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Calling Dr. Mom's...

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My dd6 has a red bump just above the crease of her elbow. It is the size of dime, red, with a head (not white and pus-filled, but there is a head), and hard. It hurts her when we touch it. I noticed it on Tuesday. Any one know what it could possibly be? I know you aren't doctors, but, hey, we are moms and that's really close! :) We like to treat stuff naturally as much as possible and have been using oregano oil, echinachea/goldenseal and doubling up on acidolphus and vitamin c. Topically, we've been using tea tree oil and Neosporin. My own research turns up either a spider bite or staph. I didn't know until I was researching that staph can sometimes be mistaken for spider bites. Any ideas??? I plan on going to the dr. if it doesn't clear up, but would like to treat it naturally. Is there something really good that I could use naturally that I don't know about? Should I increase dosage on what I'm already using? Where can I look for guidance on using natural stuff to heal things like this? If I need to get to the dr. asap, tell me that too. Thanks!

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One important ? Is the area hot to the touch? Spiders and other creepy crawlies can cause a infection at the cellular level that can continue to worsen. Is the head colored at all? Def. continue to watch and see if the size of it grows if it does or other discoloration occurs then bring them to the doctor to be seen. Cold compresses help to alleviate discomfort some. Good luck.

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Cellulitis? Keep an eye on it, definitely take her if it gets bigger or does not go away. Does she seem to have less energy than usual or say she's tired? That was a big sign for me. My lump was in a different place, but it took serious antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

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It really sounds like a boil from your description. They are large (dime sized or bigger), have a head that is mostly red like the bump, but sometimes turns white or yellow, and they hurt to the touch. Google "boil photo" and see if any of those look similar. If it is a boil (which is really just a staph infection), you can apply warm compresses 2-3 times a day and try to get it to come to a head and pop. Don't pop it yourself, though as it can spread the infection.

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Also pay very close attention and see if there is any 'streaking'. If there are red lines going away from the site, it absolutely needs to be seen ASAP.


Honestly, since its been there since Tues, I'd take her in tomorrow if possible.

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Without a picture of it its hard to say. It could be staph/MRSA , a spider bite or a boil.

Here is a good website to help you tell what it could be. http://www.staph-infection-resources.com/mrsa-pictures.html

I would seriously take your child in though to be checked out and cultured just to be sure. That is the only way to tell between it just being a staph infection or MRSA.

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Update? Hope dd (and you) are feeling better today.



I almost posted a new thread, but then thought I would just search for my old one. We went to the dr. and she said it's staph/boil and that sulpha meds are the best to treat. Okay, this mom's antennae went up immediately. One, my mother had a scary reaction to sulpha meds and said to stay away from them. Two, close friends of my parent's had a grandson die of Stevens-Johnsons syndrome last year from new ADD med. Although SJ is rare, sulpha meds are the main cause. The dr. even told me this, but continued to say that was the best treatment. She said there were other meds we could try, but they probably wouldn't be effective and I could tell she really wanted to treat her with sulpha. (even after the SJ conversation) One other med was Omnicef, the other was another strong med that I can't recall that tastes like burnt rubber and can only be done in liquid form. If those didn't work, then sulpha would be next. So, if we tried the other meds then that means my 52 pound dd would have up to three meds in her system over a period of time before it could possibly go away. So, I continued what I was doing already (vit. c, acidolphous, etc.) and I also have been using essential oils (Young Living oils) since last Friday. It looks tons better as far as redness and the warmth to the touch is gone, but the knot still hasn't decreased in size and has not drained. She doesn't have a fever (never has), hasn't acted sick at all, nothing of concern, just this thing on her arm. I've been using a warm compress, but maybe not enough. I'm going to start putting the warm compress on 3 times a day for 20 minutes. I'm consulting with the naturopath/herbalist from whom I bought the oils, but I thought I would see if any of you could share your experience and/or knowledge regarding boils, staph, essential oils treatment, etc., etc. Also, any ideas for a good warm compress to use? The warm washcloth just doesn't stay warm long. Could I wrap a heating blanket around it with a towel for protection? I know I've asked a lot, but thanks for the help and input.

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We've always used Ichthamol (sp) salve on boils. It is a thick, black, smelly salve, also called drawing salve. Put a dab on and bandaid it. Change once or twice a day and it usually comes to a head and pops. Then you can use Neosporin or other antibacterial on it.


Never heard of it. Thanks. Where do you get it?

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Go to the pharmacy and buy a clay compress kit. You heat up the clay pack in the microwave for a minute and then Velcro the thing to your daughter's arm. The clay holds heat for a long time.


Bring it to a head and then when it pops, put on the Neosporin. Strong antibiotics as well.

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I think what you are doing sounds good.

As long as it isnt getting worse and spreading etc, I honestly tend to think these things will resolve themselves. Her own system will deal with it, but it could take a while.


Thank you. Duration is what I've been wondering about. My internet research from, MD's mainly, says it should have come to a head in a week to 10 days. My grandmother's life experience says it could last a month. :) She also said they put bacon on them to draw out the fluid. I guess the salt in it helped that. I saw in my research a suggestion to put an epsom salt paste on it. I guess that's the same idea and I'm going to try it. I'm glad to hear you say it could take awhile. That makes me feel better. It's not getting worse. I know it's a slow process when you go the natural route.

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Go to the pharmacy and buy a clay compress kit. You heat up the clay pack in the microwave for a minute and then Velcro the thing to your daughter's arm. The clay holds heat for a long time.


Bring it to a head and then when it pops, put on the Neosporin. Strong antibiotics as well.


Thank you for this! I had no idea such a thing existed.

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We've always used Ichthamol (sp) salve on boils. It is a thick, black, smelly salve, also called drawing salve. Put a dab on and bandaid it. Change once or twice a day and it usually comes to a head and pops. Then you can use Neosporin or other antibacterial on it.


How long does it usually take for it to come to a head when you use this ointment? I got some today and started using it. It already looked like a blister was forming on top after one application. I'll continue until it pops, of course, but just wondering what your experience was.

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got several boils on her legs years ago and we used the Icthamol (sp?..old timers called it black drawing salve)....oh my word, it worked fast and so good. Give it a couple days, if that long, and it will def come to a head and pop! Good stuff.

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got several boils on her legs years ago and we used the Icthamol (sp?..old timers called it black drawing salve)....oh my word, it worked fast and so good. Give it a couple days, if that long, and it will def come to a head and pop! Good stuff.


Great to know! That's what I needed to hear. I hope it works the same for us. Thanks.

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How long does it usually take for it to come to a head when you use this ointment? I got some today and started using it. It already looked like a blister was forming on top after one application. I'll continue until it pops, of course, but just wondering what your experience was.


Usually a day or two to come to a head, but can take up to 2 weeks if it is deep. I have had one when I was a teen that had several heads in it and seemed to take forever to heal.

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I had staph all over my face about 2.5 years ago for a week before I went to the doc and found out what it was. I have reactions to lots of abx, so I ended up basically doing what you are doing. Lots of oil of oregano orally and tea tree/melaleuca oil on the spots. It took 3 weeks to go away and it did come back once a few months later. So far no more trouble in over 18 months, so hang in there and it should go away.

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