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Tomorrow is our "Not back to school celebration!"

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Hey - that's a neat idea!!! This is our first "back to school" not going since I just pulled dd out last December. I have been wondering if she's thinking about things she'll miss, so making it a special day would be really fun! I'm thinking cinnamon rolls for breakfast and a day to relax and play or watch movies and build forts. Thanks for the idea!!

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How fun! I took ds to the ps yesterday for some testing and by the time we left he was begging me to go to "big boy school". I like your idea and we'll be doing that next year - for sure!

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I used to always take my kids to Chuck E Cheese (when they were younger) at the beginning of the year to celebrate "we don't have to go to school" day.


We stopped doing it because so many schools started doing half-days for the first week or so of school, so the p.s. kids would still fill the place up, either with their parents, baby-sitters, daycare, or on some sort of field trip. :(


The park sounds like a great idea, as we can't afford to go anywhere like CEC or IPC right now. It's still so hot and humid here, though, so we'll have to wait until next month maybe...

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We started school last week. PS starts next Tuesday. My mom is coming up on Monday, so we're having a "Not back to school" week. This is our first year to hs. I found out that the water park will be open all next week, so guess where we are going! We may not go the first day of ps, since ds had football practice and will be tired, but we will go the next day. I told the kids they'll have the park to themselves for the most part.

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We'll do ours on Monday. :) At our house everyone gets a new pair of pajamas, I attempt taking portrait worthy pics of them, we make pizza, play too many video games, go to the park and/or the children's museum (in those pjs!), make lists of what we want to learn this year, and tell fond memories from last year.

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Do all the kids go? My kids are 12 & 13. They're not so much into playgrounds anymore. Where does the time go? I remember the time I had to stand there and push them on the swing because they couldn't get the hang of pumping!


Do you do anything special for the older ones?


Yes, all the kids 16 on down came. At first the teens just sat on the side but before I knew it they were all on the swings/climbing thingie, going down the slide etc. They all had a blast! :D

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Love it! We do the same thing every year. There is a metropark that has a creek with a natural rock "slide" and it's a fun place to play and explore. It's *always* crowded. But not on the first day of school and we have a blast! (Or we do another park or eat out or whatever. Great fun! lol)

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