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Okay!! I am really ready...

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to stick some C-4 on to the t.v. set and blow it to smithereens!! I swear I can't stand the darn thing!! It is ALWAYS on!!! My husband turns it on the second he comes home from work and it stays on until he goes to bed at night. It stays on even during dinner when he watches the news! With the kids home all summer and the noise level from them all day long and then the tv all night long I feel like I"m losing my mind!!


Can I just say how lucky you ladies are that do reading in the evenings!! Can I come play at your house?? :p ;) hehe :rant:

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DH and I have been promising each other that we will "turn it off tomorrow" (unplug, cancel, proverbially blow up) for about 2 months now. I WANT IT OFF! Not sure why we keep putting it off...I'm so much more relaxed when it is off, I read, crochet, etc...and go to bed at a decent hour.


Get the C-4 Ibby, I'm behind you 100%!!!!:cheers2:

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This used to be us. I had a very difficult discussion with my dh about how I didn't like all the attention being on the TV when he got home at night. He listened and together we came up with a schedule. When he's had a particularly hard day at work, vegging in front of the tele is in order. Other times we play games or Wii together. Of course, this is a non issue during spring and fall/winter when all of our sports are going.

I don't think TV is bad. I think moderation is everything. Maybe if you gently explained to him how you feel you could find some middle ground.

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I've always hated tv (I'm a reader). Unfortunately, my DH loves it. I enjoy watching the occasional movies a few times a month or playing games a few times a year, but he has it on all the time. I don't know what C-4 is, but I've been seriously thinking about cancelling our service. :)


A few days ago I finished our family reading room and now we're all spending a bit of time reading, when before he never would have thought about it.

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I agree! My 3 and 5 year olds don't seem to notice they're missing "their shows" until my oldest wakes up and flips on the tube. Very aggravating!


This morning we had all the tv's and radios off (for once) and my husband commented on how peaceful it was. Totally worth it! I'm finding that my mind and spirit are more settled without the extra noise:001_smile:

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Set a goal for yourselves to cut it off - or, rather, give your DH a deadline - that is, if you really want to cut it off. My DH and I decided that we would cancel our cable the morning after the last episode of a season of American Idol - way back when Ruben Studdard beat Clay Aiken (if that's not ancient reality TV history, I don't know what is). We haven't had it since.


If there are still a couple of shows you want to catch, a lot of the networks provide streaming for their shows - they usually put them on their sites the day after the show airs.


By the way, it was VERY hard at first, but we love the freedom now!

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I've always hated tv (I'm a reader). Unfortunately, my DH loves it. I enjoy watching the occasional movies a few times a month or playing games a few times a year, but he has it on all the time. I don't know what C-4 is, but I've been seriously thinking about cancelling our service. :)


A few days ago I finished our family reading room and now we're all spending a bit of time reading, when before he never would have thought about it.


I love this!!! Too bad we do not have a spare room. We're squished as it is.

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DH and I have been promising each other that we will "turn it off tomorrow" (unplug, cancel, proverbially blow up) for about 2 months now. I WANT IT OFF! Not sure why we keep putting it off...I'm so much more relaxed when it is off, I read, crochet, etc...and go to bed at a decent hour.


Get the C-4 Ibby, I'm behind you 100%!!!!:cheers2:



If I find a recipe for it I'll let you know! ;) :p hehe


This used to be us. I had a very difficult discussion with my dh about how I didn't like all the attention being on the TV when he got home at night. He listened and together we came up with a schedule. When he's had a particularly hard day at work, vegging in front of the tele is in order. Other times we play games or Wii together. Of course, this is a non issue during spring and fall/winter when all of our sports are going.

I don't think TV is bad. I think moderation is everything. Maybe if you gently explained to him how you feel you could find some middle ground.


That's a really good suggestion, Kalah!! I know I have to do something. Moderation would be great, it's better than nothing.


I've always hated tv (I'm a reader). Unfortunately, my DH loves it. I enjoy watching the occasional movies a few times a month or playing games a few times a year, but he has it on all the time. I don't know what C-4 is, but I've been seriously thinking about cancelling our service.


A few days ago I finished our family reading room and now we're all spending a bit of time reading, when before he never would have thought about it.


Oh my gosh that reading room is GORGEOUS!! Yes I definitely want to come play at your house!! :) Wow!! I would love something like that!! I am a reader too and I have always wanted to create a little reading nook in my bedroom with my bookshelves behind on the wall, a nice comfortable plushy chair by the window and a round table to keep a book on or a magazine, something to make it look inviting you know? :)


BTW, here is C-4 :p hehe






I agree! My 3 and 5 year olds don't seem to notice they're missing "their shows" until my oldest wakes up and flips on the tube. Very aggravating!


This morning we had all the tv's and radios off (for once) and my husband commented on how peaceful it was. Totally worth it! I'm finding that my mind and spirit are more settled without the extra noise:001_smile:


I sometimes stay up ( okay I'll admit it I A LOT of times stay up) very late at night just for the sake of the quiet. I need it to settle my nerves and calm down before I go to bed or I just cannot relax. Last night I stayed up late cleaning the house before going to bed and I couldn't relax at all and I tossed and turned for hours before sleep finally came. For me I just have to have some quiet time to decompress. I think we should all go read at Satori's house! :p hehe

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Gorgeous room, Angela!

I love the gutter shelves!!


OP: I hate background noise. Especially the commercials and news.

Cable is the one thing I told my boyfriend I would never have.

And if he wanted to live with me, he would have to get over it. He did.

We read tons of books. There is never a TV in my main living room.

We do have one in the basement (or family room depending on which house we are living in).


I appreciate a good movie and don't mind a TV in the bedroom for occasional good movies before bed or when I can not sleep.

But for the most part it's books, books, books.


I am actually quite a judgemental person....when I walk into someone's house and they have lots of books, I think they are smart.

My SIL has none. Not even a book shelf in the kids' bedroom! I avoid her like the plague because she asks the most stupid insulting questions. I seriously don't think she has read a book since required to do so in highschool.


"Do you really think you are smart enough to teach (dd) everything she needs to know?"

(Ummmm....not EVERYTHING she EVER needs to know in this life, but elementary education - absolutely!)


"Aren't you worried about social skills?"

(Yes, because I lock her in the basement as soon school is over and I never take her anywhere and we have no friends and I never let her out in the world without me......)


"Don't you think blah blah blah?"

All of her insults are cleverly veiled as questions.


Her TV is on ALL DAY LONG.

I can not stand talking above or competing with it.

And don't get me started on the commercials and brainwashing our kids early.

To say nothing of ignorant adults who actually believe that commercials are telling the truth!

I mean, do they really think foundation is healthy for their skin because Cover Girl adds a few anti oxidants?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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We've never had cable, but that doesn't keep my hubby from finding something to watch. hehehe He just loves tv so much. He's a smart guy, but I think he just is a very audio person. To me I will listen to music and enjoy that a great deal, but for "voices" I would rather do without. I would rather curl up with a book in the quiet than listen to a book on tape or have the tv and radio on in the backround. I think my hubby must get some kind of comfort from it to have all that backround noise or something because there are times when he will have the tv on, the computer playing a video from a podcast or news commentary and will have the radio on talk radio ALL. AT. THE. SAME. TIME. I feel like I'm going insane!! I dont' know how he can stand it!! But he grew up with a lot of extended family in the same house and so I'm sure the voices are a comfort to him. Maybe I just need to invest in some ear plugs! :p

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We have our only tv (other than a little mini counter one in the kitchen which I only watch on big "news days") in an 'bonus room' upstairs.


I *will not* have a tv in the main part of the house. I simply can't deal with the noise. If we had one in the main part of the house, I would be hiding in my bedroom with ear plugs. I can. not. handle. noise.


So for me, I would either broker a deal where you move the tv to a place that is "his" OR you agree that it's not on until whatever time you are done with dinner/chores and can go hide.

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We just unplugged the cable this last week! Thankfully we have a Media center, so when we did have it we only watched what we recorded and skipped all commercials (my kids are very annoyed by commercials and can never understand why other people watch them). However, we decided that it was best to not have it at all. I joined Netflix, and we'll watch a few things that way. I guess it was me that was hanging onto it :blushing:; dh could careless about tv.


Go for it! I'll pray that your dh will come around.

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How funny. I feel the same way. In fact so much so that I am contemplating calling a tv repairman to ask him how to destroy one without it being too obvious. Serious. I really am. And I don't even have it so bad. We have no cable, antenna, nothing. Just a dvd player and I still can't stand it.:tongue_smilie:

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My DH has avoidant attachment thanks to neglect as a baby, and he *hides* from people by going into a shell of distraction using tv or some such. I wish he's hide with something quieter.


But I hope to help him work on overcoming it now that we finally figured out the problem. I asked him to read "Giving the Love That Heals" by Harville Hendrix.

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