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need snack/dessert list

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My husband wants to start having a snack/dessert after dinner everynight. But I'm clueless on ideas. They can be sweet like cake or cookies or other like chip and dip. All I have so far is different fruit pies and chocolate chip cookies and chips and salsa or cake. Can you help with ideas?

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Is this just because he's still hungry after dinner or has a sweet tooth or something? I'm the opposite because I don't want my kids thinking they get to be in the habit of having sweets after dinner.


But, we do sometimes have ice cream, or yogurt (I get the small ones and poke a popcicle stick in it to make an ice cream), pudding, fruit (esp strawberries with a little choc syrup or Nutella), ice cream sandwiches, jello.


Are you hoping for healthy options or just snack ideas?

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I was trying to have more options, but I decided about a month ago that I would buy--

Graham Crackers,

little marshmallow (not often--once they're gone, they're gone),

Saltine Crackers.


Once every week or two, I'll make muffins or cake--but with 2 boys eating and a dh with a sweet tooth, it only lasts a day or two.


So then they're back to Graham Crackers or saltines. Simplify!



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cheese and crackers are my husband's favorite.

cheese melted on taco chips

peanut butter and bread or crackers

apples and cheese or peanut butter

hard boiled eggs

grilled chicken breast

cream cheese and bagels


I have always heard eating after dinner is a bad thing. If this is true, is there any way to change his lifestyle?

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I have a huge sweet tooth and now the little girls are expecting dessert after dinner. Here a few of my recent concotions:


Real pudding served in a fancy martini glass (for fun)

Rice pudding

Smores (graham crackers, chocolate, marshmellow in microwave)

Bread (sweet stuff like zucchini or banana bread, toasted with a bit of butter)

Already cooked rice served warm with a bit of milk and sugar

Cookies (bake a big batch and then freeze them - only take out a few when you need them)


Sounds like we're big junk food eaters but we try not to be. We just like a bite or two of sweets in the evening.

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Due to easy weight gain, we avoid regular snacking and only do a dessert for lunch (mostly for kids).


A dear friend has a hubby who loves a night snack & my grandparents always had one.....


friend eats NUTTY BARS (little debbie, I think)


grandparents ate small serving of ice cream or a small bowl of cereal... my great-grandfather used to eat a piece of cornbread or biscuit crumbled up in a glass of milk (he loved it).


** If by some chance my crew ate supper extremely early or were very active after dinner (swimming, etc)and are ravenous.... we will have peanut butter & crackers (saltines) and a glass of milk.

Edited by Dirtroad
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We like popcorn with parmesan and black pepper (sometimes, I get really decadent and make it with garlic butter, parm and pepper). Or I'll make a jar of trail mix (granola, nuts, dried fruit, chocolate chips) for snacks.


These are absolutely AMAZING. Seriously. They are my new favorite way to pimp zucchini and not lose friends.


Ok, now I'm feeling snacky.

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