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When you have 'me' time...

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When you have 'me' time (which happens about, what, once a year, right?? ;) ), what do you do?? This can be in your home or outside of it, but it's JUST for you.


I love to go to the bookstore or flea markets. Rarely I will get a pedicure or give myself one. If some of my friends are available in an evening, we might go out to dinner and/or to a club. These ideas all seem like they're getting old, though, and I'm looking for a fresh take. Thought I'd ask you ladies/gents. :)


Edited to say I don't like movies since I like to be able to talk/move if I'm getting out by myself for a few hours!

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I scrapbook. I love it & was able to do it regularly & stay current until DH took job out of state. He is only home on weekends (now in state job but still 2.5 hours from home). I never seem to get to work on it. With baby due in October... I am even more pessimistic.


I tease them abotu getting a hotel room for a weekend & leaving them. Just quiet, cable, a good tub, and that would be divine!

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I get plenty of me time and have done for years (you'll see, it will come!).

One thing I do is go to a weekly Yoga class that a girlfriend also goes to. We do the class next to each other, groaning in commeriseration over the difficult poses, then have a chat afterwards. Otherwise, I am really not good at staying in touch with my friends unless they are homeschooling mums I see because of the kids.

I take off a week each year to do a retreat. I take weekends off here and there to go to workshops. On Sunday I went to an SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism- a medieval reenactment group) day of workshops, without my family and it was great to connect with people as an indepedent identity.

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I do go enjoy seeing movies, so I do that some. I'll go with friends or just by myself.


More often, I go to a bookstore. I get a nice coffee and actually...MEANDER...instead of rushing. I get books off the shelf and sit and read. But, I tend to spend too much money when I do this.:tongue_smilie:


So, the last few times...I've been going to the library. I don't go in the kids section. I head straight for the adult part and look through books that *I* want to read. Then, I'll stop by Starbucks with my library books in hand.


I scrapbook some.


I eat a quiet meal at a restaraunt that *I* like... Usually Panera or something similar.


Sometimes, I have dh take the kids out while I get something done around the house. There are times when this is rejuvenating and times when I'd scratch my eyes out if dh suggested it.


Usually, what I am needing more than anything is just quiet. Time to move slow, think, browse....


FWIW: I think I'm having a mid-life...not crisis...but rejuvenation. We're finished having kids and my current kids are old enough not to throw a fit when daddy's going to have them for a bit. I'm taking violin with my oldest (a dream of mine.) I've got some Latin books coming from the library for ME. I'm looking for a book club. I'm really thinking how I want to spend "My next 30 years" to borrow from the song. My family is a HUGE part of that and homeschooling will continue, but I'm ready to develop a little identity apart from that.

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Most days I run/walk for an hour or so. If no one is home I get a movie, sushi or steakout and whatever dessert I am craving at the moment(usually tarimisu, sheer bliss icecream or ben and jerry's cherry garcia ice cream) and just go home and enjoy the quiet. Otherwise, I like to browse around our new outdoor mall, hobby lobby, or a bookstore.

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I usually end up in a bookstore if I go out by myself, which is rare. I like to buy myself a book or magazine and just sit and read with a good cup of coffee.


If I'm home by myself I try not to do housework (it's hard to ignore things). I will find an old classic movie to watch or read without interruption.


I also have some time in the early mornings to myself after dh goes to work and before the kids get up. I waste time on here usually. I'm planning to start spending more of that time on my self-education instead. My son is going to pass me in Latin this year if I don't get with it. I ordered both of us Wheelocks for this year and I would like to stay ahead of him.

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