :)


BTW, the read alouds are good for them. You can read nursery rhymes and things to them when they're that age, but also the babies can just listen in on what you're reading aloud to your kids. I started a sign language video with my little guy this weekend, and he likes that too.


For the toys I use with my baby while schooling, well he has a laundry basket of them. I just put the basket on the floor beside him to catch them as he throws overboard, hehe. He goes through all my math manipulatives (plastic unit cubes, the weights off my balance, cups to hold them), a Leap Frog caterpillar, some crepe foam things from Lauri (sorting shapes and colors with pegs, later I'll give him the alphabets). I got him some matching puzzle cards from Meijer that he was drawn too. (match the color in the two objects, goldfish to gold coin, that type thing) I just got him some new stuff like stacking cups and rings. A photo book would be good if I ever got it done. Just lots of little things I can do while guiding my dd in her work or reading aloud. It all works out.


PS. At 6 months old he just chewed a lot. Enjoy the baby, as whatever happens will be fleeting. Soon he'll be sitting doing schoolwork with you. :)

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The more you hold her the worse it will be. Just set her on the floor next to where you are so she can see you and give her plenty of toys to play with (make sure some of them sing, talk, or make some type of noise). I would also get the parents to work with you on this.


BTW, I want to just so heartily disagree with this. If it was humanly possible to mess up a child and make him clingy by holding him too much, my new one would be it. I have literally held him through ALL his naps, had him in the bed beside me at night, on the floor beside me when he learned to crawl. He's stinking fearless and independent!


Hold the sweet baby. Don't tell the parents they should not or should sign onto such a thing. They should follow their hearts at home.


I'll shut up now.

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OhElizabeth... I just have to say that we all have our own opinions, but I completely disagree with your thoughts that holding a baby all the time works well. Now, when they are feeling sick or get a boo-boo, then more snuggle time is necessary, but just on an everyday basis... I don't agree. MAYBE it works fine if it is your own child and you have the time to do it.


However, being a childcare provider for years, I KNOW it would be impossible for me to sit and hold a baby all day long, all through their naps, anytime they cry. That is not fair to the baby, to myself or the other children.


I do have other children to tend to, I homeschool my son and I like to keep my house in order. My children are wonderful! They all go down without any fighting and take great naps. They all play wonderful in the childcare area of my home without them being confined to a booster seat or pack n play. They have a large area to play freely in with many toys and books.


We have music time together, singing time, etc.... I spend lots of time with them, but it is not holding them.


If I had them all expecting to be held all the time... well, first, God didn't give me that many arms, and second, I would go a touch crazy. : )


Getting the parents to cooperate on this IS key if you run an in-home childcare or work with multiple children in any area. If they are held all the time at home, then that is what they come to expect at my house too. My parents have always agreed with me that children don't need to be held all the time. I have never had a problem with that and I have even had some come back and thank me for doing this because they would visit with other friends and see how needy and clingy their children were.


Again, I think if your children stay at home with you and do not have to go to any type childcare, then do what you desire and hold them as much as you want. Then, it is only you that has to deal with it during the day and night.


All my children get plenty of hugs and squeezes and know how loved they are by myself and my whole family. They are all happy and feel very secure in my care.


I can appreciate and respect your decision, but I do have to say that it does definitely depend on the setting that you are working with on a daily basis.


Have a great day everyone! : )

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BTW, I want to just so heartily disagree with this. If it was humanly possible to mess up a child and make him clingy by holding him too much, my new one would be it. I have literally held him through ALL his naps, had him in the bed beside me at night, on the floor beside me when he learned to crawl. He's stinking fearless and independent!


Hold the sweet baby. Don't tell the parents they should not or should sign onto such a thing. They should follow their hearts at home.


I'll shut up now.

I'm not saying to never hold a baby...I would never dream of such a thing!!! I am saying that at 4-6 months or so a baby should be able to have floor time to learn how to pull herself up, hold head up, crawl, etc. and the infant will not get that if they don't learn a little independence. It's for the benefit of the baby most of all!!!


Holding a baby through naps does not teach a baby how to self sooth so they learn how to put themselves to sleep. Everybody loves spending quality time together so you should still rock her and give a bottle but you should be putting them in their bed when still sort of awake so they learn how to do this. Again I'm talking about an older infant not a newborn (they sleep all of the time at the drop of a hat and you would never get any quality time, lol).


As far as having your baby sleep in the bed with you is the worse thing you can do not because of independence but because of danger and health reasons. I am a professional childcare provider, not a babysitter, licensed through the state and I receive several hours of continuing education credits every year along with infant and child cpr and first aid. The horror stories of SIDS and suffocation due to beds being too soft, parents rolling over babies in their sleep, covers being around the babies head, babies face buried in the pillow, etc. For the safety and wellbeing of everyone it is safest to have your baby in a pack n play or crib by your bed sleeping on their backs or on the side if you have a wedge (not something you create or rig) if you still want them in the room with you.


If your baby is sick, which is a lot of reasons why babies get moved to the family bed, you can place a towel underneath the matress so the baby can be elevated for better breathing, again in their own bed. They can be monitored by being in the same room or monitor if in their own room.


There are even cases where babies become overheated from the parents body heat when the parent falls asleep with the baby in their arms, especially if the parent has just taken a shower. I'm not trying to scare anyone but give information to prevent unnecessary tragedies!!


OhElizabeth I'm not picking on you I just thought I would take the opportunity to impart some knowledge on some subjects you brought up that a lot of parents don't know about. I'm sorry if I came across as harsh last night that was not my intention (I will chalk it up to the late hour :)).



Mother to Noah Age 13

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Jennifer, it's always interesting to hear how other people do things! My experience has been so different, I've often wondered. I figure we just all do what we know best and the children still turn out. :)


As far as the co-sleeping, you'd be surprised how many people do it on the boards here. Just do a search on the general board. I started a thread when I was prego, just to see. ;) Oh, and as for safety, absolutely there are hazards. He has a crib right beside our bed with one side down, crib pulled to my bed (sidecar arrangement), and everything leveled out carefully. He nurses then goes right back in his pen. Avoid like the plague leaving him between me and dh. There are safe ways to do it and unsafe, that's for sure.


I do admire people who have their systems and have things all work out with their childcare (baby sleeps this way, this time, down in this manner). Just didn't happen to work out that way for us. Sometimes I ponder how different styles of parenting impact the development and personality of the child, but I really don't know.


Have a great day! :)

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I've never watched anyone else's infants, but have certainly schooled with five month olds over the years. :D


I always think five month olds are the best school companions. They are sweetly between the newborn high needs stage and mobile baby stage. I love, love, love that mobile baby stage, but it is a lot more work! :lol:


My five month olds enjoy sitting on my lap the most. They learn to balance there and within a month are sitting on the floor or sofa beside me, playing with toys. My five month olds still nap twice per day which helps tremendously with teaching time. If you have an overly fussy baby, maybe she is not getting enough sleep? My five month olds also enjoy time in anything that allows them to be upright: bouncer or exersaucer. (We have the latter.)


Oh, one other tip, if baby is sitting on your lap while you're reading aloud, make sure to hand her a toy she doesn't keep grabbing your book. :)



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