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Starting school today

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We are officially taking the plunge today. Dc will get up in about 30 min. and get ready for today. We're starting slow since it is our first year. Just about 2 hours worth. After school, we're going to lunch. They have free Pizza Hut coupons from the library (we may even go for ice cream with more coupons!) They've been so bored, I decided it is time. PS starts in 2 weeks.

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PS starts for my younger dd today, but we actually started hs for my older dd last Monday. Like you, we decided to ease into it. Watched and read all the orientation materials together over the weekend, then started one subject on Monday, added another on Tuesday, and so on.


Today we add Spanish and Logic. Can't start science because the curriculum is delayed with the publisher until 8/31, but I'm ok with that because it gives her more time to focus on what she has now. Her Friday enrichment class doesn't start until 8/28, either.


Good luck! I'm sure all of we newbies will be just fine. I hope. :D

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we're starting this morning in just a few minutes. However, not off to a good start with door slamming and yelling upstairs (not school related).:boxing_smiley:


I just hate this stuff. They're either best friends or mortal enemies. Can you guess how this morning is leaning?

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Ok, I know it is the first day. I only had them do math, write in their journal (with writing prompt) and read 1 hour (they have done this all summer). It took ds an hour and a half to do math, and dd 2 hours. Math is their best subject, they just had a hard time focusing. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! We went to lunch, so dd is still finishing up. Hopefully tomorrow will take less than an hour for math. There is nothing they can't do, it is just getting them to do it. They want to talk about it instead of doing it! And heaven forbid that I should make them do anything their ps teachers didn't, like show your work!

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